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Author Topic: Aether Vortex Energy Converter (AVEC Device): Full Disclosure  (Read 276492 times)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
The following may not make a lot of sense right now, but it will later after you explore the device yourself.

The way I view the operation is as follows:

1. The bias fields align the photons the same direction, and affects the density of the field.
2. The pulsed coils vary the density of the photon field in a local region.  This also imparts a force across the density variation.  Radial in this case, and I have shown this several times, years ago.
3. The pulse coils have to be sequenced as the photon field does not induce if homogenous.  If you pulse all of the coils at the same time, then the field is homogenous.  It needs to vary perpendicular to the collector - like moving a magnet across a coil.  By sequentially pulsing the coils (and you can pulse opposite coils at the same time) you create a repeating change in density and hence a second force in a circular direction.
4.  We know the density changes as the angular momentum is constant and changes in velocity must change the radius to maintain the angular momentum - hence the density changes.
5. If the bias field of the two main SEPs are the same polarity (N up, for example), you will not have the proper force distribution for conventional current, as two opposing forces are operating.  However, you still have a rhythmic change that will pump polarization in a dielectric.  So, you have your cold current.  (You'll still get both, but in a different ratio than the other way.)
6.  If you use electric field bias, you align half of the photons one way and half the other way - similar to (5), you get mostly cold current.

Transparent materials tend to be dielectrics and they transmit light, so I suspect some similarity between cold current and light, but haven't explored it yet.

By using the inherent rotation of our photons, we use changes in potential to produce the necessary force to drive a current.

(If anyone sees any blatant errors, please point them out.)
Group: Guest
Quote from: Grumpy on 2013-03-27, 02:22:36
Spherics describes a method of charging a capacitor, across a short distance, without contact.

the first two files:

I don't see any method here to charge a capacitor across a short distance, without contact.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I don't see any method here to charge a capacitor across a short distance, without contact.

From page 17 and 18 of the pdf at the first link:  (I cleaned it up a little and made the capacitor charging portion BOLD)


Message 10A
BBB_AAA_correspondence (date deleted) – how to see ether oscillation (also called "it" or "kick")

Sorry AAA, don't have everything with me to refer too. For the CCU, how do you see "it" on a scope? I understand that you pulse the inner (coil), and the outer (coil) has the DC for the steady field. Do in need to wrap a coil around the CCU to see "it"?

If the steady field is from a battery you'll be able to see on the terminals of the battery.
Charge a 100V cap to 50V. Cut two separate pieces of wire around 8 feet long that has good insulation. Connect one wire to one terminal and the other wire to the other terminal - no circuit!. Curl the wires up into two rough cylinders, diameter unimportant. Place near the CCU. Now pulse the coil whilst measuring the voltage on the cap, and scoping the cap. On the scope it looks like a very short burst of sustained oscillation.
Voltage on cap will steadily rise. Cut wire down to get best pulse definition.


Some things to keep in mind are:

1.  A CCU is a large air-core coil wound from at least 1000 feet of insulated wire in a "Brooks" configuration, and then an additional winding (hundreds of feet) are wound around the outside of the Brooks coil (same winding direction), and 24V DC is applied to this outer winding.  The Brooks coil is connected to a high voltage dc pulser, capable of generating short pulses, with very fast rise-time in excess of several hundred volts and preferably 1500v or more.

2. capacitor is initially charged to 50v

Brooks coil formulas:

Group: Guest
From page 17 and 18 of the pdf at the first link:  (I cleaned it up a little and made the capacitor charging portion BOLD)


Message 10A
BBB_AAA_correspondence (date deleted) – how to see ether oscillation (also called "it" or "kick")

Sorry AAA, don't have everything with me to refer too. For the CCU, how do you see "it" on a scope? I understand that you pulse the inner (coil), and the outer (coil) has the DC for the steady field. Do in need to wrap a coil around the CCU to see "it"?

