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Author Topic: Aether Vortex Energy Converter (AVEC Device): Full Disclosure  (Read 276497 times)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
At what point does entropy disqualify overunity?

Group: Guest
The definition of OU is a question already stated, see http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=1675.msg28825#msg28825 and following posts.

According to this definition, solar energy is not OU.

I didn't mention solar energy in my last post. And your definitions of OU don't make sense either.

An APPARENTLY Closed system, what does that mean anyway, either it is closed or it isn't.

I can't even think of an example of a "closed" system except the Universe itself.. Can you give me an example of an apparently closed system and
a closed system ?

So in your opinion if an apparently closed system showed you your definition of OU would it be creating energy from
nothing or would it actually be an open system that appears "closed".

An actual closed system would have to be unity by default would it not ?

If I have any more replies, I'll make them there, but because I didn't mention solar and you brought it up I thought I'd post here.

Hero Member

Posts: 805

Stay with it till the "money shot"


This was a great video, good music too.  When he first posted it I remember thinking that with all the technological advancement around us, it's easy to get callused towards simple and basic physical phenomena like the repulsion of two magnets.  This video breaks through that calus and makes you want to dance with excitement for we are surrounded with awesomeness!  :o


Bring your own dish, there's plenty of room at the TPU Inn.


Yes there's lots of interaction


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948


Yes there's lots of interaction


how did you test it?
Hero Member

Posts: 805

thanks for compiling this
Group: Guest
Spherics documents contained metadata with the authors name in it -- it's not Steven Marks  -- the authors name is Peter David.


too may candidates to know which Peter David -- Peter David Barnes http://www.physicstoday.org/1.2701525 perhaps?
Perhaps it was the famous inventor Peter David Gammack from Great Brittan and associated with Dyson... who knows?

Yes -- I know SM's company was Spheric Audio Laboratories Inc -- https://www.google.com.au/?tbm=pts#hl=en&safe=off&tbm=pts&tbm=pts&q=inassignee:%22SPHERIC+AUDIO+LABORATORIES,+Inc.%22&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44770516,d.aGc&fp=557d4f81707c8f72&biw=1656&bih=950

I bet his co-worker and inventor David F. Doleshal could tell us some interesting stories about SM. ... this all happened just up the coast from Grumpy's employer but perusing that line wont get anyone anywhere.

...and while we are revealing things SM did not invent the TPU -- privately he has admitted that it was reverse engineered from working technology we was made privy to. You can learn a little more from the rantings of Brian Collins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_fRKxz_UNo -- Brian is a first class wanker and often liar -- but the idiot gives far too much away about the original function of the tec.

To give him credit SM took a technology that consumed energy to generate thrust against the fabric of space and turned it into a circulating space thrust that could frame drag electric current and thus generate "free current" -- horribly inaccurate words to describe the phenomenon but I am sure you all get the idea.
Group: Guest
A little more on the real timeline:

In 1994 Steven Mark was busy working on his Spheric Audio Labs inventions and filing patents -- the last of which was Method and apparatus for generating audiospatial effects http://www.google.com.au/patents/EP0653897A2?cl=en&dq=%22Spheric+Audio+Laboratories,+Inc.%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=43FeUcqlCJCTiAeG7oGoBg&ved=0CDUQ6AEwAA This was a joint invention of Steven Mark and David Doleshal. It was filed on 25th October 1994 and was the last invention of Steven Mark for Spheric Audio Labs Inc.

1994 was a very busy year for Steven at Spheric Audio labs -- he didn't have any time for other activities. If your interested about the company -- Spheric Audio Labatories was a subsidiary of PCBC Portacom Wireless Extreme Technologies, subsidiary of Portico Dwyer Corporation, incorporated in Turks and Caicos Islands (Netherlands), with bank account in Hong Kong.

It appears Steven then teams up with Brian Collins (inventor of the Collins engine) right at the end of 1994. Collins then starts promoting the TPU to investors as of January 1995.  You can read about the angry investors conned out of their money here -- reproduction of article in Perth newspaper http://www.searlsolution.com/members/documents/STbook03.pdf

So we see that the window of time Steven Mark had for "developing" the first TPU was about 8 weeks at the end of 1994... after which there is a long and nasty trail of investor cons.

