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Author Topic: Aether Vortex Energy Converter (AVEC Device): Full Disclosure  (Read 276496 times)

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Photons...  :D

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Photons...  :D

Wow a short statement. "Photons... Smiley"

Does that complete the "full disclosure" ?

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Wow a short statement. "Photons... Smiley"

Does that complete the "full disclosure" ?

Finally figuring it out, so it's just the beginning, rather than a completion.

The coils emmit photons when pulsed.  This is what Spherics meant by:

Ether pulses are emitted from the input coils which you may like to think of as charged +ve and -ve particles, or perhaps encapsulated waveforms of very high frequency. If they hit a copper wire a flow can occur on the surface of the wire between the wire and the insulation of the wire.


It's like an extremely high frequency wavefront going out in all directions. You can think of this as
Tesla's radiant energy, or think of them as particles that have both electric and magnetic properties combined within the one particle. As they stream out they are undeflected by anything, affect everything they touch, and reduce affect according to inverse square of the distance from source. The magnetic field, which is a pattern in the ether, of the SEP is altered as the wave passes through. It creates ripples in the ether which because of the existance of the SEP appear like ripples of electric and magnetic fields; i.e. increases and decreases. As one pulse fires after the other, the ripples interfere into a series of wavefronts that rotate round.

This ties into to a lot of other things as well, like: going through objects, charging objects, splitting at a dipole, cold current effects, etc.
Group: Elite
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
G, thanks for that insight and refresher. Very interesting.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Group: Guest

They are mentioned in the SAWS document of the US Patent web site, under a class of invention that cannot be patented in the name of National Security. :o ;)

Group: Ambassador
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And of course there is the low mass electron ,or photon to electron Hubbard coil  /Barbat theory?

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
A magnet is similar but you have to move it.  It's photon field is already polarized in a way that will induce a current, but it's static and no energy can be transferred.

By separating the force carriers (photons) from the source (coil), you don't have to move the source.  Of course once you apply the pulse, the force carriers are gone, so you have to keep firing again.  You want this separation between the source and force carriers, so the shockwave approach is a requirement until a better way is found, if there is one.   The photon carriers have angular momentum and supposedly are perpetual.

Firing a cannon is a better analogy and the radio one - SM used both.

Consider that light waves have an electric and magnetic field, perpendicular to each other (EM waves - duh...)
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Posts: 2735

I have always found these kinds of depictions of waves to be very confusing and similar to what we see on our oscilloscopes. We see a sine wave then people start calling a simple polarity reversal negative electricity or negative currents at which point nothing makes sense any more. Then they throw math and vectors into the mix and we are left with a representation of something which does not exist in reality however many people reading the textbooks believe it must be real. It's a mathematical quagmire building one misrepresentation on another and no where in nature will we see anything even remotely close to the pictures posted.

The most common mistake is seeing a polarity reversal and then thinking the current has reversed when in fact what we are seeing on our scope is a measure of the Voltage, which is a measure of the difference in potential, which is a measure of the difference in charge concentration in one area versus another which is relative. Don't even get me started on the concepts of power or even worse energy because to most people these things verge on black magic. I have went all through this including the math, over and over, and the result is always the same in that we will always end up right back where we started. I think we need a new model which better represents what is actually happening in reality however I have yet to see it, Russel had a good start but I think his terminology messed up a lot of people, lol.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
Finally figuring it out, so it's just the beginning, rather than a completion.

The coils emmit photons when pulsed.  This is what Spherics meant by:

Not new. Any accelerated charge emits photons.

It's like an extremely high frequency wavefront going out in all directions. You can think of this as Tesla's radiant energy, ...

You can also think of this, with more relevance, as ordinary EM waves.
"Tesla's radiant energy" doesn't radiate, it's not distinguishable from quasi-static E/M fields. But with a high rise time, the wavefront is composed of high frequency components whose the wavelength becomes of the same order or less than the conductors length, and so the conductor becomes like an antenna and radiates a small part of the energy. In fact it's a real antenna. We escape the quasi-stationary case, but only a small amount of energy is concerned, because the phenomenon of photons generation lasts, or is significant, only during the rise or fall time.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Not new. Any accelerated charge emits photons.

You can also think of this, with more relevance, as ordinary EM waves.
"Tesla's radiant energy" doesn't radiate, it's not distinguishable from quasi-static E/M fields. But with a high rise time, the wavefront is composed of high frequency components whose the wavelength becomes of the same order or less than the conductors length, and so the conductor becomes like an antenna and radiates a small part of the energy. In fact it's a real antenna. We escape the quasi-stationary case, but only a small amount of energy is concerned, because the phenomenon of photons generation lasts, or is significant, only during the rise or fall time.