If the steady field is from a battery you'll be able to see on the terminals of the battery.
Charge a 100V cap to 50V. Cut two separate pieces of wire around 8 feet long that has good insulation. Connect one wire to one terminal and the other wire to the other terminal - no circuit!. Curl the wires up into two rough cylinders, diameter unimportant. Place near the CCU. Now pulse the coil whilst measuring the voltage on the cap, and scoping the cap. On the scope it looks like a very short burst of sustained oscillation.
Voltage on cap will steadily rise. Cut wire down to get best pulse definition.


Some things to keep in mind are:

1.  A CCU is a large air-core coil wound from at least 1000 feet of insulated wire in a "Brooks" configuration, and then an additional winding (hundreds of feet) are wound around the outside of the Brooks coil (same winding direction), and 24V DC is applied to this outer winding.  The Brooks coil is connected to a high voltage dc pulser, capable of generating short pulses, with very fast rise-time in excess of several hundred volts and preferably 1500v or more.

2. capacitor is initially charged to 50v

Brooks coil formulas:

Wasn't entirely sure if that's how the CCU was.

Just a note of no significance; That coil configuration is similar to the one used for magnetizing SEG rollers (although the DC is on the high windings, and an AC pulse on the outside. 

But; the 24 Volt charged coil; that's not a flowing current? Just a high potential?

In the beginning he says non-bifilar, but then later... there's a bifilar with a delay line between mentioned... like page 18 of 34 ... where is that?

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Wasn't entirely sure if that's how the CCU was.

Just a note of no significance; That coil configuration is similar to the one used for magnetizing SEG rollers (although the DC is on the high windings, and an AC pulse on the outside. 

But; the 24 Volt charged coil; that's not a flowing current? Just a high potential?

In the beginning he says non-bifilar, but then later... there's a bifilar with a delay line between mentioned... like page 18 of 34 ... where is that?

The 24v provides a magnetic field bias, so current is flowing in this coil.  If you have sufficient cold current, in the complete device, the batteries for the bias can be removed and the coils will continue to function.

He says "non-bifilar" in relation to the two wires on the capacitor leads for charging from the field.  The bifilar with delay is in reference to Steven Mark's method of pulse comrpession used to create a HV pulse in his devices.
Group: Guest
...Now the information is tainted, and eveyone thinks it's a hoax, so they won't even give it a second look. I accept blame for the tainting.  I have not handled the information well at all.

Don't blame yourself.  To the few of us that were presented the information live, in order, it was easy to differentiate between Spherics' prose concerning SM's TPU, the simple experiments, the OU posted tetrahedron design, and finally, the secret six CCU design.  Spherics dropped off the face of the planet before the first builds were completed, (with un-reviewed deviations.)  He was not around to answer any questions about tuning, (or correct spec' deviations.)

If a new reader is not careful then it is easy to get the details of one design mixed-in with any one of the other designs or experiments also described.  Add to this that trolls, I submit, would be less concerned with differentiation of the details and be more apt to point out contradictions [design differences.]

Overall, the six-CCU design is a complex and costly affair.  Many opportunities to take shortcuts and go off spec'.  Many did and posted no results.

I do admit that I only vaguely recall the stand alone experiments.  I recall them being in reference to the SM design.  I might look into them.  Then again, I might not.

I just cannot get over the feeling that I was constructing a big [stupid] complicated air core transformer requiring a few batteries to power the various SEP coils, (eight coils I think it is: six around the CCUs, one main, and one CB SEP,) and another battery to make the HV pulses on the six CCU cores.  After financing this whole affair I now need to run out and buy more test equipment to show 'extremely economical' [OU] operation -OR- my batteries die, whichever comes first.  I just felt like my time would be better spent lurking for new information.

I must say that I am really liking the Thunderbolts Project and the Electric Universe model.  I could continue to follow a dead-[like] guru but knowing exactly where we fit in the inter-galactic circuit may go a long way to constructing and understanding successful new energy generators.  Safety first!

