Finished my delay line toroid according to the "verpies" setup (see diagram) as i understand it.
Picture shows the both orange prim / sec coils (52uH each), the red and green delay line coils (each totaling 2mH) with every 2th turn a tap to the opposite coil (each measure 6uH) with a 22pF cap inbetween.
I measured again at 100Khz, 500KHz, 1MHz, 2MHz and 2.5MHz, see screenshots.
Above 500KHz the signal flips (around 800KHz) from almost in phase to almost 180° out of phase while the input (yellow) dips.
FG was set to 10Vpp, yellow is input signal, blue is across the 100 Ohm load on the secondary.
Screenshots for 100 and 500KHz show the delay between input output, rest was due to 180° flip somewhat out of context so not shown, but can be measured if needed.