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Author Topic: Dose it take energy to create a magnetic field  (Read 24421 times)

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Not with an air coil. It might change the inductance of a cored coil if the flux density moves part of the core above the BH knee.
During the slug attraction event, isn't the coil transitioning from an air core to a ferrite-cored coil?

I would expect an opposing emf as the keeper approaches and aiding emf when it departs.
Is this experiment not sufficiently representative of the "slug-sc coil" thought experiment? If there is an emf generated by the slug attraction event, why would it not cause a dissipation of power in the coil's finite resistance?

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
During the slug attraction event, isn't the coil transitioning from an air core to a ferrite-cored coil?
Indeed it is

Is this experiment not sufficiently representative of the "slug-sc coil" thought experiment? If there is an emf generated by the slug attraction event, why would it not cause a dissipation of power in the coil's finite resistance?
Because there is no time to dissipate the energy of the external flux disturbance in a coil in which the time constant is between 28 and 100000 years and resistance is so minuscule ...and in the case of "vortex glass" truly zero.
In a resistive coil, there is ample time.

BTW: I agree that the emf generated by the slug attraction event will diminish the current flowing through the coil.
Group: Guest
hi op

We can create a magnetic field with mostly reactive power, and since PF will be in range 0.03 or so then VxIxPF will be very small.

Modern science is familiar with making magnetic fields with current, but hasn't figure out the same can be done with Voltage only.
One of Nikola Tesla best kept secrets, which is now coming to the light of day.

One concept holding science back is energy conservation theory, which assumes the Universe is a 'closed system.'

Truthfully, the universe is an open system so no closed system actually exists in reality.  O0

Also, magnetic fields have 0 mass.
So E=mc^2 cannot be true because E=0 when mass=0.
but Faraday's law states a moving magnetic field (with 0 mass) produces voltage and current.
Faraday's law and energy-mass equivalence cannot both be true, they directly contradict one another.

So there is no energy-mass equivalence !!! plz forget this idea, there is absolutely no energy in Matter.

So moving mass-less fields creates energy. But we can accelerate mass-less fields without resistance unlike things with mass.
This is where energy conservation laws no longer apply.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
We can create a magnetic field with mostly reactive power, and since PF will be in range 0.03 or so then VxIxPF will be very small.
That is true for cyclically oscillating systems.

Modern science is familiar with making magnetic fields with current, but hasn't figure out the same can be done with Voltage only.
I have not figured that out, either.

One of Nikola Tesla best kept secrets, which is now coming to the light of day.
Can you elucidate?  Are you referring to windings coupled by the inter-winding capacitance (IWC) ?

Also, magnetic fields have 0 mass.
So E=mc^2 cannot be true because E=0 when mass=0.
but Faraday's law states a moving magnetic field (with 0 mass) produces voltage and current.
Faraday's law and energy-mass equivalence cannot both be true, they directly contradict one another.
You are comparing proverbial apples and oranges.
Mass has the dimensions of t3s-3 and magnetic flux has the dimensions of t2s-2.
See Page 8.

So there is no energy-mass equivalence !!! plz forget this idea, there is absolutely no energy in Matter.
Tell this to Tsutomu Yamaguchi
Group: Guest
   Mass is created by this (imaginary) Aether. No Aether = 0 mass. Yet, all material things contain some energy. Not enough to light your house or charge your car. As some think, using Al for such fuel, etc...


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
Neither M&M, Sagnac nor any other experiment has detected Aether or measured its properties.  The demands on its properties are contradictory, anyway.
Aether has been discussed to death in this thread.  Go there if you want to continue.
Group: Guest
That is true for cyclically oscillating systems.
I have not figured that out, either.
Can you elucidate?  Are you referring to windings coupled by the inter-winding capacitance (IWC) ?
You are comparing proverbial apples and oranges.
Mass has the dimensions of t3s-3 and magnetic flux has the dimensions of t2s-2.
See Page 8.
Tell this to Tsutomu Yamaguchi

Yes oscillating magnetic fields.

I have figure it out.  O0

Tesla told us he noticed capacitors can be discharged thousands of times a second without exploding or making equivalent heat.
Alternators cannot do that, they explode, and this stood out to me as important.