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
1. The bias fields align the photons the same direction, and affects the density of the field.
2. The pulsed coils vary the density of the photon field in a local region.  This also imparts a force across the density variation.  Radial in this case, and I have shown this several times, years ago.
3. The pulse coils have to be sequenced as the photon field does not induce if homogenous.  If you pulse all of the coils at the same time, then the field is homogenous.  It needs to vary perpendicular to the collector - like moving a magnet across a coil.  By sequentially pulsing the coils (and you can pulse opposite coils at the same time) you create a repeating change in density and hence a second force in a circular direction.
4.  We know the density changes as the angular momentum is constant and changes in velocity must change the radius to maintain the angular momentum - hence the density changes.
5. If the bias field of the two main SEPs are the same polarity (N up, for example), you will not have the proper force distribution for conventional current, as two opposing forces are operating.  However, you still have a rhythmic change that will pump polarization in a dielectric.  So, you have your cold current.  (You'll still get both, but in a different ratio than the other way.)
6.  If you use electric field bias, you align half of the photons one way and half the other way - similar to (5), you get mostly cold current.

So I liken this to a similar setup of John Hutchison's experiment where he has objects between 2 Tesla coils and he makes them jump by shooting them with a transducer. The transducer alone can not move the objects. But by encapsulating the objects in a resonant bias field he excites the bias causing the alignments of chaotic shifting. Exciting a bias has always been the answer. 8)
And the TPU is the same process. Put a bias on the horizontals and pulse it with the verticals. 90 degrees does work.

Group: Guest
From page 17 and 18 of the pdf at the first link:  (I cleaned it up a little and made the capacitor charging portion BOLD)

Are you talking about this:
"Charge a 100V cap to 50V. Cut two separate pieces of wire around 8 feet long that has good insulation. Connect one wire to one terminal and the other wire to the other terminal - no circuit!. Curl the wires up into two rough cylinders, diameter unimportant. Place near the CCU. Now pulse the coil whilst measuring the voltage on the cap, and scoping the cap. On the scope it looks like a very short burst of sustained oscillation. voltage on cap will steadyly rise. Cut wire down to get best pulse definition"?

Why charging the capacitor if it charges itself? What kind of "rough cylinders"? Conductor, insulated?... If they are conductor, they can act as antennaes and as they are capacitively coupled to the wire, non linearities in the capacitor which can especially occur if the capacitor is electrochemical can lead to a signal rectification (is it electrochemical ? it's not even specified.)
If a scope is connected to the capacitor, then the capacitor is not insulated and can be charged by induction currents in the probe and so on...

These vague descriptions provide no evidence of anything nor the operational means to get one, by lack of technical precise details.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
insulated wire

non-electrochemical capacitor

non-electrolytic capacitor

You cannot do this test without a coil like the CCU arrangement
Group: Guest
insulated wire

non-electrochemical capacitor

non-electrolytic capacitor

You cannot do this test without a coil like the CCU arrangement

The paper you gave is totally insufficient to know what are the results and how the experiment is made.
What you say is irrefutable, I see nothing concrete.

If you still affirm that a capacitor can be charged at a distance without non linear component such a diode, you should show us the experimental evidence by making yourself the setup. If for some reason you are prevented to do it, affirming anything based on so weak elements like those you presented here is a pure profession of faith.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
The paper you gave is totally insufficient to know what are the results and how the experiment is made.
What you say is irrefutable, I see nothing concrete.

If you still affirm that a capacitor can be charged at a distance without non linear component such a diode, you should show us the experimental evidence by making yourself the setup. If for some reason you are prevented to do it, affirming anything based on so weak elements like those you presented here is a pure profession of faith.

The affirmation was made by the person that provided the information.  I am just a messenger passing the information to others. 

Eric Dollard made this same affirmation and demonstrated charging of a capacitor held near his Tesla Transformer demonstration.  This video is available free on the internet.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
Ex what do you make of these scope shots.

Note the scope probe is not connected to anything other than having a 100K resistor wound around it's tip pin and earth shield

The scope probe is laying next to the coil i am pulsing, and sniffing the resulting rf noise.Also note the scope Chanel is set to DC


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
In the least, I expect a thorough lecture on the the work required to separate charges.  This is the accepted explanation applied when charging a capacitor, complete with ample supplies of theory, experiment, and mathematics.   It's obviously irrefutable.