You can trace a bit more of the fraud behind the scenes here http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FE-OU-FraudVictims/message/20 which introduces Paul Steem to the story. There is an excellent summary here http://www.padrak.com/ine/SMARK.html  -- note that the characters involved, including Steven Mark, have a history of cons...

If it went for the original source of the technology verified through other channels it would be reasonable to dismiss everything about Brian Collins and SM and the TPU as a con. It still is an open question as to just how much SM managed to replicate/develop -- did he really get it working or did he just effectively steal the tec and use it just enough to perpetuate the con?


Group: Guest
I didn't mention solar energy in my last post.

Don't think that you would be personally concerned by every reply that I post!   C.C

Follow the thread:
"I do have many OU devices around the house.   example:   solar cells..."
EM, reply#183

This was the point I challenged when you begun to reply me.

And your definitions of OU don't make sense either.

An APPARENTLY Closed system, what does that mean anyway, either it is closed or it isn't.

I can't even think of an example of a "closed" system except the Universe itself.

What don't you understand in: apparently closed system?

A circuit with a capacitor and a resistance inside a Faraday cage is an "apparently closed system" when we deal with currents and voltage. The fact that the ZPE, the heat, or any fairy dust could interfer with the system is not false but not relevant. Once the system is defined, if you observe the capacitor charge while there is no energy source in your system, you may say there is "OU" and then search for the source outside.

We define arbitrarily what we call our closed system. The fact that it is not really closed is an irrelevant objection. At the contrary, it's the key point to be able to define OU when we consider that energy creation is impossible (which is your viewpoint). When the system is defined and only if it is operationally defined, you may say if the system produces more energy that it consumes. If it produces OU, you may say that it is probably not really closed. And from your specifications of the system, you know the interface with the outside, and so you may search for an energy flux crossing the frontier.

Your definition that OU is only when there is "more energy out than energy "we" put in" is a complete uselessness if you don't specify to which system it is relative in order to be able to qualify what is "in" and "out"! Mine, which is also that one arising from EM's post and following is operational: you can use it experimentally. Yours is a nonsense by lack of precision and by absence of operational relevance, it's not even a definition but an unexpoitable fuzzy banality.

In this sense, when EM says that there is OU in solar cells, he is right if he excludes the sun from his system.
Now, once the energy source is well known, imho we must include it in the definition of our system when the system use it, and so the system becoming "solar cells + sun", it's not OU. OU is relative.

« Last Edit: 2013-04-05, 12:28:50 by exnihiloest »
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Posts: 805
Mark Snoswell

Did you leave out Jack Durbin on purpose?

Here's the conclusion of the TPU so far

In 2009, I was fortunate enough to discover the actual address where the TPU videos were filmed, at the so called 'mansion', a very nice house, and I paid him a visit.   I confirmed the location with scenes from around his house that are shown in the video when he walks outside to test the smaller TPU. I stood at the exact spot. To my surprise,  a huge high voltage power line passes within meters of his house, which supplies a portion of Southern California with electricity.  Based on audio spectral analysis of his videos, I further confirmed the strong Power Line Harmonics (PLH) signals, which are harmonics of the 60 hz frequency and measured them with a sensor right at the spot. All of this evidence, along with what he said about it being a radio and needing tuning to a frequency, makes it very clear in my mind that it feeds off the near fields of the electric grid ( not necessarily 60 hz). The process of conversion he talked about is akin to the heterodyne radio architecture, meaning a few frequencies are injected and they mix, producing other frequencies that are coincident with the frequency of interest.  Once it's tuned, the high Q of the tank circuit amplifies the circulating induction currents to very high levels, as witnessed in the video.

Some people resist the idea of where the energy comes from, because it robs the device of some of its mystery, and if we know where the energy comes from then some tell us it's not OU, but the device doesnt care what definition anybody applies to it, it simply works delivering lots of energy in quite a compact form, and quite lightweight as well.

In my opinion, the real mystery of the TPU is how it is built to achieve the high Q tank circuit, how feedback is used, and the circuitry for keeping it tuned on frequency, so it does not drift, along with the revolving magnetic field and DC current production without diodes.  The main mystery is the use of ferromagnetic wire in its construction.

Anyway, this device can keep one experimenting for a long time, and I find it extremely fascinating, so many principles involved, not to mention the orientation behavior and the gyroscopic effects due to its vibration, and of course the washboard effect.

