Smudge, i saw the thermocouple tests on, so i tried something similar. Nowadays most DMM's come with a temperature sensing capability, also some i have. There is some setup box in which the thermocouple is plugged in and connected to the DMM. I guess this setup box converts/filters some very small voltages to something to be read by the DMM, something like the amplifier box from Graham Gunderson i think. So i used a strong neo magnet to see if the original single thermocouple saw any change (which it did) and then used my home made AL-CU double thermocouple connected to this setup box. This last setup did not show any change when the magnet was stationary, only strong fluctuations when approaching or leaving this AL-CU thermocouple combo. But there was some increase (2°) when the neo was placed on the original thermocouple coming with the DMM and a return to "normal" temperature when removed. 2 out of 3 DMM equipped with such a temp capability showed the increase (Voltcraft (2°) and Fluke 179 (1.5°), the el cheapo MG890G not). Video here: Itsu