Curiously, an iceskater can increase her rotation velocity by lowering her arms.    O0
Group: Guest
Ex what do you make of these scope shots.

Note the scope probe is not connected to anything other than having a 100K resistor wound around it's tip pin and earth shield

The scope probe is laying next to the coil i am pulsing, and sniffing the resulting rf noise.Also note the scope Chanel is set to DC


It's easy to charge a capacitor at a distance: a transmitter, a distant antenna with a diode or some nonlinear component (any conductor can act as an antenna), and a capacitor. This is very common, I made it myself. I don't challenge this point. RF energy can charge a capacitor at a distance.

Now the alleged effect that Grumpy let's know wouldn't involve any rectifying component. Nevertheless as an apparently linear component can be nonlinear (for example an electrochemical capacitor), the phenomenon could be real but still conventional. Unfortunately there is no precise technical description of the alleged extraordinary phenomenon and so the phenomenon should be discarded until proof of the contrary. As Grumpy spoke of this phenomenon as an objective fact giving credibility to the rest of the paper, and the fact is not established, then the whole paper remains as doubtful as this alleged phenomenon.

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
I suppose this may come as a surprise to you,perhaps not...... this thing that Grumpy discusses here [SM device]was never offered up at any point in its history to these forums or the public by the inventor.
quite the contrary actually.

 There is much here that intrigues ,too many parts and pieces of the story consistently "taunt" at the mind !
All I would ask  is a bit of respect for men who have experimented and continue to be intrigued by this device in its different forms.

I know we have a language barrier,and I know men in some countries take for granted the need to be blunt,what may seem rude to me in NYC may just be "the way it is" in France??[we don't have many French men]

I can deal with that,what I have a problem with is this "helpless" state.

You help less and less ,there are so many positive things that could be added to the dialogue that The Grump has put forth to the community
The Photon can be played with in so many ways ,from light to electricity to gravity the whole Gambit.

This group is the last stronghold of the TPU,it never got the chance it should have from a group effort,I no longer believe this venue
inappropriate for organized replication or for a simple vetting process of a particular alleged anomaly.

the Talent available to do this is here ,the technology to experiment grows better every passing day,our knowledge and access to data is as never before in human history.

who knows what we may find when the talent, the knowledge ,technology and purpose can focus ?

It just needs a good test protocol and a bit more cooperation between interested parties.

And just for the record ...this "model of cooperation" regardless of what may ultimately be the DUT

Is the perfect storm ~~

« Last Edit: 2013-04-01, 10:14:14 by ramset »
Group: Guest
I suppose this may come as a surprise to you,perhaps not...... this thing that Grumpy discusses here [SM device]was never offered up at any point in its history to these forums or the public by the inventor.
quite the contrary actually.

 There is much here that intrigues ,too many parts and pieces of the story consistently "taunt" at the mind !
All I would ask  is a bit of respect for men who have experimented and continue to be intrigued by this device in its different forms.

I know we have a language barrier,and I know men in some countries take for granted the need to be blunt,what may seem rude to me in NYC may just be "the way it is" in France??[we don't have many French men]

I can deal with that,what I have a problem with is this "helpless" state.

You help less and less ,there are so many positive things that could be added to the dialogue that The Grump has put forth to the community
The Photon can be played with in so many ways ,from light to electricity to gravity the whole Gambit.

This group is the last stronghold of the TPU,it never got the chance it should have from a group effort,I no longer believe this venue
inappropriate for organized replication or for a simple vetting process of a particular alleged anomaly.

the Talent available to do this is here ,the technology to experiment grows better every passing day,our knowledge and access to data is as never before in human history.

who knows what we may find when the talent, the knowledge ,technology and purpose can focus ?

It just needs a good test protocol and a bit more cooperation between interested parties.