I experienced these effects with two tuned coils where I allowed the flowing currents to build up to over 10 amps, such that the magnetic repulsion between coils became noticeable when holding the coil in my hand.

If there's a device that we should endevour to understand, this is it.

« Last Edit: 2013-04-05, 13:51:39 by EMdevices »

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Spherics documents contained metadata with the authors name in it -- it's not Steven Marks  -- the authors name is Peter David.


too may candidates to know which Peter David -- Peter David Barnes http://www.physicstoday.org/1.2701525 perhaps?
Perhaps it was the famous inventor Peter David Gammack from Great Brittan and associated with Dyson... who knows?

Yes -- I know SM's company was Spheric Audio Laboratories Inc -- https://www.google.com.au/?tbm=pts#hl=en&safe=off&tbm=pts&tbm=pts&q=inassignee:%22SPHERIC+AUDIO+LABORATORIES,+Inc.%22&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.44770516,d.aGc&fp=557d4f81707c8f72&biw=1656&bih=950

I bet his co-worker and inventor David F. Doleshal could tell us some interesting stories about SM. ... this all happened just up the coast from Grumpy's employer but perusing that line wont get anyone anywhere.

...and while we are revealing things SM did not invent the TPU -- privately he has admitted that it was reverse engineered from working technology we was made privy to. You can learn a little more from the rantings of Brian Collins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_fRKxz_UNo -- Brian is a first class wanker and often liar -- but the idiot gives far too much away about the original function of the tec.

To give him credit SM took a technology that consumed energy to generate thrust against the fabric of space and turned it into a circulating space thrust that could frame drag electric current and thus generate "free current" -- horribly inaccurate words to describe the phenomenon but I am sure you all get the idea.

I asked Spherics about the name "David" when I saw it in the one of the excel file, and he said there was no connection.  He used several different names in his emails, such as "Hamlet".  While he sounds British, his slang is east coast USA.  "Peter David" is the author of "Fantastic Four: What Lies Between", and several Star Trek novels.

When did SM state that he "reverse engineered" the technology?  To whom did he say this?  Was it actually SM that said it?

Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
EMdevices said:

"Here's the conclusion of the TPU so far"..(.and following text)

You should rephrase that to read: "Here is my conclusion of the TPU so far"

There is no group consensus on the operational mechanism of the TPU. The text that followed your statement is strictly your opinion. There are those that might strongly disagree with your conclusions. You may have cherry picked supporting information for the "power line theory", and conveniently ignored evidence that does not support it. (see note 1)

Note 1: Gyroscopic properties, stiction effect, tested at UC labs far away from SM's home and at other locations(no close proximity HT overhead power lines), non directionality of some units.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Guest
I have an idea how this might works.  Let's imagine we have an oscillating source of 1 pV, infinite amps and 1 pA with infinite volt. Let's further assume that this is an inexhaustible energy source.  The power they can put out is P=IV.  This means we can extract MW with no problem.  How does this energy effect us?  Let's say our sensory has 1 Ohms. 


For a 1pV source, we feel a 1pA.  For a 1pA source, we feel a 1pV.  Practically, we can walk through this energy unaffected. 


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
In a world that excludes the ether, these coils are overunity. If the world took into account the ether, then the coils would not be thought of as overunity.

I believe everyone is correct. If we exclude the power line frequency and only include the ambient magnetic bias then we will get energy from everywhere as long as a magnetic field is around. This is why it works in a plane as SM stated it did. So the TPU creates a field that will attach to other magnetic fields and use that flux also.
The statement that iron can not be used pertains to the quantity most of us employ. Like I stated before maybe low saturation also works. This begs the test of producing the compwave test then bringing varying amounts of iron wire into varying proximities to exercise the result.

@Mark, thanks for the history.

@Grumpy, thanks for the pdf. Affirmation is the best drug.

Defeating entropy with transmogrification. Pure genius...

Hero Member

Posts: 805
EMdevices said:

You should rephrase that to read: "Here is my conclusion of the TPU so far"

There is no group consensus on the operational mechanism of the TPU. The text that followed your statement is strictly your opinion. There are those that might strongly disagree with your conclusions. You may have cherry picked supporting information for the "power line theory", and conveniently ignored evidence that does not support it. (see note 1)

Note 1: Gyroscopic properties, stiction effect, tested at UC labs far away from SM's home and at other locations(no close proximity HT overhead power lines), non directionality of some units.