No idea what ur talking about, but all 'dimensions' are illusions of perspective. Do realize that math only exists in the mind of mankind.
Beyond that it has no implicit existence.

Don't know that fella, but I'll tell anyone who will listen !!

"Absolutely No energy in matter" Walter Russell said it first. I just stand on his shoulders to see further !!!

You can learn too!

Group: Guest
  Not discussed to death by us here looking for free energy. Not energy from fuel, which does not exist as you would like, except in your imagination.

Group: Guest
  Not discussed to death by us here looking for free energy. Not energy from fuel, which does not exist as you would like, except in your imagination.


Walter Russell gave mankind free energy concept. see here: https://www.philosophy.org/russell-optic-dynamo-generator.html#/

read pdf and schematics pics

ppl just need to open their minds. see what's already in front of them.  O0

Group: Guest
   Mass is created by this (imaginary) Aether. No Aether = 0 mass. Yet, all material things contain some energy. Not enough to light your house or charge your car. As some think, using Al for such fuel, etc...


Mass is compressed light which simulates energy by motion. But this motion is not the energy it simulates, just like a painting representing the idea of a painter.

All energy exists in static, un-moving Light. It is simulated in moving vibrating matter for cycles of repetition which we call divided light or 'colors'.

So there is no single Joule of energy in any piece of matter, we only think there is because we believe our senses.

Group: Guest
  So, you mean that burning a piece wood won't produce a release of stormed energy? Sounds strange...
You must mean something else. As that is about all that we have ever been doing. Burning things up, I mean.

« Last Edit: 2023-11-19, 02:48:53 by NickZ »
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Neither M&M, Sagnac nor any other experiment has detected Aether or measured its properties.  The demands on its properties are contradictory, anyway.
Aether has been discussed to death in this thread.  Go there if you want to continue.

It's debatable, logically the electric field around an electron should be impossible according to science.

I mean, if a particle is just a benign piece of matter like a rock then how can it have a perpetual "field of force" around it?. This field of force also interacts with countless other supposed fields near it none of them diminished in strength due to the interaction. A mysterious field of force which supposedly acts through a distance. Said distance supposedly devoid of anything which could translate said force which could cause an interaction. It would seem to violate all logic and reason on the surface.

Let's put it into the proper perspective. If a particle is just a benign piece of matter like a rock and a rock was perpetually floating above the ground right in front of us would you not find this the least bit curious?. The experts might call this heresy because there must be a force involved and a means for a translation of force. So why is it considered heresy on the observable level but not the atomic level?.

I tend to agree with what Einstein claimed during his later years. To presume a force could translate through a space in which there is no tangible means for it to translate is fundamentally flawed. In every other instance found in nature some medium for a translation of force must be present. As for an aether, it is equally absurd because simply labeling an unknown doesn't make it any more or less believable or unknown.

It just seems amateur any way I look at it.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
  So, you mean that burning a piece wood won't produce a release of storted energy? Sounds strange...
You must mean something else. As that is about all that we have ever been doing. Burning things up, I mean.


Wood is matter, which is frozen light. When we burn it, all we do is liberate its light & heat.

But that heat we feel and light we see is not energy. It is a simulation of energy, simulated by fast motion.

You will understand better by reading "Misconceptions of Energy" in Dr. Walter Russell's 'A New Concept of the Universe'.

Basically, a painter isn't his painting a poet isn't his poem a songwriter isn't his song. Likewise, God created our Universe and its Energy but isn't his creation.

So the source of all energy is the static Light of God's Mind, which is like the Fulcrum of a lever. It doesn't move, but the oscillation or moving lever we think is the energy.
From this basic example you can plainly see all the energy is actually in the still Fulcrum.


Group: Guest
    And, the sky is not blue, it's just the way you're looking at it...
I don't need to understand, it better, I need a free energy device. Not theory.
  The proof is in the pudding...

Posts: 6
The phlogiston theory was better. C.C

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
The phlogiston theory was better. C.C
It was
Group: Guest
    And, the sky is not blue, it's just the way you're looking at it...
I don't need to understand, it better, I need a free energy device. Not theory.
  The proof is in the pudding...

You want free energy, but aren't willing to understand what energy actually IS... or the true source of it in our Universe.

The cardinal error of science is shutting the Creator out of His Creation.

plz don't make the same mistake... otherwise u will be grasping in the dark like so many others b4 u.

Group: Guest
Can we at least ALL agree that we must understand how NATURE creates POWER ??

then we can, like Tesla told us, "hook our machines to very wheelwork of Nature" !!!

but we must know how Nature's wheelwork operates....

enter Dr. Walter Russell who Nikola Tesla told to lock his knowledge up for 1000 years until mankind was ready for it.

why would Tesla say this???

Group: Guest
   Your advice is nice, but it's not as good as showing how well you can build a self runner. We already have thousands of pages of theories and advice. Not a single self runner to show for it. If you get the point...

Jr. Member

Posts: 87
You may be a nice guy on the beach were you practise your surfing skills to toerist and so on.
What I don't understand after reading your retorik from the last decade that a forum like OUR is allowing you to demotivate everyone on this platform.

You don't even have the respect to let others continue their ideas without intervening with your utterly nonsense.
You probably don't have any idea about self reflection, but thats ok.. the system here allows you to act as a destructive factor.

I'm sorry but I also get tired of reading your one liners without any positive contribution on what others on a higher level try to achieve.
I can tell this forum site one thing, maybe not to nice to hear.
Its a kind of weakness in my opinion that they let you continue to bark at every thread.
If this continues, there is for me no motivation to post any OU related to Bunk or Ruslan whathever policy.
I have deep respect for guys like Verpies who have to deal with this nonsense for a very long time here.

So please do us and many a favor and stay on your own thread.

Again, not personal but come on.... have you ever looked back in your own post?

Group: Guest
   Ape: All your post to me have been negative comments. Do you have any good comments of your own, for once.
   I really have no idea what you are talking about. If you have something to show or tell, don't let me be in your way.
   Let's just agree to disagree.

Group: Guest
  And Ape: If my comment to Verpies is what you are barking about. Too bad. He is jumping on all threads himself to impose his conventional views, concerning closed system devices. And repeating how Tesla has nothing to do with free energy, and so forth. So perhaps you guys should start a thread called Energy from Mass, instead. Where I will never bother you or Verpies again.
  That's how I think and feel about it. But by all means continue with that split tube and aluminum ring power device.
All you want.  Or what ever else it is you are complaining about.
This is a free energy forum, remember. Not energy from FUEL...  Sorry if you don't agree.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
@Ape:  That is why we need a "MOVE" button so much on this forum, so moderators can move such off-topic posts to different and more appropriate threads.
At the moment I can remove posts of other users, but that is rude and crude.  I wish I could move posts instead.

Nick is stubborn and devoid of self-reflection but he is not the worst offender on this forum.  At least he experiments a little and he hasn't called me a pendejo yet.
There are others who are truly insidious and Chet has them on a blacklist.  They can be recognized by not doing any work or not sharing it.
Group: Guest
   Is devoid of self reflection, same as being a pendejo? Almost?
Stubborn, yes and partial to free energy, as well.
Well , I have the highest respect for all of you, sorry if I don't show it.

  Verpies, what can you say about free energy. Anything, proff???
   You won't want to be put on the "black list", oh my... Or the "dark side"...
Or late for class, even.
   Aluminum as fuel 01... Part two...
   Ape: Lighten up! He's getting it ready... To fire it up...

« Last Edit: 2023-11-19, 23:44:55 by NickZ »
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
With the closing of overunity.com, the dynamic here has changed ,
Hopefully assistance can be given to our host,
So this forum can also remain open ..
It should be remembered that we are all guests on another’s time and dime..

Our hosts dream is to bring FE open source to the world ,( as was Stefan’s )
Verpies refers to some list … all that was mentioned is with the closure of OU.com
There have been persons who made it their goal to disrupt open source.
Hopefully Keeping that to a minimum here ……………….

This is the main reason Peter closed open registration here ..we do not need such persons doing similar !

And yes the goal is to hopefully raise the signal here
And diminish the noise .

Might take awhile, but it is definitely going to happen !
It must happen!
The reason I am so confident?
It was this way ( high signal.. minimal noise) for almost a decade ( upto COVID)
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