Exactly.  It was always misinterpreted as some new, secret phenomenon.

If Spherics, Steven Mark's claims are true, how did they apply this to drive a current greater than the energy expended to create the pulses?

Did they somehow use the inherent angular momentum of the "particles"?

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Some of the interesting things that Spherics mentions that are hard to attribute to accepted understanding:

1. you can place two copper rods in the rotating field region and measure substantial voltage and current

For the two copper rods to work as claimed, the "rotating field" is able to appear as a dipole source such as a charged capacitor or battery, yet it is said to be rotating.  Is a group of small things rotating together or are small things rotating in a static position?

2. "cold current" will produce a white full spectrum light from incandescent bulbs and it will charge capacitors and batteries

The light produced could be emmision from something slowing down, speeding up, or something excited by something else.

3. you can short the output coil, place a copper plate on the top and bottom of the coil (coil is bare and toroidal) and then measure DC between the two plates.

Again, the rotating field appears as a dipole even to a shorted collector.  It could be that the rotating field drives current from one plate, through the wires of the toroidal coil and then through the other plate.  So, the two plates are like our two rods above and the shorted coil does not represent a true short, but rather a conductor between the plates.  So, it makes more sense, but what is driving the current?

The properties of the device that Spherics describes make almost no sense if you haven't read all of the information.   Even when you have read it, it doesn't appear plausible.

The rotating field will drive a current through empty space.
Group: Elite
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Good to see you back on this and inspiring us to take another look.

Some of the claims of "cold electricity" have always puzzled me. I have seen many talk of this, but where is the definitive test setup to create it. (not talking about hairpin circuit and underwater bulbs).

Spherics claims do seem to point to something new.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Good to see you back on this and inspiring us to take another look.

Some of the claims of "cold electricity" have always puzzled me. I have seen many talk of this, but where is the definitive test setup to create it. (not talking about hairpin circuit and underwater bulbs).

Spherics claims do seem to point to something new.

Spherics describes a method of charging a capacitor, across a short distance, without contact.  He describes another experiment with one of the coils he describes, that increases the voltage on a battery connected to the outer coil.   I think he meant that these are both are cold current effects, but the more ineresting results are from the completed device which he claims that the cold current will replace the need for the bias batteries.

High energy photons are know to split into electrons and positrons (pair production).  Our energies are far below this, so if this is occuring, it is a new way of doing so.  Something much more subtle may be occuring, utilizing finesse rather than brute force, splitting the photons filling all space.

If the universe is indeed full of "spinning constituents that facilitate our forces" then they might be used if we learn how to manipulate them.  Since they have angular momentum, they can transfer momentum if aligned properly to couple to something that can recieve the momentum.  Much like gears meshing in a transmission.

Recall too, that Spherics said if you stop the rotation, then the output stops, but if you drop the bias magnetic field, the device can explode due to the energy released that is in the bias field.  Sounds like the bias is a containment field or "organizing structure".  He also said that the amplitude of the magnetic bias field determines how much energy(?) is converted to electric current.  Without the rotation you don't get a current in the output coil. 

So, it is the combination of bias field and rotating pulses that produce the current, and this is synonymous with a moving magnetic field, but with an additional "cold current".  Yet our magnetic field is aligned parallel with the toroidal output coil (considering all bias coils), and our pulsed electric field is perpendicular to the output coil.  So, it is not our bias field that is rotating or varying.

Whatever is rotating is moving perpendicular to these two fields.
Group: Guest
Photons?  I suppose that's possible...

Use for DSRD?  Laser Pulse generators.  Apparently if you pulse high voltage you can produce photons?
(Drift/[there's some other D word I've seen] Step Recovery Diode).  Some would say they are ultra fast recovery diodes for high voltage; but in their relaxaction phase they generate a higher voltage pulse.  And this pulse is certainly low current.  So I got as far as page 4 of this document that's been resurected from history to compare the design to the dally generator. Was coming over to see if I could talk with Itsu about his experiments....  Because he's testing the effects devoid of the whole process.

I've been playing on-and-off with that Dally generator/Kapagen-like thing.  The peices, in isoation, behave differently than when built in as a system.  It's hard to isolate the parts.... At one assembly point, the resonant flywheel coil was resulting in a nice square wave back to the original pulse generator...