I don' need group consensus for the truth.  I'm stating facts, and what SM said himself, and yes some opinions which I noted.

You and others keep mentioning that fact that it was tested elsewhere, and that does not invalidate anything, because no matter where he went he was within the influence of the grid.   In fact the papers you posted on the free energy radios in my other thread, run off of stray fields from the power grid as noted in the article.

The electric power grid is probably the most extensively polluting electromagnetic contraption on earth.  

« Last Edit: 2013-04-08, 03:36:11 by EMdevices »

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I don' need group consensus for the truth.  I'm stating facts, and what SM said himself, and yes some opinions which I noted.

You and others keep mentioning that fact that it was tested elsewhere, and that does not invalidate anything, because no matter where he went he was within the influence of the grid.   In fact the papers you posted on the free energy radios in my other thread, run off of stray fields from the power grid as noted in the article.

The electric power grid is probably the most extensively EM polluting contraption on earth.  


SM claimed the units had been tested at 15000 feet in an aircraft and they continued to work as claimed.  Last time I looked up, there were not powerlines near 15000 feet.

He also stated that he US Navy had similar tech since the 1950's - this in an email from SM posing as Mercury Melendez (spelling?).

Aether Vortex technoilogy can be traced back to 1928 with the work of Hendershot.  Marco traced it back further, the the early 1900's, as I recall.  Hendershot taught a group in Maxico how to build his device.  Mark Snoswell has visited them.  The letters from Korcsmaros to Hendershot indicate that others have known about and developed this technology.

Perhaps it is all a fallacy, but it sure makes for a lot of fun!

You could all finish it this year.  Sooner if you work together.
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
I personally consider tapping energy from the power grid to be a "bottom feeder" technology. Even if it were possible and if I could do it, I probably would not.

There are many ethical problems that would arise that need to be thoroughly considered.

I try to look at each potential technology from the standpoint of "would it be good if we all did it".

Once, many years ago, for a nice sum, I was asked to design a power supply for an "electric glove" that one could wear anywhere somewhat clandestinely for personal protection.

I imagined myself on a bus where everyone was suspiciously viewing the adjacent person as a potential attacker, and they all wore these "electric gloves".

I turned the handsome sum of money down, because I did not wish to contribute to a technology where everyone would be wearing one of these, a world of fear and paranoia.

There would be others for hire to do this, but it would not be me.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052


well maybe we could just make the "Bikini"??

Hero Member

Posts: 805
Aether Vortex technoilogy can be traced back to 1928 with the work of Hendershot.

Hendershot's latest two coil designs is more of the same technology as I'm experimenting with, a receiver for EM fields and energy, be it 60 Hz or 100 MHz, but as I pointed out before, his motor velocity was 3600 RPM or close to it, which indicates it is fed with frequencies related to the power grid.

I'm not even sure what Aether Vortex Technology means for you, but if it embodies a concept that you have, by all means work it and show us how it's done.

All these technologies are related and feed off of the "modern" power grid with its many stray fields and/or radio waves from high power radio stations.

Hans Coller
and others


Jr. Member

Posts: 69

Hendershot's latest two coil designs is more of the same technology as I'm experimenting with, a receiver for EM fields and energy, be it 60 Hz or 100 MHz, but as I pointed out before, his motor velocity was 3600 RPM or close to it, which indicates it is fed with frequencies related to the power grid.

I'm not even sure what Aether Vortex Technology means for you, but if it embodies a concept that you have, by all means work it and show us how it's done.

All these technologies are related and feed off of the "modern" power grid with its many stray fields and/or radio waves from high power radio stations.

Hans Coller
and others


I don't know how far are you right now, from the transmitter which feeding your brain with power, but I'm pretty sure you left the near field region long ago, and the power from the signal is dropping irrevocably. Turn back EM!  :D

"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Hero Member

Posts: 805
It's too late for me Chef, too late!   :D

Guys, here's some correspondence from Steven:

My Dear Friend,

I hope this finds you well.

Since I feel as though I have absolutely no future any longer, I would like to make one admission to you.

I have made a statement that I have not necessarily believed to be the absolute truth.

