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Author Topic: Aether Vortex Energy Converter (AVEC Device): Full Disclosure  (Read 276492 times)

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It's not as complicated as it may seem...

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"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

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Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
I am going to Phoenix on Monday for a week. Anyone know of some great places to visit at Sedona? Supposed to be a great energy vortex there.

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Hero Member

Posts: 805
I heard there's some mysterious rock somewhere in the desert that ages people real quick if you get near it, so much so, that you can age and die right on the spot within a few minutes.  See if you can find out where that is, or if its true.  (somebody told me about it after seeing a documentary on TV)  

also bring your AVEC along to power up your electronics!   :P

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
See if you can find out where that is, or if its true.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Guest
I heard there's some mysterious rock somewhere in the desert that ages people real quick if you get near it, so much so, that you can age and die right on the spot within a few minutes.  See if you can find out where that is, or if its true.  (somebody told me about it after seeing a documentary on TV)  

also bring your AVEC along to power up your electronics!   :P


Do you realize that your statement and request is like saying - I heard fire is so hot that it could set you ablaze and kill you. Please see of it will set you ablaze and kill you.

I'll let him borrow my TPU for the trip if he is willing to confirm what you heard ;)

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Posts: 805
Just don't get close to it and you'll be fine.  I heard birds fly into the "zone" of influence and collapse. Kind of dangerous but if true it's worth investigating.  Should be somewhere on an Indian reservation.

I also wonder if there is a gravitational anomaly spot somewhere around there.  Those are always fun to visit.

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3975

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I heard there's some mysterious rock somewhere in the desert that ages people real quick if you get near it, so much so, that you can age and die right on the spot within a few minutes.  See if you can find out where that is, or if its true.  (somebody told me about it after seeing a documentary on TV) 

also bring your AVEC along to power up your electronics!   Tongue

Don't tell me, no one has ever survived a visit and therefore no one knows exactly where it is  ;D

Good Luck on your travels Darren  O0
Group: Guest
I heard there's some mysterious rock somewhere in the desert that ages people real quick if you get near it

It's a phenomenon of resonance. Did you consider this point?
The resonance in mysterious rocks modifies the space-time around. When we walk in the desert at nightfall, we hear clicks here and there. It is the sound of insects dying prematurely, their exoskeleton explodes.
Here is the proof, photo made in an oasis:

Tesla predicted it, see its resonant transmitter.
I experimented it myself. I spent a night in the Sahara with the young beautiful daugther of the Bedouin Chief, and when I wake up, I found an old woman at my sides. No, I had not drunk! Tesla is great. Why have I not been affected by the mysterious rocks? Surely because I had in my pocket a chain‑key in form of pyramid. Pyramid is negative energy. It absorbs resonant energy from mysterious rocks. It is not a coincidence if the Egyptians built pyramids in the desert! Never walk in the desert without a pyramid !

Group: Guest

Don't tell me, no one has ever survived a visit and therefore no one knows exactly where it is  ;D

Even some photon escaped black hole. I wouldn't take Poynt any less. lol

Group: Guest
Don't think that you would be personally concerned by every reply that I post!   C.C

Follow the thread:
"I do have many OU devices around the house.   example:   solar cells..."
EM, reply#183

This was the point I challenged when you begun to reply me.

You Quoted me and informed me solar cells are not OU so why shouldn't I reply that I didn't mention solar ? You follow the thread, if someone else made the comment quote them not me.

What don't you understand in: apparently closed system?

A circuit with a capacitor and a resistance inside a Faraday cage is an "apparently closed system" when we deal with currents and voltage. The fact that the ZPE, the heat, or any fairy dust could interfer with the system is not false but not relevant. Once the system is defined, if you observe the capacitor charge while there is no energy source in your system, you may say there is "OU" and then search for the source outside.

We define arbitrarily what we call our closed system. The fact that it is not really closed is an irrelevant objection. At the contrary, it's the key point to be able to define OU when we consider that energy creation is impossible (which is your viewpoint). When the system is defined and only if it is operationally defined, you may say if the system produces more energy that it consumes. If it produces OU, you may say that it is probably not really closed. And from your specifications of the system, you know the interface with the outside, and so you may search for an energy flux crossing the frontier.

