PW: Ruslan had shown on his videos that he used sink drain pipe for the grenade/Kacher former tube. That is what I used, also. But, as the grenade and inductor coils can get quite hot, it's best to support the middle as well as the ends of the grenade, so it won't sag. It might melt, but it won't sag... So, the drain pipe was used and tested by Ruslan, and it worked for him. It is thinner than the regular pvc pipe. The humidity here right now, is 85%. And it's not even raining. It's not just cardboard that gets damp. Everything does here, and HV runs on the outside of the coils. Mine all full of humidity and salt. Most self runner are shown using PVC pipe, although Ruslan used the sink drain pipe. If the Kacher is not on the same tube as the grenade, things might work differently. And, if they are too close to each other, that can also affect things. There may be a good reason to place both grenade and kacher on the same tube. But, who knows. In the video below, you can see that Stalker also used the sink drain pipe, as well as the cardboard Kacher former. At least that's how it looks to me. Here he is showing how to tune his Kacher circuit to the grenade. NickZ
« Last Edit: 2021-07-25, 17:52:10 by NickZ »