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Author Topic: Using Lenz to levitate.  (Read 748 times)

Group: Mad Scientist
Hero Member

Posts: 646
Thought this was pretty cool. Talks of Halbach array.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
   That is really cool!
I'm trying to correlate how this jives with a Faraday generator, which generates ZERO current if you spin the disc- magnet!  And leave the conducting disc and wire-brushes stationary. 
   But the copper plate is stationary...  Will finish the vid and ponder in the morning (post-midnight here now).

Group: Mad Scientist
Hero Member

Posts: 646
   That is really cool!
I'm trying to correlate how this jives with a Faraday generator, which generates ZERO current if you spin the disc- magnet!  And leave the conducting disc and wire-brushes stationary. 
   But the copper plate is stationary...  Will finish the vid and ponder in the morning (post-midnight here now).

Ponder this....

The magnet ring when it spins, the field doesnt spin with it. ;) but if the field is broken up by making a magnet ring that has opposite poles in different pieces of the pie of the ring, then yes, spinning that ring will cause currents in the copper, but in a messed up way that we wont get the currents out of the copper in one direction all around the copper disk. Probably just heat up and cause drag.

It is said that if you spin the copper with the magnet ring that we also get currents(dc) from the copper. but in this case, would there be drag when loading the copper disk currents??? If not, then we have a gen without drag when loading of which could be a free energy endeavor. But if there is drag when both the magnet and disk spin together, then what is it dragging against??? ;) ;) ;) In this case we should have the seed for magnetic propulsion.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3652
if there is drag when both the magnet and disk spin together, then what is it dragging against???
The entire load circuit (including the brushes).
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 2134
... But if there is drag when both the magnet and disk spin together, then what is it dragging against???...

We have a circuit in two parts connected by sliding contacts and moving relative to each other in a magnetic field. What matters is only their relative movement.

It does not matter whether the magnet is attached to one half circuit (the rotating disc) or to the other (fixed with the sliding contacts) because the relativity of the movement of each half-circuit with respect to the other remains the same in both cases.

It does not matter whether it is such a half-circuit that rotates relative to the observer (e. g. the disc) or the other (the half-circuit with the sliding contacts) because the relativity of the movement of each half-circuit relative to the other remains identical.

Explanation: charges with speed V in a magnetic field B see an electric field E=VxB and the charges in each half circuit do not see the same electric field because of their relative velocity which makes "V" different, therefore E different, therefore there is a potential difference between the two half-circuits.
V and B is the viewpoint of the observer on the charge. E = VxB  is the viewpoint of the charge and F = q.E = q.VxB is what the charge feels. Electromagnetism is only a set of relativistic effects on the electric field.

"Open your mind, but not like a trash bin"

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1954
   That is really cool!
I'm trying to correlate how this jives with a Faraday generator, which generates ZERO current if you spin the disc- magnet!  And leave the conducting disc and wire-brushes stationary. 
   But the copper plate is stationary...  Will finish the vid and ponder in the morning (post-midnight here now).
The copper plate is much larger than the Faraday disc.  The flux through and normal to the Faraday disc does not "rotate" even when the magnet does (it comes from those pesky electron spins that spin at enormous rate).  But away from the "disc" area the flux lines become radial, and then you can consider rotation of those radial lines and also the outer return flux lines that pass through the sheet.  They induce eddy currents into the copper sheet.  Of course the concept of "flux lines" is just that, a concept, and the real effect is the relative motions as F6FLT points out.
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