As mentioned earlier i have reinstalled the Grenade L5 / Inductor L4, but still have removed the ferrite gizmo. I decommissioned the DECT telephones for the time being to be able to do some measurements. I still run with continued pulses into the MOSFET driver and optimized the frequency to match the kacher/antenna resonance frequency which at the moment without the ferrite gizmo seems to be 1.5Mhz (45% duty cycle). Push pull DC output is 213V and lights a 25W bulb. Kacher output seems better as i can pull 0.4mm purple streamers from a screwdriver. With kacher active the push pull DC output drops to 209V, so the kacher seems to have some influence. 24V input to Kacher MOSFET pulls about 2A causing the MOSFET to reach about 45°C, but the 2 Ohm drain resistor reach 70° C or so. Video here: video shows some probing using the 2 led / pickup coil (H field) and the neon (E field), but i think the light is to bright for the latter to be seen. We still have the node somewhere above the middle of the kacher secondary coil. Video here: