... my replication of Aking.21 his setup in this thread.
Hi Itsu. What was your conclusion for your replication attempt?
P.S. Regarding charging and discharging batteries and monitoring the battery terminal voltage,
I posted the following video demo about a week ago showing that a battery's terminal voltage
under a relatively light load can stay very stable for as much as even an hour. The battery
is powering both a small circuit and the LED light for the entire one hour duration, and the
battery's terminal voltage stays very stable at 12.791V, +/- 2mV, for the entire hour it is powering
the load. The LED is consuming roughly about 0.4W to 0.45W. I didn't measure it exactly because
it wasn't too important to the point I was trying to make, which is a battery can appear to be not discharging
while powering a load if you only run a test for say about an hour or less. It depends on the actual load in
comparison to the battery Amp-hour capacity, of course, regarding how long you need to let any test
run to be considered a reasonable test duration.
Self-Looped Circuit - Is this Over Unity?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zI1ZS_2wYR8The demo runs for an entire hour, but you can jump through the video to view
the battery voltage at roughly 5 or 10 minute or whatever intervals to see that the battery terminal voltage
remained very stable for the entire hour. There were no tricks involved. The load current was just quite small
relative to the battery's 5 Ah rating.
All the best...