I and my colleagues noted the rather maximum magnetic factors involved with the devices in operation. IE, there is always extremely strong magnetic fields at frequency, at close and distant proximity.  

We were never able to actually understand what came first... The fields or the power. Are the fields just a coupling mechanism from a power source converted from? Or is the power source that the unit couples just the earth's magnetic field pure and simple?

We were coached to come to a decision and maintain that it is the Earth's magnetic field which is the source of the power which is converted by the power units while in operation.

Well, I tell you now Lindsay that actually we never found out what the absolute provable source of the power is. Our founding was cut off. The powers that be assumed we had a marketable item and that money would be available for future research. we would find out all the secrets of the universe, etc.

However, that was not to be.

So here we are..... I tell you that I honestly do not know for sure where the actual source of the power comes from.
I hope that you will not think less of me for my admission to you.
PS, remember the promise I made to you, I will not forget when the time comes.

stay tuned, I'm looking for another email ...

Here's an email that sheds light on the vibration of the units, we explored magnetostriction phenomena a while ago.

    Dear xxxxxx,

I hope this letter finds you well and in great spirits when you receive it.
I am doing somewhat better now.   I am glad that i have made a decision to move forward.

I happened to come upon a letter you sent to me on the twelfth, which I have previously missed.
I am sorry about that, and so i shall attempt to address some of your questions now.

Your wrote and asked:

     "What is the heat in watts in relation to the output?   Is there even a relationship? "

The output of heat is NOT proportional to the energy output of the unit. We found that very interesting because it goes against everything we have been taught. The units heat up gradually and logarithmically to an accelerated point of self destruction. They heat up at an identical rate regardless of load. It is almost as though the energy output is some byproduct of the units operation....

     "What actually happened in the water experiment?"

This is also very interesting...... as you may recall, the units vibrate or pulse when in operation, well.... when you submerge them in water they exert physical movement against the body of water. The amount of hydraulic pressure they can develop is HUGE ! I can not emphasize this point enough. Now think about the associated problems... ?
When the units are operated in the open air or held in the hand there is no problem because the air acts as a spring or cushion. in the water, however, the units have a solid substance to act against. Can you imagine what can happen?

      "Do the conductors degrade quickly when under higher loads?  Do they degrade at all?"

The answer is: NO.

I also thought of collecting the heat output and recycling it as energy. The problem is... no matter how much you try to SINK the heat, the units put out more heat.... the rise time is so fast you cannot control it.
When I said that the heat problem is something to be worked out, I meant it quite seriously!
I bet the Scientists who read the web site would have a brain melt down with the thought of what I have just told you. Ha, Ha...
Take care,
« Last Edit: 2013-04-05, 23:27:38 by EMdevices »
Hero Member

Posts: 805
OK, I found the email I was looking for:

Dear xxxx,

I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirits. I am feeling a little better today.
I have something here that you may want to post on the web site.
I hope that you will be able to forgive the folks on the web for not wanting to believe.
I say that because I believe it is not that we could ever prove to their satisfaction that the technology works. It is simply that they don't want to believe. It is too hard on their basic belief system.  Anything they do not have the capacity to understand is not worth accepting in their book.

About the person who came by asking you about the device and was wondering if perhaps I was only tuning into overhead power lines.
I hope you told him that, If I was only tuning into overhead power lines, that trick alone is worth about a Billion dollars!
Imagine the possibilities for that technology alone? Gosh, cars, trains, portable computers.
Hey! Perhaps we have touched on something here!!!  Why don't we tell everyone that you finally found out what my trick is, that I only found a way to tap into overhead power lines. Then everyone would believe and we could market the technology as such and make billions of dollars and everyone would be happy because they will all think that they were correct about my technology being a fake.  Of course they may start to wonder about the fact that no one ever gets a power bill... But that will come up much latter on when it doesn't matter.

You know, that reminds me of the first time we demonstrated the technology for an engineer from Union Carbide company. He was the chief engineer of their battery division.
We told them that we had a new battery to show them because no one would send anybody to see our technology because, everyone knows that what we say we have is impossible.

