Fictitious forces are pseudo-forces that appear only in non-inertial reference frames and do not exist in an inertial reference frame. The Coriolis force is of this type.
It has absolutely nothing to do with the magnetic force F=q.vxB, which is a real force felt by a charge moving in a magnetic field, even when it is moving at constant speed, i.e. when its frame of reference is inertial. This force is not fictitious, it's real as seen by the charge, since in its frame of reference, what it sees is an electric field, not a magnetic field, so a force F=q.E, but always at 90° to its speed, so it's not working.
When the magnetic field varies, the only possible exchange of energy with it concerns that contained in its volume, of density B²/µ, energy taken from the field when it collapses, or supplied to the field when it builds up. So, over a cycle, the energy balance is zero, whether the field varies over time or not.
"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"