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Author Topic: Aether Vortex Energy Converter (AVEC Device): Full Disclosure  (Read 276497 times)
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The city of Denver. Just like in Battlefield Earth.

Well, good luck Jonnie Goodboy Tyler. Decent book, BTW, but an oh-my-gosh-how-bad-was-that movie. Sorry if you liked the movie... ;)

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What is keeping peole from building this device? 

This could be one of the greatest things you have ever done in your life. 

This could be your one chance - Are you gooing to let it pass you by? 
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Where the heck are you??

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References are made to Nikola Tesla's Radiant Energy, Cold Current/Electricity, and the TPU Device invented by Steven Mark.
The validity of this information is left as an exercise for the reader.
This concept also brings to my mind the work of Dr. Stiffler, since he investigated "cold electricity" as well.  Does anyone else think so?  Just putting the thought out there.

Group: Guest

OK guys, as promised, here are the simulations and pictures that I sent to 'spherics', and also included is a text file with his commentary on said sims and pics.
Should help you to better visualize just what might be happening in 'spherics''s design.

(had to break up the files, forum wouldn't allow anything more than 1mb...)
I have to borrow a computer, so there's no 'zip' file software on the hard drive.  Practically all computers for the public have commercial the PDF Adobe Acrobat.

Sorry to say, the zip files are unreachable to me.

Group: Guest
Lee,  Please tell us where the Zip File is & one of us can download it for here.



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I posted this a few of years ago and it did not garner much interest.  Some may notice some striking similarities between what Patrick Flanagan says and what Spherics said.  I believe scalar magnfication occurs in OU devices, I just can't prove it.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1593
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I cannot believe this got missed!

coil of twin lead like speaker wire

A "traveling" standing wave is generated by causing a slight
phase difference between two phase canceled carriers. By
varying the phase, the standing wave scalar field can be
caused to "walk" or move... at least it looks like it is in

Same idea proposed by Bibhas De:
Patrick: This is true the ability of scalar fields to travel
through water and earth enables these signals to be
transmitted over great distances where EM fields would be
lost. They do travel faster than Maxwellian fields because
they are not Maxwellian and obey different laws. I am really
surprised that EM signals are being used for submarine
communications because scalar waves will do the job in two
way communications for a fraction of the cost. I think that
UFO's or ET's communicate with scalar signals and all the
work being done with radio telescopes will never get any
results. Scalar signals may be used to modulate inter
dimensional or inter-galactic waves being generated by
stellar phenomena. Radio communications is outmoded by
advanced technology.

The scalar field description that is around the body equates very closely to the aura of Kirlian photography.
The water transmission is the same process I posted about Coral Castle process.
Leedskalnin used an AM radio.

This sounds like SM read or wrote this.
This a friggin' gold mind. ;)
If no one else reads this they are fools. :'(
« Last Edit: 2011-05-11, 21:43:32 by giantkiller »


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Dwarves are good at mining gold nuggets  ;)

(Pat also said that this had never been published before.)

Same for the AVEC CCU coils, making the scalar move.  With the static mag field present, your pulse increases energy density at the scalar level, which magnifies the magnetic field.  Then you rotate this denser stuff, and it is like rotating a very strong magnetic field.


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I must be a dwarf. Never called myself a mental giant. ;D


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Quote from: Patrick_Flanagan
Many years ago, I showed Dr. Walter Stark of Lugano, Switzerland a phenomena I had discovered. If you make a coil of twin lead like speaker wire, you have two wires side by side. The only connecting link is the insulation between the wires. If you connect a battery in series with one wire and ground and then connect the other wire to an electrometer, the coil acts as a capacitor. The electrometer will measure the "leakage" current through the insulator. The current will probably be in nanoamps.  If you then bring the coil in the vicinity of the body, the current will increase by several orders of magnitude. This is due to the scalar field around the body.
« Last Edit: 2011-05-12, 18:41:20 by Grumpy »

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Quote from: Patrick_Flanagan
Comment by Patrick Flanagan on September 20, 2009 at 9:06am
The movement of the electron around the nucleus results in the generation of scalar (longitudinal) waves from the atom in all directions. The hydrogen atom in its ground state emits these waves in golden ratio harmonics. When the hydrogen atom takes on a second electron and becomes the H- hydride atom, the second electron distance from the nucleus is PHI x the first electron radius. H- ions emits a very healing GR chord longitudinal wave. Chandrasekar received the Nobel Prize for discovering that ALL light emitted from stars results from the formation of H- ions on the surface of the star. The light that we receive from our sun is from H- ions on the surface of the sun. In fact there would be no light, no life without the H- ion. This is the basis of all our work at phisciences.com.

