I have replaced R17 with a 8.2KOhm resistor and with U7 (IR2110) removed and its pin 1 wired to +15V, i have 130mA @ 12V running through the collector.
I reinstalled U7 (IR2110), removed U10 and wire its pins 10, 12 and 13 to +12V and still have the 130mA running through the collector. So now IR2110 pin 10 is 0V, pin 12 is +12V, pin 7 is 0V and pin 1 is +13.3V activating Q3 and thus Q5 etc.
Not sure what happened yesterday during that same last setup but i never had the 12V PS show the 130mA current, nor did i saw +15V on IR2110 pin 1.
Anyway, after reinstalling all the chips etc. and firing up the kacher, the "umph" seems gone now from the kacher as the 12V PS for the primary coil shows no current and a NE-2 neon does not light up. The scope probe near by does show some minimal activity (typical switched kacher ringing signal).
I now probably need more voltage (100V) on the collector to get the "umph" back.