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Author Topic: Aether Vortex Energy Converter (AVEC Device): Full Disclosure  (Read 276497 times)

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Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
There was talk at the time that 60MHz was needed, i could not get the tetra working but what was interesting was the center toroid did pick up what appeared to be switching spikes from the sourounding switched coils.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
just spikes or oscillations?

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
just spikes

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
You say you could not get it working; what did you try?

Did you try the outer SEP coil?


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
at the time i was not privy to a lot of the stuff you guys were getting, strange really as i was the only one trying to build the tetra that i know of.

The Tetra had 4 coils, 3 around the bottom triangular formation pointing towards the center each pulsed sequentially and the 1 top coil pointing to the center that was pulses with each of the other 3, maybe that would be your SEP coil.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
The SEP is an additional 6th coil that goes over all the other ones.  It allows you to lower the pulse rate considerably, as low as 3kHz.
Sr. Member

Posts: 308
The SEP is an additional 6th coil that goes over all the other ones.  It allows you to lower the pulse rate considerably, as low as 3kHz.

It should amplify any results you were getting, the tretra alone, with no outer SEP coil, requires extremely high frequencies to cause the fields to interact in the correct way.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
These delay arrays are about $7 or $8 each, much better than $50 each.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
G it's only a 5 tap delay, the DS1023 is 256 tap.

so i would need 52 of those chips to equal the ds1023  O0

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
How do you program the 1023?

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Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
It uses parallel load or serial data stream, i have used 8 dip switches before on the circuit for the tetra, i used 2 DS1023, one to adjust the phase delay and the other for pulse width, the circuit is in my bench.

The DS1023 = 5V
DS1123 = 3.3V

they come in 250pS steps, 500pS steps, 1nS , 2nS & 5nS and each has 256 binary selections so the 1nS version goes from 0-255nS

They are now obsolete chips and are getting harder to find.

I am currently building a digital mono that uses this chip, just had the PCBs made.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
CCU power boxes (permanent ones) are done.   

Working on a permanent controller now.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Built the "more permanent" controller board this morning.  Still got to put it a for caps on the power leg and put it in a box, but almost there.

My goal this next week or two is to test all the new stuff and put everything back together.  Hoping for an exciting 2015!

Will post some pics when I find my camera.

As far as I can remember, no one used the mica board.  It has some interesting uses aside from heat resistance.  My unit is easy to disassemble if I decide to test it later.

Controller is built.
Looking for the camera.
Start testing the boards tomorrow.

« Last Edit: 2014-11-23, 00:01:24 by Grumpy »
Sr. Member

Posts: 308
Started a proper mechanical construction of this. Getting parts CNC machined, long lead time though. I went with the 6.90" SOL diameter.

Driving with sine waves for this one. Low-ish frequency, as low as I can get it. I can drive a 3 phase transformer to get the volts with a low frequency.


54Hz - Easy, but not enough wire or reactance at this frequency given my wire diameter and length.
324Hz - Almost doable, not much buffer room, assuming 30AWG as a length as per the calculation sheet, my reactance is around 1100 ohms at this frequency. I could drive up to around 1.1kv (including offset DC) without exceeding the current limits of the wire.
1944Hz - Much better, sqealing would get annoying
11664Hz - The iron cores in the transformers would probably start to lose efficiency at this frequency
69984Hz - Same as above, I could switch to air core at this point though, the coils should appear as a very high resistance at these frequencies.

Above this is gets hard to generate a sine wave without going through a mixer and an RF amplifier.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
sine waves?
Sr. Member

Posts: 308
One of the ways to drive is via sine wave instead of pulse. With a sine wave I can simply step up the voltage to the level I want.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Sine waves will have to be biased and this was for use without a separate bias field.
Sr. Member

Posts: 308
Right, I'm planning on doing both. What grabbed me about the sine wave setup was that I could drive the voltage up arbitrarily high using conventional transformers if I kept the frequency low enough (maybe a few kHz), and used a bit more bias current. I have a saturable reactor core that I'm using to limit and control the voltage to the CCU coils. The only difficult part is the 3 phase sine wave generation circuitry. Digital PWM at a constant frequency, I have a mixer I can use to increase it as need be (after the transformer). Another saturable reactor acts as a magnetic amplifier and boosts the small PWM signal to one capable of driving the signal to a step up transformer.

The other SEP supplies are similarly controlled with saturable reactors (AC through the reactor then rectified).

I've read up a lot on saturable reactors. I'd like to eventually see if I could make an oscillator with one. (Without a transistor or vacuum tube)

With a larger space for more wire, I could probably bump the voltage up higher, right now I'm aiming for 1kv with a 500v bias (bottom of the sine wave is ~500v, top at 1.5kv)

It would make sense that SM would have used a saturable reactor to limit the feedback, the output would be high frequency DC pulses, and a saturable reactor would block all of that with no bias.
Sr. Member

Posts: 308
I have a resonant LC oscillator I'm tuning at the moment, three phases with a PLL.

The voltage is adjustable up to around 1kv using the tank circuit at resonance. I could probably go higher with beefier transistors.

The circuit resonates at the LC frequency automatically. A problem was making this easily adjustable so that I could use the oscillator as the VFO stage in the Phase Locked Loop.

Usually only the C variable in the LC circuit is varied, but with a saturable reactor as the L portion, you can now vary the inductance and hence the frequency, with voltage, making it easy to integrate into a PLL.

I'm quite excited about this, I really needed the PLL to keep the other two oscillators locked on, 120 degrees out of phase.

So it _should_ be stable, especially if I use an external stable reference oscillator with minimal drift, PLL the primary LC oscillator off that, and PLL the other two off the primary.

So then I run the three phases through a decoupling capacitor, add in the HV biasing current, and viola, a 1kv DC offset 1kv sine wave. The AC reactance at high frequency limits the RF current, and the DC resistance of the wire limits the bias current, Im using 44 AWG wire (and it was a huge pain to wind, even with a coil winder!)

Im still running a SEP around each coil, just in case it's needed.

Doing it this way, keeps the components fairly generic and easy to come across, even if it's a bit more complicated than a pulsing setup...

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Sounds great!
Sr. Member

Posts: 308
How is your own progress coming?

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I only work on it intermittently as I am busy with everything else.  After searching and pounding through literature and false leads for several years, I sort of ran out of energy - pun intended.
Sr. Member

Posts: 308
Yeah, this is tough work, mentally and physically. I've wasted a lot of time and money on it, but I'm thinking it's worth it. It's all about getting up after falling, after all.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
missed chats
build accuracy

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Update for 2022:

After setting this aside for a few years, I working on it as much as time allows.

New topic started here:

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