hi op We can create a magnetic field with mostly reactive power, and since PF will be in range 0.03 or so then VxIxPF will be very small. Modern science is familiar with making magnetic fields with current, but hasn't figure out the same can be done with Voltage only. One of Nikola Tesla best kept secrets, which is now coming to the light of day. One concept holding science back is energy conservation theory, which assumes the Universe is a 'closed system.' Truthfully, the universe is an open system so no closed system actually exists in reality.  Also, magnetic fields have 0 mass. So E=mc^2 cannot be true because E=0 when mass=0. but Faraday's law states a moving magnetic field (with 0 mass) produces voltage and current. Faraday's law and energy-mass equivalence cannot both be true, they directly contradict one another. So there is no energy-mass equivalence !!! plz forget this idea, there is absolutely no energy in Matter. So moving mass-less fields creates energy. But we can accelerate mass-less fields without resistance unlike things with mass. This is where energy conservation laws no longer apply. Cheers, wlw