Sounds like a "Pseudo closed system to me". Any system that allows energy out of the system is not closed, it is that simple.

It's not that I don't understand what apparently means. I wanted you to give a real life example, you can keep your fairy dust in your fairy pouch, no one mentioned it but you.
Are you a fairy ? You keep mentioning fairy dust for some reason.
Your definition that OU is only when there is "more energy out than energy "we" put in" is a complete uselessness if you don't specify to which system it is relative in order to be able to qualify what is "in" and "out"! Mine, which is also that one arising from EM's post and following is operational: you can use it experimentally. Yours is a nonsense by lack of precision and by absence of operational relevance, it's not even a definition but an unexpoitable fuzzy banality.

In this sense, when EM says that there is OU in solar cells, he is right if he excludes the sun from his system.
Now, once the energy source is well known, imho we must include it in the definition of our system when the system use it, and so the system becoming "solar cells + sun", it's not OU. OU is relative.

I didn't say that was my definition I said it was the only one that can make sense, which is true in my opinion especially considering there are only pseudo closed systems.

A closed system by definition cannot allow energy out or in, when a system fits that description it is closed in my opinion otherwise it is open as it must be if energy is leaving.

Two is OU. so is three. Practically all our energy comes from the Sun anyway.

Can you give me an example of an actual closed system where no energy can leave or enter the system ?

Anyway you can define your systems, but I will define mine. All my systems are open.

Over unity meaning over 1, can have the valid meaning of over the amount we put in we get out, over 1, ummm,  get it ?

Now that is my definition, maybe others as well. If asked I can clarify anytime without being sarcastic or trying to put people down.

In my opinion a closed system would be almost impossible, except for the entire Universe.

You might be a very smart individual Ex. but you are so far up yourself you get dirty fingers when you stroke your own ego.

I'm sorry but I think you serve no purpose here but to put people down. You continually try to put words into peoples mouths
and attribute to them things they did not say or mean, you seem to have some kind of problem.

Get off your high horse, or can't you find the ladder you used to get on it ?

Simple question. Can you give me an example of an "actual closed system", one that does not allow energy to leave or enter the system ?

You affirm there is such a thing as a closed system the burden of proof is with you, describe a real life example of an actual closed system.



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It's not as complicated as it may seem...
can't get to it

Yahoo says I'm not accepting cookies

OK, it was a post by John Berry (aether22)

For what it is worth, I have recently discovered a major part of Clem and
Schauberer and others.
Rotation of small diameter vorticies creates an aether drag field that
expands out, so if the linear velocity of the fluid (or rotation of a
solid) is 1 meter a second and the vortex is just 1cm in diameter, then an
aetheric drag field expands out keeping the same RPM but a much higher
linear velocity.

This moves the aether far faster than the physical motion would otherwise
Additionally I have found that interference can occur between drag fields
to cause even greater velocity.

I have found this to be the effect behind Nathan Stubblefields coils with
parallel steel and copper wires.
The 2 wires convey impulses (electrical and aetheric) at different speeds
causing a single frequency to self interfere.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
OK, it was a post by John Berry (aether22)

sounds good
Hero Member

Posts: 805

In all your experiments on those other closed forum groups, did anybody perform the basic bifilar coil experiment suggested by Spherics? (with the iron delay coil in series)

Did you notice the "kick"? or anything unusual?


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948

In all your experiments on those other closed forum groups, did anybody perform the basic bifilar coil experiment suggested by Spherics? (with the iron delay coil in series)

Did you notice the "kick"? or anything unusual?

Only Peter.  He used low voltage.  The delay causes pulse compression and .99 was able to show it in Spice.  I.E. you get a increase pulse amplitude that is shorter than the original pulses.

Unusual?  Explosion sounds.  Like a discharge but no flash of a spark.  I got those as well, but at 10kv they were like the crack of a rifle.

