What I did, was to place and extend the whole 37.5 meter grenade line on the ground. Then fold that into two equally sized parts, and I marked it there. Then take that, and fold it in half, to obtain the other two coils sizes. And wind it like as shown in the Ruslan diagrams, to get to those points, regardless of the exact same number of turns. I don't know if I can explain it well, nor if I can even remember it well, as it's been a while. I hope that is correct. IF not, please let me know. So, is the goal here to have the LC resonance point match the frequency of the highest or best wave resonant point? Or a harmonic of it...? Dr. Stiffler also had mentioned of finding the "Spacial Resonant point", first. And that the coils should be tuned to that frequency, or fraction of it's wave length. I think that itsu may remember the Doc, and his ideas about finding something from nothing, or out of thin air. Did you say that Stalker only needed to make 25 grenades to get one that finally works? That is encouraging...
« Last Edit: 2021-04-10, 16:22:07 by NickZ »