And just for the record ...this "model or cooperation" regardless of what may ultimately be the DUT

Is the perfect storm ~~


this got me going no offense intended...

Many times the window was open but who wants to have hot tubes every where and rad doses from high voltage mistakes?? No body that's who.
everybody wants to do it their way an NOT take the advice from the inventor ..his effort and mine ,was to point you in the right direction to have the opportunity to discover the phenomenon. One that should not exist so ..how can any body already have an idea???
I dont blame any body for NOT doing it . I understand the will to live a healthy  and long life and it is stronger than the need for something we are not ready for , not by a long shot . Hedron collider experiments hardly raised an eyebrow around here .. go figure!
xrays from tape?  nah cant be rellevant  can  it ?! .
Oh that's right ......this is all just a diversion from what you really think is happening .... I hope you see the point .Or rather the pointlessness.

Will I say it again.................. use effing bottles and find out why .........
 Time Has run out now for the help that was once available  as far as I know ..............
want the self contained units whats in the videos??? good luck with that

now lets all see how much we can get out of  a 1.5 volt flat battery useing a different measuring protocol ...much safer .
Group: Guest

If you still affirm that a capacitor can be charged at a distance without non linear component such a diode, you should show us the experimental evidence by making yourself the setup. If for some reason you are prevented to do it, affirming anything based on so weak elements like those you presented here is a pure profession of faith.

Ex-i don't understand as to what is so hard about charging a capacitor wirelessly without a diode?.A cap can be charged with a dc voltage wirelessly without a diode-and that is any sort of capacitor.I have not been able to achieve any where near 50 volt's,but my system is very small(just a small slayer exciter).But 1.5 volt's DC is no problem.And the direction of current can simply be reversed by moving the circuit closer to the tower.All you need is a small neon bulb,a resistor and cap.
Group: Guest
@ramset and gridbias

Your replies are very mysterious for me, as could be replies coming from an extraterrestrial culture  :).

You should understand that I respect everybody, but that I have not to respect as absolute truth what the people present here and there, even if it's the result of long works and efforts.
Neither the hardness of a work, nor the good will of persons to let it know, nor the sincerity of the author, guarantee its content. We have to respect the people, we have not to respect their convictions if we don't share them nor their affirmations if we consider that they are false.

I'm interested by the facts. Only new facts could lead to overunity but for that, they must be real facts. I see no fact supporting the assertion that a capacitor would be charged at a distance (without nonlinear component). So I say that I see no fact supporting the assertion that a capacitor would be charged at a distance, and I say why. If a so simple method should be discarded, we wouldn't be no more in the field of science but of sectarian faith.
I don't blame anybody. I consider that Grumpy present us on this forum relevant matter that he finds on Internet and that is generally well related to the topic that is discussed. It's a worthy contribution. Nevertheless in the present case, I challenge the point that "a capacitor would be charged at a distance" would be a fact. And if this point is the cornerstone of the presented matter and it's not a fact, then the whole work is doubtful. I say no more than that.
The contradiction is about what is said, not against whom says it, not against Grumpy himself who moreover, only reported the point! It's not because you would challenge the theory of relativity that you would blame Einstein or that you wouldn't respect him!  C.C

Group: Guest
Ex-i don't understand as to what is so hard about charging a capacitor wirelessly without a diode?

It's what I said above.
Read more carefully: the point is about the possibility to do it without diode (or any nonlinear component of same kind).
If there is a diode, then it works but it's a conventional fact that doesn't show anything new.
If there is no diode, then it could work because there would be another nonlinear component to be identified. Still conventional.
In other cases, no sufficient elements are provided to show evidence of a charge without nonliear elements.

Group: Guest
It's what I said above.
Read more carefully: the point is about the possibility to do it without diode (or any nonlinear component of same kind).
If there is a diode, then it works but it's a conventional fact that doesn't show anything new.
If there is no diode, then it could work because there would be another nonlinear component to be identified. Still conventional.
In other cases, no sufficient elements are provided to show evidence of a charge without nonliear elements.