But, The uhmm bias... Eventually some of it can float, but... Like the resonant flywheel coil has a leak point with a pointed connected to the capacitor, eventually, it will overall have be a positive circuit, but it wouldn't really bias the whole thing in a direction.  

It's interesting that a ground between two coils in series acts as a diode and only permits a single direction of current through the coil...

But uhmm...

I didn't make it through this document, just got to page for that descirbes the operating characteristics that I observe in my replication.  

I made this for a pulse shaper]https://www.circuitlab.com/circuit/2spe6k/mosfet-mosfet-driver/]pulse shaper... so I can take a wider (250+ns) pulse and take the leading edge (30-40ns minimum).  Have to make sure the caps are sufficiently small to keep the current short(to drive the mosfet gates), yet large enough to generate a solid high voltage ON condition.

And was trying to find a simulator that works to see the results of


I do have a simulation in LT spice that works pretty good... but I don't think it includes aether effects (or photon generation) :)  At least to see what this set of coils really does interacting with itself... But it suggests that decreasing the capacitance on the coil-capacitor closed loop (resonant flywheel) circuit increases the voltage in the fly wheel; because it is driven by the original input, and then left to relax.  But overall there is a large combination of factors that control the frequency, so tuning this sub-circuit to some specific frequency becomes self-defeating, because it should be close-enough, then tuned for highest voltage instead.

(continued) Hmm, the designs and are somewhat orthagonal to each other, since dally is a tube design (which I guess would be a segment of the toroid)

Nope; this is entirely the wrong thread, other than the theory... really I think dally's thing works in the same idea as the theory here... (but I didn't find that thread until I posted here, and referenced it)
« Last Edit: 2013-03-27, 08:17:26 by d3x0r »
Group: Guest
Spherics describes a method of charging a capacitor, across a short distance, without contact.

Have you a link? Thanks.

Group: Guest
Have you a link? Thanks.

here's the content... 'how to see the ether effect'

Sorry AAA, don't have everything with me to refer too. For the CCU, how do you see "it"
on a scope? I understand that you pulse the inner and the outer has the DC for the
steady field. Do in need to wrap a coil around the ccu to see "it"?
If the steady field is from a battery you'll be able to see on the terminals of the
Charge a 100V cap to 50V. Cut two separate pieces of wire around 8 feet long that has
Page 17of 34
The Aether VortexEnergy Converter:
good insulation. Connect one wire to one terminal and the other wire to the other
terminal - no circuit!. Curl the wires up into two rough cylinders, diameter unimportant.
Place near the CCU. Now pulse the coil whilst measuring the voltage on the cap, and
scoping the cap. On the scope it looks like a very short burst of sustained oscillation.
voltage on cap will steadyly rise. Cut wire down to get best pulse definition.


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Group: Guest
See first post in the beginning of this thread:

Could you be more specific (doc/page? there are 7 documents, exceeding the Mb).


Group: Tinkerer
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Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Before you read it and comment, understand that I have heard every possible explanation to discredit the information and I am totally undaunted.  My very basic, initial experiments, lacking all understanding, were enough to indicate that this information is credible. 

Maybe I am wrong and my faith in this information had been misplaced.  Do you want to look back on this, decades from now, and wish you had tried the simple experiments before turning away?

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
If anyone attempts to build this device or to perform the experiments described in the document and has any issues, please discuss it.  So many people have said that they built it and it didn't work or that they tried the experiments and they didn't work - without any proof of building anything. 

Now the information is tainted, and eveyone thinks it's a hoax, so they won't even give it a second look. I accept blame for the tainting.  I have not handled the information well at all.
Group: Guest

Do you want to look back on this, decades from now, and wish you had tried the simple experiments before turning away?


As a daily reader, and infrequent poster to this forum, I want to thank you for reminding me why I have continued to pursue my interests and work on my experiments for the past ten years.


Group: Elite
Hero Member

Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
G said:

Now the information is tainted, and eveyone thinks it's a hoax, so they won't even give it a second look. I accept blame for the tainting.  I have not handled the information well at all.

Not everyone, G

and no blame, you have done well. ;)

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Quote from: Grumpy on 2013-03-27, 23:56:50
Do you want to look back on this, decades from now, and wish you had tried the simple experiments before turning away?

As a daily reader, and infrequent poster to this forum, I want to thank you for reminding me why I have continued to pursue my interests and work on my experiments for the past ten years.


I have to concur...

Hoaxes are in the eye of the deceived. I hope this sounds right...

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