that general principle of how the device suppose to work is rather clear but unfortunately also rather vague, the problem is either in the details or that general principle is wrong.
I have made 2 different versions over the years (with all kind of modifications) but the outcomes are very similar in that the resonance peaks of the Grenade L5 and Inductor L4 are impossible to match, and when activating the kacher it dims the Grenade output.
But as you can see in this thread, there are so many variables and parameters that can be tuned that it is no wonder nobody here can show any results.
I still have the device on my bench and still am doing some modifications, but up till now i am stuck with where i was and thus nothing to report.
Also the fact that so little other builders are reporting anything is not encouraging, so hopefully you can add some enthusiasm to this thread.
Regards Itsu
Thanks so much Itsu. I have been waiting to hear from you and I have been so hopeful especially when you show details of your expectations.
I have suggestions to make.
1. Why not check the natural frequency of your grenade . Presumably, L5 once again. In my case I use square wave signal set to Ikhz 12vdc. The frequency play vital role in everything to do with this device. My thinking.
Some people might want to use sine wave, which is better. By this you are looking for the maximum amplitude of signal.
2.Get a kacher, build one. They are all in the internet. Fly out the 4 terminals of your inductor and grenade, that is L4 and L5. Connect diode bridge to your L5 and a voltimeter to read voltage at the range of 750-1000volts. Your Tesla coil should be long enough to accommodate segmentation half way to "0"volts , maybe 7cm interval. Fire up the system and read voltage. You with come to a place that you will get maximum voltage in your voltimeter.
That place, more often than not, corresponds to your L5 freq. It might also be so if it's sub-harmonic of it or the grenade is sub-harmonic of the Tesla. Check which passes more current by connecting a bulb, preference, car light bulb.. you have just marked Tesla wire length. Slide to improve.
3. Take reading of your Tesla freq. by scope , some distance from antenna by using you cursor manually. Send power to your control Tesla, adjust frequency to same frequency of tesla coil freq. or resonance freq. of grenade. This ensures maximum power Transfer to Tesla and good coupling between Tesla and grenade.
4. Ensure the push-pull freq. is sub-harmonic of grenade,L5.
5. The purpose of kacher was delivered, you may disconnect it.
6. Set push-pull freq.naturally adjust to resonance with cap suggestion. Preferably, get some 100n/2kv polypropylene cap at hand.. keep adding them in parallel.
7. Do your CT tuning again, which you already know, this time adjust cap in L5 too.for this L5, get some handful of 10n/1kv
These are my laid down procedure I wish to follow.
It is worthy to note that your grenade freq. might be too low as expected, maybe in the range of 700khz and 900khz. Do what guitarist would do, make it harder. Then you increase frequency.
I think if you add aluminum foil it will step up frequency
I hope it will help.