Is neon gas nonlinear ?.So a quiz for you Ex,can a neon bulb and a resistor pass more current in one direction than it dose in another using wireless transmition.The other part of the puzzle is that it dosnt matter which way the neon bulbs are hooked up-the bulk of the current flow is still nonlinear in the same direction.And as i stated above-it will work with any type of cap.
Group: Guest
Is neon gas nonlinear ?.So a quiz for you Ex,can a neon bulb and a resistor pass more current in one direction than it dose in another using wireless transmition.The other part of the puzzle is that it dosnt matter which way the neon bulbs are hooked up-the bulk of the current flow is still nonlinear in the same direction.And as i stated above-it will work with any type of cap.

I think that a neon gas tube has symmetric electrodes, so it should not rectify signals (to be verified).
But the question is: what was the exact configuration of the experiment? Was there a nonlinear component or not?
If there was a nonlinear component, it's doesn't a matter what it is if it's not symmetrical for the current, it's a conventional phenomenon that doesn't indicate something new.

Group: Guest
I think that a neon gas tube has symmetric electrodes, so it should not rectify signals (to be verified).
But the question is: what was the exact configuration of the experiment? Was there a nonlinear component or not?
If there was a nonlinear component, it's doesn't a matter what it is if it's not symmetrical for the current, it's a conventional phenomenon that doesn't indicate something new.

The system is as i stated two comments ago.I am using a slayer exciter to transmit wireless energy to the neon bulbs.I am now using 2 neon bulbs hooked in series with a resister and cap,so our series circuit is from cap to neon to neon to resister to cap.I am uploading a video now,so i will post it here when it's done.I do have a theroy as to how this work's,but i will wait and see what you have to say about it.
Group: Guest
Here is a video of a cap being charged with a DC current wirelessly,without the use of nonlinear component's.The components used are-2 neon bulb's which can be hooked up in either direction(nonlinear) 1x resistor,which of course can be hooked in any direction(nonlinear) And 1x AC cap of any type-which of course can also be hooked in any direction(nonlinear) In the video you will see that i also charge a 100uf 160 volt electrolytic cap from the ceramic cap in the circuit.This is to show that the DMM on the ceramic cap is reading correctly.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
this got me going no offense intended...

Many times the window was open but who wants to have hot tubes every where and rad doses from high voltage mistakes?? No body that's who.
everybody wants to do it their way an NOT take the advice from the inventor ..his effort and mine ,was to point you in the right direction to have the opportunity to discover the phenomenon. One that should not exist so ..how can any body already have an idea???
I dont blame any body for NOT doing it . I understand the will to live a healthy  and long life and it is stronger than the need for something we are not ready for , not by a long shot . Hedron collider experiments hardly raised an eyebrow around here .. go figure!
xrays from tape?  nah cant be rellevant  can  it ?! .
Oh that's right ......this is all just a diversion from what you really think is happening .... I hope you see the point .Or rather the pointlessness.

Will I say it again.................. use effing bottles and find out why .........
 Time Has run out now for the help that was once available  as far as I know ..............
want the self contained units whats in the videos??? good luck with that

now lets all see how much we can get out of  a 1.5 volt flat battery useing a different measuring protocol ...much safer .

I don't use tubes as I see no reason to.  Also, no one using them has shown anything of interest. 

With my avalanche pulsers, I can vary the pulsewidth at will, and it always shuts off like it is supposed to (unless it shorts...), and they are cheap and easy to use.  Tubes are probably more robust, but tubes in the KV range are out of my reach.
Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Anyone suggesting the use of tubes, should have a good reason, and that reason should be easy to explain with a simple schematic with the accompanying text that supports the good reason and the tests that support the reasoning.

We agree that tubes have some interesting characteristics, such as "transit time" whereby fast moving isolated packets of electrons speed to and collide with the anode.

I have thousands of tubes, all types on hand , I am a willing experimenter and also willing to share my findings.

I respectfully implore gridbias to share what he may have discovered in a scientific manner. That's what we are here for.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
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