So they sent their head of engineering and we gave him a demonstration of the power unit.
WELL!!!  He saw just ten minutes of our lighting a single 100 watt 120 volt light bulb with our 4" unit and HE WENT BALISTIC!!!  He became very excited and asked every question in the book. He began to stutter and etc. It was all quite humorous.  The down side was when we eventually had to explain that it wasn't a battery and that we only told them that to get them to come so that we could show them our generator technology that things fell apart.
No one from the company wanted anything to do with a power generator because everyone knew that was impossible.
I often joked that we should just make small units and sell them a fantastic new batteries that never go dead! Everyone would go crazy buying them and not stop to think why they never go dead.

Well that was one of my ideas, anyway, Ha, Ha!
About the collector, ask me questions and I will see if I can answer them individually. I cant find your last few e-mails and I have forgotten what you wanted to know.
UEC is going crazy about anything I may write to you. I have been forbidden to send you any drawing or diagram of any kind, so that will limit some of my contribution at least physically at the moment. I am also forbidden to talk to you on the phone, although I can't see why. What we are doing here is just about the same thing.
Anyway, thank you for your kindness and concern. I hope that we can do some great things together some day. I believe it is possible.
I do not know if I should tell you this but here goes anyway. I am making arrangements to see to it that you receive very complete drawings and engineering documents including all the white papers on the technology...... if something should happen to me. All I need is a permanent address for you and that will be done.
It is the only way I can be sure to get the technology passed on to someone of value when I die.
I hope you are flattered with my sincere desire to give you this knowledge no matter what.



SM says he does not know exactly where the power comes from, because they ran out of time and funding to find out, but I think he knows quite well it is the overhead power lines just doesn't want to admit it because then he gets in trouble with the power companies.  Notice in the previous emails that he was "coached" to maintain and say the energy comes from the magnetic field of the earth.  I wonder who did the "coaching"?  probably Brian Collins, the unscrupulous marketeer.

People can put their heads in the sand all they want, like an ostrich, to avoid he truth, but it won't change it.
« Last Edit: 2013-04-06, 01:40:59 by EMdevices »

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Sorry EM, I still have a very hard time buying into the overhead power line theory.

I think SM was quite tongue-in-cheek when he was talking about it.  :P

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
"Space" is the storehouse of momentum (or aether if u prefer).  Space curves per Einstein, varies in density per others.  The difference is where the energy resides.

J.J. Thompson first proposed it.   Poincare and a few others developed theories along this line.

I do not believe for one second that SM was just harness the ambient waste of power lines.  If this is the only way you can explain it, then, please, take a walk on the wild side.

Look back at history.  We were on a roll until the World Wars started.  Then it all went down the crapper.

Helmholtz was the only one to believe that the aether could be set into motion.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
It looks like it is rung with one pressure but oscillates at another.

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Posts: 805
It's like arguing about what station he was "listening" to.  I heard the "the song" and it was a 60's classic by PLH  :P

Anyway, we can all build the same TPU "radio" but yet tune into different frequencies and collect.  However, the build of the radio indicates a low frequency of operation.

The build is quite simple, according to SM:

Horizontal collector coils, wrapped by vertical control coils.  

The control coils are wrapped in sectors, so that each sector can be fed  one single frequency.

The secret is what frequencies to use.

Why does it work?  Because the collector coils are ferromagnetic and are biased magnetically to a nonlinear operating reagion, so that the multiple frequencies can mix together inside of it.

Once a mixing product coincides with the acoustic resonant frequency of the collector, it begins to ring violently in a particular mode that involves revolving waves.  These revolving waves, accompanied by magnetic fields, induce currents back in the control coils, of course at a different frequency, and when separated becomes the output. Or as he said, just use another control coil wrapped over the whole thing.

The physical transducing mechanism enabling the motion and vibration of the collector coil is called magnetostriction.  Since magnetic domains are flipping very fast, the hysteresis losses are significant and the wire heats up.  This is accompanied by I^2 R losses as well, but SM seems to indicate the former is the real nuisance.

One principle I don't fully understand is what happens to currents that flow through the ferromagnetic collector wire, while it is magnetized and vibrates, etc.  Does the current become spin polarized perhaps?  Hans Coller was doing the same thing back around WWII, meaning flowing currents through magnetized conductors.

Anyway, once you build your radio you can "listen" to whatever you want.  But listen to the wrong "music" and "they" will crack down on you.

« Last Edit: 2013-04-06, 20:25:07 by EMdevices »
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