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Author Topic: Aether Vortex Energy Converter (AVEC Device): Full Disclosure  (Read 276494 times)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Spherics stated the basic process and the basic protocol in the AVEC document much clearer in design than SM did about the TPU. But we have demos from SM where none from Sperics. And herein starts the discourse. SM stated alot of process steps but did not really tie them together in a format that we as engineers could readily grasp but not connect. Because Sm did not connect them or did he? I, often now as in the past have erupted in to thinking about these devices continually as I and we have been left to our own devices. 'Haunted' is the one thing that we all agree on. If you're not, then leave now. What I have noticed is that everybody makes known their ability with componenents, devices and processes and that this sparks thinking that the reader attaches to their own process development. Sometimes some one mentions something that I can use in this thinking effort and I hope I have offered too. But nowhere has any body stated their particular idea of the process of a device to the public. They start in the weeds an stay in the weeds. When somebody looks over the weeds that only causes silence or diversion. So until each can state their process idea then the submitted information from them can be of little use because without a destination the readers just are pulled about and off course. Or have I missed something along the way?


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
Quote from: giantkiller
'Haunted' is the one thing that we all agree on. If you're not, then leave now.

This is in reality closer than you may have
intended to where it's actually coming from.
Which also would account for its elusiveness
and why only a "few" are able to bring it forth.

If it was a truly scientific phenomenon then
there would be a logical and reliably replicable

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
This is in reality closer than you may have intended to where it's actually coming from.
I am fully aware of the environment of the next step.
So when does one decide to don the suite of E.V.Gray or Gerald Bull?
Tis best to make this decision now than have naivety handed back to you.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Creative forces perhaps, but not spiritual.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Aye, in the beginning we have that sort of
optimism.  Until we make "contact."

Those who are in the deepest levels of the
Black Projects (the color is significant)
are well aware.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Here is a video of a cap being charged with a DC current wirelessly,without the use of nonlinear component's.The components used are-2 neon bulb's which can be hooked up in either direction(nonlinear) 1x resistor,which of course can be hooked in any direction(nonlinear) And 1x AC cap of any type-which of course can also be hooked in any direction(nonlinear) In the video you will see that i also charge a 100uf 160 volt electrolytic cap from the ceramic cap in the circuit.This is to show that the DMM on the ceramic cap is reading correctly.

Is it possible the DMM is rectifying the induced AC ? Or adding non symmetrical properties to the circuit.

What I seen with Eric Dollard's experiment was that he was switching the oscillator on and off, is it
possible to shut off the oscillator and leave the cap with a residual potential one way or the other ?

Group: Guest
Here is a video of a cap being charged with a DC current wirelessly,without the use of nonlinear component's.The components used are-2 neon bulb's which can be hooked up in either direction(nonlinear) 1x resistor,which of course can be hooked in any direction(nonlinear) And 1x AC cap of any type-which of course can also be hooked in any direction(nonlinear) In the video you will see that i also charge a 100uf 160 volt electrolytic cap from the ceramic cap in the circuit.This is to show that the DMM on the ceramic cap is reading correctly.

Interesting test, tinman.  Could you provide schematics?

Possible objections:
- A voltmeter or ampmeter can have non linearities or introduce DC from their input, for example due to protection diodes rectifying AC voltage. They shouldn't be connected during the operation (the AC voltage can be >> to the DC and so the voltmeter be saturated while the DC limit is not reached). For example, see at mn 3:00 how a measurement can be falsified by an ambient high frequency field: the voltmeter is showing a voltage but it is not even connected (http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php).
- An electrolytic capacitor is not linear so it must not be involved in any way in the process.
- We must ensure that neon bulbs are linear

Could you disconnect each measurement apparatus, try with a big AC cap carefully discharged before the operation (for instance 2µF), and measure it after the test, just after having stopped the AC and disconnected the capacitor from the circuit?

« Last Edit: 2013-04-02, 09:08:51 by exnihiloest »
Group: Guest
Interesting test, tinman.  Could you provide schematics?

Possible objections:
- A voltmeter or ampmeter can have non linearities or introduce DC from their input, for example due to protection diodes rectifying AC voltage. They shouldn't be connected during the operation (the AC voltage can be >> to the DC and so the voltmeter be saturated while the DC limit is not reached). For example, see at mn 3:00 how a measurement can be falsified by an ambient high frequency field: the voltmeter is showing a voltage but it is not even connected (http://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php).
- An electrolytic capacitor is not linear so it must not be involved in any way in the process.
- We must ensure that neon bulbs are linear

Could you disconnect each measurement apparatus, try with a big AC cap carefully discharged before the operation (for instance 2µF), and measure it after the test, just after having stopped the AC and disconnected the capacitor from the circuit?

I will run the test as you suggested,and will video the result's and post here soon.I will also draw up a quick schematic as soon as i can.
Group: Guest
Just an FYI about linearity/non-linearity as related to the charging of a capacitor, wireless:

Most electronic components have non-linearity and many are not well known.

Example... The Ne-1 & Ne-2 are well known for such functions and were used as negistors in early test equipment by HP. Yes, they can and do rectify but only within a narrow range of their operating curves.

Electrolytic capacitors with oxide based dielectrics also have rectification abilities when reverse polarized slightly above the allowable applied reverse voltage.

So, yes, you can charge a capacitor wirelessly. If you wish to find something new, try charging a PP type (polypropylene) at a distance.

This may help....


So, I can believe that reverse charging a 100 V electrolytic to 50V and then following the rest of the instructions would work. I wouldn't suggest allowing that ever increasing voltage to go too far. The cap may explode. ;)

One other thing....

I can see where even a capacitor without an oxide based dielectric could be charged wireless. Trim one of the lead's coils differently than the other.

The above is one of the reasons I stopped experimenting with the AVEC device.
Group: Guest
A real nostalgia trip to see all the old names and information again.

xxx, why don't you toss in your magnifying dipole antenna as it's relevant and may help people along? I could post it if you want to obscure the source - let me know.

Peter (aka Spherics) was right -- the temptation to say something is -- annoying in the least.

The serious development also comes with serious  funding and secrecy. However, and contrary to popular belief, we are constantly posting more information on www.chavascience.com The intention is to release a lot more information soon -- truly astounding advances in our understanding of the fundamentals with simple experiments that everyone can replicate.

Apologies for being so cryptic -- I'd encourage people to experiment and do their own thinking. Docs from Spherics, SM et all (there's lots more available)... look closely and you'll see it's information that all appears to be strongly linked to the same source and technology -- I would advise that you all to remember that these jumbled sets of information are incomplete, contain errors and are loaded with misinterpretations -- all what you would expect from poorly understood reversed engineered tec... So -- be inspired by it all but do you own experiments and thinking.
Group: Guest
OU mechanism may be related to fusion.  Fusion reactor may have achieved OU but not sustainable.  Plasma heating part in this article resemble many aspect of what we're doing.  I think it's a good time to joint quest.


Temperature, plasma, voltage... I think there is a connection.

Group: Guest
Just an FYI about linearity/non-linearity as related to the charging of a capacitor, wireless:

Most electronic components have non-linearity and many are not well known.

Example... The Ne-1 & Ne-2 are well known for such functions and were used as negistors in early test equipment by HP. Yes, they can and do rectify but only within a narrow range of their operating curves.

I agree. It's the likely cause of the capacitor charge.
I have verified that the neon bulbs seem to be hightly nonlinear. The V/I graph is given at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neon_lamp. We see the severe non linearity and the area of negative resistance.

« Last Edit: 2013-04-03, 07:51:40 by exnihiloest »

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Equally interesting is Spherics claim regarding the tetrahedral unit that was first released on OU:

To complete the picture the intercept coil can be an air-core toroidal coil placed in a horizontal plane halfway between the top coil and the bottom three coils sized so that the outside of the toroid would touch, but not overlap, the imaginary planes of the tetrahedral pyramid sides. The diameter of the toroid hole should be the same as the diameter of the toroid windings for optimum results but quite frankly you could stick two solid 1 cm diameter 3/4 circle copper bars into the field and measure substantial voltage and current.
Hero Member

Posts: 805
A real nostalgia trip to see all the old names and information again.

xxx, why don't you toss in your magnifying dipole antenna as it's relevant and may help people along? I could post it if you want to obscure the source - let me know.

Peter (aka Spherics) was right -- the temptation to say something is -- annoying in the least.

The serious development also comes with serious  funding and secrecy. However, and contrary to popular belief, we are constantly posting more information on www.chavascience.com The intention is to release a lot more information soon -- truly astounding advances in our understanding of the fundamentals with simple experiments that everyone can replicate.

Apologies for being so cryptic -- I'd encourage people to experiment and do their own thinking. Docs from Spherics, SM et all (there's lots more available)... look closely and you'll see it's information that all appears to be strongly linked to the same source and technology -- I would advise that you all to remember that these jumbled sets of information are incomplete, contain errors and are loaded with misinterpretations -- all what you would expect from poorly understood reversed engineered tec... So -- be inspired by it all but do you own experiments and thinking.

thanks for the link Mark,  I'll have to check that out.

Since Grumpy fired up this topic again, I might as well chime in as well.

Here's my opinion:

The TPU is a different technology then what Spherics describes.  

There are similarities, but the differences are what differentiate these technologies.  The TPU is a radio that is tuned to a low 5500 Hz frequency, while the Spherics device intends to "spin the aeather" with fast pulses.

There are two difficulties with the Spherics approach from a scientific view point.  

1)  there is no aeather  (but there is space time)
2)  you can't "spin" space time

I think Spherics is a guy that experimented a lot with the SM TPUs in the first wave (1990's)  and fizzled out.   Later when Lindsay Mannix revived the topic with fresh info from SM in 2005, this guy came back on the scene to "pump-up" the interest.

He's probably a smart guy but from what he says I judge it to be a different technology and IF it functions and produces certain "results" as he claims, his explanation of those results certainly strikes me as fanciful and very imaginative.

On the other hand, I have high confidence in Steven Mark and his TPU, because he shows videos, respectable people witnessed the technology, and he explains things very intelligently without resorting to sci-fi.

Spherics should show us a device if its so simple to build, but instead he claims suppression and interference.  C.C  

Group: Guest
On the other hand, I have high confidence in Steven Mark and his TPU, because he shows videos, respectable people witnessed the technology

Unfortunately not OU.

Hero Member

Posts: 805
Fortunately very much OU, which is why I got pulled into this effort.  It has been a great journey that has led me to wireless power transfer, same place it led him, as exemplified by what he said and by the fact he hired Jack Durbin to expand the technology.

Hero Member

Posts: 805

the only relevance of the tubes is the "kick" that he observed.  He worked on TVs as some of you have, and as we all know, they had tubes in the old days.  What did he do with the kick?  Well, he learned to make lots of them and fast enough to resonate his coils. Later on he realized he can start the oscillations with just a swipe of the magnet, and feedback amplified and sustained the oscillations at the operating point.

When properly understood, his technology is quite ordinary, and he did mention it operates very much like a superheterodyne radio receiver, so the main point to all of it:  tune to a certain magnetic frequency and convert its energy.

Do you have a magnetic frequency at your location?  If not, don't bother, why build a radio if there's no signal to receive?

« Last Edit: 2013-04-03, 12:22:43 by EMdevices »
Group: Guest
Fortunately very much OU, which is why I got pulled into this effort.  It has been a great journey that has led me to wireless power transfer, same place it led him, as exemplified by what he said and by the fact he hired Jack Durbin to expand the technology.

"Very much OU"  ;D   

The ones who see OU from others, never possess at home an OU machine that works and which would be duplicable!
Affirming before verifying is an astonishing but useless and counterproductive method.

Hero Member

Posts: 805
The TPU fits my definition of OU, if it does not fit your definition, then I guess you won't experiment.

And by the way, I do have many OU devices around the house.   example:   solar cells, and tuned tank circuits, that receive a small amount of free energy,  yes small amount but OU never the less.

« Last Edit: 2013-04-04, 01:30:09 by EMdevices »

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
The TPU fits my definition of OU, if it does not fit your definition, then I guess you won't experiment.

And by the way, I do have many OU devices around the house.   example:   solar cells, and tuned tank circuits, that receiver a small amount of free energy,  yes small amount but OU never the less.

Sounds more like FE in the sense of a "passive renewable energy collector" rather than an OU device.

To me, an OU device would start with its own energy source (battery, charged cap, magnet swipe etc.). Then it produces more than it uses.

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Unfortunately not OU.

Ex, your skepticism is well placed.

Many of us have followed this device since Lindsey first brought it to the attention of the other OU forum, several years ago.  The inventor of the TPU was in contact with Lindsey for some time and provided a great deal of information and always stated that could not explain directly how the devices worked and why he could not. 

Some time passed and several people got upset, many left the forum, and a few kept trying to figure it out.

More time passed and then spherics came forward with two messages on that forum, explaining how the TPU worked and how to acheive the resutls we desired.  This was followed by a large sharing of information with a handful of people, now shared with everyone.

When you have followed it all from the beginning and are familair with all of the supporting information, it is easy to believe that the TPU was indeed an electrical generator, with no apparent power source.  The AVEC device, described in the pdf at the beginning of this thread is not proven or disproven, as far as I know.

I'll attach a document that includes the posts by Spherics, explaining TPU operation, to the post at the beginning of this thread:

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
In the Energia Celeste Patent they claim 20kw equivalent shaft horsepower with only 0.84 watts input.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...

I disagree regarding whether spherics explained the TPU operation, as in my opinion, he did not. Rather, he spent a great deal of time trying to explain some variant supposedly based on the TPU technology.

Had spherics actually explained the operation of the TPU's we've seen in the videos (even a fundamental concept), we would not be having this conversation.

It is most unfortunate that the folks who were in contact with spherics for that short time (I was not), did not in fact query him strictly on the TPU's in the videos. In my opinion, that would have been far more valuable than the information we did receive.

I must say that after my first reading of the information provided by spherics, I was rather disappointed about the direction it went, with so little focus on SM's devices themselves.

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948

I disagree regarding whether spherics explained the TPU operation, as in my opinion, he did not. Rather, he spent a great deal of time trying to explain some variant supposedly based on the TPU technology.

Had spherics actually explained the operation of the TPU's we've seen in the videos, we would not be having this conversation.

It is most unfortunate that the folks who were in contact with spherics for that short time (I was not), did not in fact query him strictly on the TPU's in the videos. In my opinion, that would have been far more valuable than the information we did receive.

I must say that after my first reading of the information provided by spherics, I was rather disappointed about the direction it went, with so little focus on SM's devices themselves.

It's hard to say what anyone would do until they are faced with a situation.  You want to ask questions, but he can leave at any time and never be heard from again, which is what did happen.   He answered some of our questions, but he was primarily trying to get enough out in a short amount of time to produce results.  I feel there are enough details to get either of the three devices to work with enough thought and experiment.

What would you do?   If you have an hour to explain how something works, are you going to explain an older version or the newer one that is more refined?

As far as I know, SM has never commented on this information.  No confirmation, no dispute.  I think that if it was total BS, SM would have said that.
Hero Member

Posts: 805
To me, an OU device would start with its own energy source (battery, charged cap, magnet swipe etc.). Then it produces more than it uses.

if that is the definition a simple solar cell would not meet this criteria, but a radio can.  For example, I can start with a little bit of charge in a cap, which will be used to start the regenerative process that increases the Q of the tank circuit and brings in more energy from the radio waves, or generally the electromagnetic fields surrounding its antenna, be it near fields or far fields  (i.e. propagating waves).

The biggest challenge to a regenerative receiver is that it will either have too much gain or not enough.  Too much gain makes it an oscillator and it will drift relative to the signal it tries to receive.   But if set just right, the gain of the receiver can be superb, with a Q in the 1000's, but at the same time it can be too selective, meaning the bandwidth is very narrow so it has to be tuned just right.    (because  BW = f/Q)

On the other hand, regarding solar cells, I'm wondering, what if we apply a voltage to a solar cell that is higher then the level produced by the light intensity?   Do we get more power?  In other words, we set a high potential and the photons release charge into a higher potential so more energy.  This concept is the same for regenerative radio and other devices like windmills.  For example, generally speaking, if there is a "flow" of something it becomes energy only if it flows against a potential.  A mass that moves by at a certain velocity, has lots of kinetic energy but we can't extract it unless we put up some resistance to it.  This resistance can be thought of as the initial energy we inject into a device so that it can begin to receive energy at a greater rate.

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