Comment by Patrick Flanagan on September 20, 2009 at 8:56am
By the way, ALL SOUND waves are longitudinal pressure waves in the air. The living system is more responsive to longitudinal waves and transverse waves.

Comment by Patrick Flanagan on September 20, 2009 at 8:54am
Ed, Electrostatic charge, because of its "apparent" simplicity has been overlooked and misunderstood. The "charge" is a scalar field. Scalar fields are propagated longitudinally. When wiggled one way, electrons generate longitudinal fields which are scalar oscillating fields and are NOT electromagnetic fields.. When wiggled another way, electrons generate transverse fields which are radio waves. Longitudinal fields are like oscillating gravity waves. Transverse fields are electromagnetic. Longitudinal fields are gravitic. Gravity is a scalar field.

In 1974, I made a very simple scalar oscillator that transmits oscillating scalar fields in longitudinal waves that cannot be shielded. Interestingly, fish and ocean mammals generate scalar oscillating fields the are used for communications. I made a very simple "fish finder" that can locate families of fish at any distance underwater. I did not patent it, or try to commercialize it because it would devastate the oceans. In 1974, I demonstrated an underwater and through the earth scalar wave communicator for Tom Valentine, a reporter and writer who published the interview in hundreds of newspapers and magazines. Ordinary electromagnetic waves are transverse waves and are what is used presently in all radio communications. Transverse waves can be shielded. Longitudinal waves cannot. In the early days of radio, transverse waves were developed, and antennae theory was optimized for transmission. The mathematics of longitudinal transmission are distinctly the opposite of those for transverse wave propagation. I know that longitudinal waves are used by advanced technological off planet beings as they appear instantly throughout the universe. Tesla was well versed in the properties of longitudinal waves. They are at the core of his discoveries. The mistake in analyzing Tesla's work is because all modern radio theory and antenna design focuses on the transverse wave. For example, an ordinary dipole radio antenna transmits transverse radio waves parallel to the antenna and also emits weaker longitudinal waves co axially to the antenna. The geometry of current antenna design suppresses the longitudinal scalar wave and reinforces the ordinary transverse. It is a relatively simple task to reverse the situation and suppress the transverse. When properly designed, the system can become a scalar wave (longitudinal wave) transmitter and receiver. I have not produced longitudinal devices since 1976 because they could be misused in a number of ways. However, that said; I think we are entering a phase of human history where such discoveries will be used for the benefit, rather than the detriment of all sentient life.
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Chandrasekar received the Nobel Prize for discovering that ALL light emitted from stars results from the formation of H- ions on the surface of the star.

ALL light from ALL stars?  

I suppose he traveled to all the stars including our sun and performed experiments that were so convincing about how light is created, before he published his findings.

Or maybe and more realistically the Nobel committee has lost it's bearings, or perhaps the person making that statement is under a spell and does not realize what foolishness he is uttering.

Or maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed and did't realize the planets have aligned while I was asleep.

« Last Edit: 2011-07-28, 18:13:51 by EMdevices »
Group: Guest
Meanwhile, on the surface of our local star...
Powerful magnetic waves ‘baking sun’s corona and driving solar wind’

...powerful magnetic field ripples, called Alfven waves, might be driving the solar wind and heating much of the corona.


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McIntosh said Alfven waves are waves that travel up and down a magnetic field line much the way a wave travels up and down a plucked string.

Shows up like Barkhausen noise.

Group: Guest
Lee,  Please tell us where the Zip File is & one of us can download it for here.


Okay, I can try to do that if I can think of it.  I do have the use of a computer that's strongly filtered as to specific uses, but it does actually have a .ZIP software package on the hard drive.
   I'll keep what you said in mind, though.  Thanks.


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
I looked at Roberto's old "bench" thread on IronHead's forum to see what he actually tried regarding the AVEC.  That thread is 36 pages long, but looking it over quickly, he initially used a lower voltage of 500v and IRF840 MOSFETs, then SSRs later at 1kv. 

At other times he used 1.2kv, but I'm not sure what he doing as he could pulse ccu1 at 1kv but ccu2 had a re-triggering issue above 400v.   There are 6 ccu's total. 

He had his controller 15 to 25cm from the coils.  Hmm, he had some hash he could not get rid of...no matter what he did.

He was pulsing all 6 at 600v, but no sign of the comp field or usable output.

At one point he used 6kv for 3 ccu's at 3khz and no results.

In summary, we cannot say that the information from Spherics has been disproven or not, based on the results Roberto posted on that forum.

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It's the speed at which the coils are sequentially switched that's the problem, 3kHz is not good enough, i found this with the Tetra, i needed at least 1MHz rotation speed.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
It's the speed at which the coils are sequentially switched that's the problem, 3kHz is not good enough, i found this with the Tetra, i needed at least 1MHz rotation speed.

