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2025-04-01, 00:22:23
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Author Topic: Anyone for another round of Meyer's WFC  (Read 14139 times)
Jr. Member

Posts: 77
This is something that all people serious doing this work should read:


Brutal honesty. Still, I appreciate the revelation.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
very interesting if indeed written by his son. There are some interesting Youtube interviews with him also.
Jr. Member

Posts: 77
very interesting if indeed written by his son. There are some interesting Youtube interviews with him also.

Yes there is a 3 part seminar by him and he gives the impression that his water fracturing technique is
still work in progress. That really shakes ones trust in the patent system.
Jr. Member

Posts: 77

Polarization of water molecules at a charged interface: second harmonic studies of the silica/water interface

Hero Member

Posts: 704
Mmm beware smoke and mirrors - what you see on the web and think is research - others do too . the 'others' however  lever the content.



kind regards Duncan

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Full Member

Posts: 152
According to this research sunlight produces an external electric field and substantially increases gas production.


Could an external electrostatic field be substituted for sunlight?

'Tis better to try and fail than never try at all
Jr. Member

Posts: 77

I have just made one of my ideas public. It is about a new kind of WFC.
If you like you can take a look here:

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1961
Microwave ovens work by using a specific frequency (about 2.5GHz if I remember correctly) where water molecules absorb most energy.  As there are plenty of magnetrons available from old ovens, has anyone tried using these to enhance the electrolysis of water?  Are molecules vibrating at that frequency more likely to split?

Jr. Member

Posts: 77

Could an external electrostatic field be substituted for sunlight?

See my previous post.

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 3024

Buy me a beer
Microwave ovens work by using a specific frequency (about 2.5GHz if I remember correctly) where water molecules absorb most energy.  As there are plenty of magnetrons available from old ovens, has anyone tried using these to enhance the electrolysis of water? Are molecules vibrating at that frequency more likely to split?


No, the molecule will only split with the use of two frequencies and they are not specific to any frequency but they have to be different. There are different ways to say how it works and one is like putting a wooden ruler half under an A4 sheet of paper on the edge of the table and hit the end that is overhanging and breaks the ruler at the point of balance, or a see-saw where you suddenly change the frequency at one end. I have taught this for many years but it just does not seem to sink in and I'm not in a position to spoon-feed or demonstrate.

Nothing against you Smudge O0 I'm talking to the crowd ;)

Number one son leaving tomorrow so will be firing up STEAP :D


Mike 8)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860

As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.
Jr. Member

Posts: 77
Microwave ovens work by using a specific frequency (about 2.5GHz if I remember correctly) where water molecules absorb most energy.  As there are plenty of magnetrons available from old ovens, has anyone tried using these to enhance the electrolysis of water?  Are molecules vibrating at that frequency more likely to split?

A key is just a piece of metal but if you don't know how the inside of the barrol how cut the groves.
This seem's to be the case with microwave.

From memory ( I could be wrong ), there was the case of a guy in Newzealand who ran his motorbike on water by processing it in the microwave.
And there was another myth that there was a guy who charged water 14 times in the microwave.

I believe in the first case the guy was put under 24 hour protection for his own safety and then the story died.

Personally I don't trust anyone and any source. I can only trust my own work but have nothing to declare as of yet.

Understand that the strengh of the New world Order hinges on the strenght of the currency of it. Look at the back
of the dollar bill. Free energy would collapse their system overnight. If you are researching free energy you are a
threat to the system.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
 you are a
threat to the system.

its nice you bring a topic for experimenting and some interesting ideas.

maybe we could just discuss experiments ?

we are all quite aware of ...........................................
the Monster

We are here to try and make a better world for the next generation
and do the "right" thing for this world.

so far... its the only one we have.

and actually as I type... there are billions of people with the same hope and dream ....in Labs and universities schoolyards shops/garages and kitchen tables

and they are connected [INSTANTLY}like never before with super computers at their fingertips .....with practically every piece of knowledge every pondered.

times they are a changing



Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Understand that the strengh of the New world Order hinges on the strenght of the currency of it. Look at the back
of the dollar bill. Free energy would collapse their system overnight. If you are researching free energy you are a
threat to the system.

I would disagree and what we call Free Energy is simply renewable energy available 24/7 everywhere versus the other energy forms. As well we can go offgrid with solar panels and Tesla wall batteries and an electric car anytime if we have the money. So we already have the equivalent of Free Energy with renewables and the system has not collapsed. In Canada 60% of all power generation already comes from hydro-power and we have the technology to go 100% renewable if there was a will to. I don't believe this fear mongering for a second.

Personally I think most are chasing smoke and mirrors. Meyer's water fuel circuits remained basically the same over a wide range of devices so it seems obvious to me the magic wasn't in the water cell it was in the circuitry. I suspect Meyer's accidentally built a FE device while experimenting with circuits to drive his water fuel cell which is simply a water capacitor/electrolyzer. A simple capacitor does not produce FE therefore it must have been the WFC and the circuitry which produced FE.

Everyone is obsessed with the water capacitor electrolyzer however what if the Meyer's circuit doesn't even need the WFC to produce FE?.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
A key is just a piece of metal but if you don't know how the inside of the barrol how cut the groves.
This seem's to be the case with microwave.

From memory ( I could be wrong ), there was the case of a guy in Newzealand who ran his motorbike on water by processing it in the microwave.
And there was another myth that there was a guy who charged water 14 times in the microwave.

I believe in the first case the guy was put under 24 hour protection for his own safety and then the story died.

Personally I don't trust anyone and any source. I can only trust my own work but have nothing to declare as of yet.

Understand that the strengh of the New world Order hinges on the strenght of the currency of it. Look at the back
of the dollar bill. Free energy would collapse their system overnight. If you are researching free energy you are a
threat to the system.

I had corresponded to the kiwi bloke back in the day. Just got back the response he could no longer discuss.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783

Personally I think most are chasing smoke and mirrors

Everyone is obsessed with the water capacitor electrolyzer however what if the Meyer's circuit doesn't even need the WFC to produce FE?.
probably not the thread for you then.
Sr. Member

Posts: 281
No, the molecule will only split with the use of two frequencies and they are not specific to any frequency but they have to be different. There are different ways to say how it works and one is like putting a wooden ruler half under an A4 sheet of paper on the edge of the table and hit the end that is overhanging and breaks the ruler at the point of balance, or a see-saw where you suddenly change the frequency at one end. I have taught this for many years but it just does not seem to sink in and I'm not in a position to spoon-feed or demonstrate.

Nothing against you Smudge O0 I'm talking to the crowd ;)

Number one son leaving tomorrow so will be firing up STEAP :D


Mike 8)

Good day Mike
For sure you have already seen these scope shots from S.M. estate photos, but certainly the signal has some modulation happening.  Not certain where the signal was sampled in the circuit.  Evidently he did experiment w/ a plate design WFC also.
take care, peace

**edit: tried to upload a Zip file with some more S.M. photos from his estate, but must be a size limit, could not finish the upload. :'(
Jr. Member

Posts: 77
Very interesting. In the last 2 photos it look's like the tubes have been dropped.
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