Itsu: Ok, thanks for the link. So, I watched it, but it's pretty hard to understand what is really going on. In any case, it's not the three mosfet, 2sc5200 transistor circuit that we contemplated some years ago. But, instead the single mosfet kacher circuit. So, we'll see how it goes with your new Kacher circuit. Seams a much simpler build. But, I wonder which version actually works best, or even at all, to actually interact properly.
Vasik: I think that in order to fully understand your transcript of the above mentioned kacher circuits, I would need to watch the Stalker video, while reading your pdf's on my phone, at the same time. Yet, I think that the actual tuning part is the most difficult and most complicated to understand from his videos. But, my intention is to adapt my existing TL494 induction circuit to control my existing simple kacher. If possible, as I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel, just trying to make it work like it should.