From my point of view there is very little value in theorizing how thing works until it is actually works
I only asked a question about any doubts regarding my conclusions about the E & H fields that the yoke is subjected to. Only Picowatt wrote a valid doubt, making and alternative proposition that the PP is the source of the energy for the E-field between L2 and L3 - not the Kacher alone. I did not ask what is the response of the ferrite to these E & H fields. I asked you (plural) to consider that there could be an unexpected response. - I am not proposing changing the tuning motions that you had translated. By all means go ahead and do all that.
- I am not proposing changes to the circuit at this time.
- I am not leading Itsu and other builders to use different components.
However anyone (including you) you that does not insist that the ferrite material is exactly the same as the author's is effectively leading builders to use a different component and deviate from the original design. If you reply that the yoke is just a simple transformer where nothing unusual happens or the material of the ferrite does not matter or it only needs to be LF, then it will be you who is theorizing. Just remember that if you (plural) fail to make the Output power > PP power + Kacher power (or the sought intermediate waveforms) then the most likely culprit is the imprecise replication of one key component, namely the Yoke. FYI: Even a conventional cored transformer is a very complicated device.