My point is that the information has not been disproven, yet everyone is of that opinion, based largely on hearsay and assumptions.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Frequency equals matter...

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Not everyone...


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the following information on build accuracy was not included in the original PDF of compiled AVEC information.   I found this with Google adn I don't recall where.  Interesting insights.

E-mail from XXX
April 2008
I'm away on a course so this is a quick reply. With pulses although we talk of a phase shift we are talking of the time between the start of one pulse and the start of the next pulse as being the same between each successive pulse, in an ideal world. If you are using the same type of drive components and type of mosfets, have high tolerance resistors and capacitors, and keep wire lengths between components as short as possible but consistent between each driver circuit, mitigating impedance and capacitance effects of the wires, the delays to all three coils should be almost identical. So even if there is 50 nanosecond delay, if it's the same delay to each coil then it's not a problem. Even a difference of 10-30 nanoseconds between coils will not dissappoint in terms of output energy and cold elec effects.
Let's take a typical poor-build. Each coil has different widths out by 1/8inch or more. The coils are wrapped until either the spool is empty or it just seems the right height. The length of wire between coils varies by 15-20% at least. These coils will require independant delays of hundreds of nanoseconds and increases in pulse width of hundreds of nanoseconds to get a *consistent* output. But even without adjustment they'll get output, however the amplitude of that output will come in waves and not be as high as it could be, and the amount of input energy used will be much higher due to the much longer pulse widths. They will be unlikely to get a consistent cold energy output, the lightbulbs in the SEP circuit, may ebb and glow slightly. It may or may not be overunity but possibly only by 10%. All exciting stuff but it's not a setup that is going anywhere. It is not really utilising any flow of cold electricity, just bursts here and there. i.e. because the pattern is not building up, it is occuring only in waves, and is relatively feable, i.e. there is no 'resonance' in the ether.
In answer to your question if you build your coils carefully and locate them precisely and rigidly, I would not bother with the delay line components. At a later date for reference:
These are useful for pulse width:
These are useful for delay lines as you use a screwdriver:
Switch mode power supply chips can be useful for driving 3 or 6 coils as 3 pairs. Such as:

>Hi XXX,
>I'm still working on the control circuit for the coil and had a couple
>of questions to ask you. Exactly how accurate does the phase-shifting
>for the rotating field need to be? The controller circuit that I am
>building uses some shift registers to divide the clock input and produce
>the three output phases 120 degrees shifted. Below is the circuit that I
>have come up with so far. The way it is setup, you can use the pulse
>width of the input clock to control the pulse width of all three output
>channels simultaneously:

Page 71
>I found that the circuit could run up to at least 5 MHz without
>glitching and allows us to use a single pulse width control component
>control the outputs for all three channels simultaneously. However, I
>concerned about the phase-shift/delay fine-tuning.
>You mentioned that the phase-shift has to be accurate for the rotating
>field to be setup correctly. Coming out of the shift register, the
>timing for each channel is accurate to within 0.5 ns. but by the time
>the signal goes through the driver ICs and input lines to the coils,
>there could be significant delays of 10s of nanoseconds. My questions
>how precise is precise enough for the effect to work without destroying
>the effect? If we need to fine-tune the output delays, I found some
>8-bit delay line ICs that can adjust the the delays to within 0.25 ns of
>the output up to a max delay of 80 ns. But before I toss these onto the
>circuit, I thought i would ask you to see if this is really necessary or
>simply overkill. What methods did you use to design the timing circuitry
>for your controller?
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« Last Edit: 2012-10-13, 22:09:28 by tao »

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Wasn't Roberto abducted by Chava  8)

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Wasn't Roberto abducted by Chava  8)

Mark Snoswell made a post that stated Roberto had accepted an offer from Chava, Roberto stated he had not, but that he would if one were offered.

Last I heard, Chava still doesn't have much of interest.  Doesn't really matter one way or another.

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I came to the conclusion that Spheric's set of doco was a sequence of progressive steps. I don't think there was any deliberate obfuscation.
The sequence I derived was he started his information after a spark gap design. That the compwave generation scheme was just that, the specific setup to generate the specific protocol in a specific geometry. A correct physical setup, coils, magnetic fields, angles to coerce the movement of aether. Aether being the view of a swirling magnetic field. This [event by effect] is mentioned also in the Alchemical document also as a [correct coersion]. It has to be done specifically otherwise the process dissipates. Somebody in black oops(mispelling bypasses the filters) has the measurement tools. Spherics gave detail of geometry as the tool to see the effect. It's the [Chicken or egg] analysis. You can't have one without the other but where does one start? His first page had the photo of nu-clear detantotion (mispelling bypasses the filters). He expressed geometry and protocol in a way that made the process and the scheme public without self infliction.

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