A real nostalgia trip to see all the old names and information again.
xxx, why don't you toss in your magnifying dipole antenna as it's relevant and may help people along? I could post it if you want to obscure the source - let me know.
Peter (aka Spherics) was right -- the temptation to say something is -- annoying in the least.
The serious development also comes with serious funding and secrecy. However, and contrary to popular belief, we are constantly posting more information on www.chavascience.com The intention is to release a lot more information soon -- truly astounding advances in our understanding of the fundamentals with simple experiments that everyone can replicate.
Apologies for being so cryptic -- I'd encourage people to experiment and do their own thinking. Docs from Spherics, SM et all (there's lots more available)... look closely and you'll see it's information that all appears to be strongly linked to the same source and technology -- I would advise that you all to remember that these jumbled sets of information are incomplete, contain errors and are loaded with misinterpretations -- all what you would expect from poorly understood reversed engineered tec... So -- be inspired by it all but do you own experiments and thinking.
thanks for the link Mark, I'll have to check that out.
Since Grumpy fired up this topic again, I might as well chime in as well.
Here's my opinion:The TPU is a different technology then what Spherics describes.
There are similarities, but the differences are what differentiate these technologies. The TPU is a radio that is tuned to a low 5500 Hz frequency, while the Spherics device intends to "spin the aeather" with fast pulses.
There are two difficulties with the Spherics approach from a scientific view point.
1) there is no aeather (but there is space time)
2) you can't "spin" space time
I think Spherics is a guy that experimented a lot with the SM TPUs in the first wave (1990's) and fizzled out. Later when Lindsay Mannix revived the topic with fresh info from SM in 2005, this guy came back on the scene to "pump-up" the interest.
He's probably a smart guy but from what he says I judge it to be a different technology and IF it functions and produces certain "results" as he claims, his explanation of those results certainly strikes me as fanciful and very imaginative.
On the other hand, I have high confidence in Steven Mark and his TPU, because he shows videos, respectable people witnessed the technology, and he explains things very intelligently without resorting to sci-fi.
Spherics should show us a device if its so simple to build, but instead he claims suppression and interference.