It's all quite real, despite anyone's personal preference.
Group: Guest
Kick -- yes. exactly as SM describes. With a very fast scope you can observe the kick -- we traced it back to the reverse recovery of the diode in circuit. Look up diode pulse forming.

@Grumpy .. SM did admit that the tec was not his and it was reverse engineered -- voice communication only -- not on any forum or in any public context. This was the most private secret -- the tec was not his. I figured it hurts no one to know what SM said now so long after the fact.
Hero Member

Posts: 805

how did SM communicate this?  to whom?  I thought he only emailed LM. :-\

To be honest, I doubt he reversed engineer the TPU.  He explains his discovery process in his emails quite extensively. I think somebody was trying to confuse everybody.

BTW, what is a "tec"?
Group: Guest
Kick -- yes. exactly as SM describes. With a very fast scope you can observe the kick -- we traced it back to the reverse recovery of the diode in circuit. Look up diode pulse forming.

@Grumpy .. SM did admit that the tec was not his and it was reverse engineered -- voice communication only -- not on any forum or in any public context. This was the most private secret -- the tec was not his. I figured it hurts no one to know what SM said now so long after the fact.

"tec" = technology


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Kick -- yes. exactly as SM describes. With a very fast scope you can observe the kick -- we traced it back to the reverse recovery of the diode in circuit. Look up diode pulse forming.

@Grumpy .. SM did admit that the tec was not his and it was reverse engineered -- voice communication only -- not on any forum or in any public context. This was the most private secret -- the tec was not his. I figured it hurts no one to know what SM said now so long after the fact.

"Reverse4 recovery of the diode"?  What diode are you talking about?  Avalanching one makes sense, but you don't have to use a diode.  Use of one does make an avalanche transistor stack shorter, and they are very repeatable and reliable.

When "SM" said this, was it actually SM or some imposter?  There were several people back then on the forum saying that SM had stolen the tech from the military and that we shouldn't persue it and all that.

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a few unusual things i noticed about nS pulses phased delayed

Strange Ghostly noises picked up 6 feet away by electrolet microphones.

Crackling noises from within the wire

on the second pulse at certain delays the coil has an enormous appetite for current, much more than the wire would take using specs, a sharp magnetic pulse emanates from the length of the coil, A high voltage sharp pulse seems to get reflected back to the fet which damages it.

The second pulse varies in amplitude at all delay settings, it's amplitude varies depending on the time from the first pulse to the second , for instance if we have a coil that's natural resonant frequency is 15MHz then if we send the first pulse and wait 66.6nS then the second pulse amplitude seems to be maximun, the amplitude of the second pulse is larger at harmonic delay timings as well.

There are delay pockets where computers start crashing, although i have never had something damaged.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
SM did not elaborate much on what he meant by his statements regarding tuning to closely to the exact frequency (as he called it), and the amount of energy converted destroying the device.
Hero Member

Posts: 805
"tec" = technology


thanks,  I never know anymore what people mean by acronyms.   I'm all "acronymed out" at work, you know you've been there.   Maybe I'll invent a new acronym for the first 4 words in my previous sentance:   IAAO     :D
« Last Edit: 2013-04-09, 05:00:07 by EMdevices »
Hero Member

Posts: 805
a few unusual things i noticed about nS pulses phased delayed

Strange Ghostly noises picked up 6 feet away by electrolet microphones.

Crackling noises from within the wire

on the second pulse at certain delays the coil has an enormous appetite for current, much more than the wire would take using specs, a sharp magnetic pulse emanates from the length of the coil, A high voltage sharp pulse seems to get reflected back to the fet which damages it.

The second pulse varies in amplitude at all delay settings, it's amplitude varies depending on the time from the first pulse to the second , for instance if we have a coil that's natural resonant frequency is 15MHz then if we send the first pulse and wait 66.6nS then the second pulse amplitude seems to be maximun, the amplitude of the second pulse is larger at harmonic delay timings as well.

There are delay pockets where computers start crashing, although i have never had something damaged.

very interesting, I might give it a try.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Frequency equals matter...

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« Last Edit: 2013-04-09, 15:35:30 by giantkiller »

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Did a snubber circuit help?
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