Question and Answers with Kone:
Kone wrote:
Hi Hermes
Wow thats pretty good!
What is the resistance in ohms of the father, the mother, and child coil?
- 0.1 ohm in each coil
How many turns in each?
- don't know. I just used 1 of 2 flyback transformer cores from an old TV.
Actually I have many flyback transformers from a surplus store.
What is thickness of wire?
- it's 0.75 mm
Is it just one layer?
- Yes one layer each coil.
Is it a ferrite core? How long and what diameter?
- Yes a ferrite core from an old TV. The core was wind 3 cm long and 1.5 cm diameter. You will find a photo of the transformer core from an old TV at: I used 1 of 4 parts of the core. It has no magnetic loop. I just wanted to test it similair to a ferrite rod with open ends.
Really good!
Maybe those ET fuckers really do have something going on haha
I watched that Adamski video part one and two pretty interesting I always thought he fake but I have read too much garbage on internet (like wikipedia)
I did not hear where he described this transformer design in parts one and two at least.
Where did you hear about it?
- I might remember wrong on the videos, but I do remember that Glenn Steckling said that the ET secret of free energy is to use two input coils - one clockwise wind and the other anti clockwise wind. It was up to me to figure up what he mean.
I liked the blown up photo of the alien hiding behind hill - spooky....
I would like to try this at 60hz with laminate steel core from a MWOT instead of ferrite- maybe U-shaped?
- just remember after winding the "father coil" clockwise on the laminate steel core. You have to wind the "child coil" clockwise over (upon) the "father coil" and the "mother coil" anti clockwise over (upon) the "child coil".
Also could be awesome motor coils with "counter direction" induced pickup winds sharing core with motor coils as described last post.
- I have no idea if it could work, maybe you can try. And I have no idea why the inductance differ between the coils. I just wind the coils a layer each. I have a suggestion. Because the voltage was so small (0.8 volt) from the "child coil". You can wind the "child coil" with more layers, maybe 4 to 7 layers more than the "father coil" and the "mother coil" Maybe it works the same as the transformer theory with different primary and secondary windings?
- Best Wishes, Hermes
- And I want to correct a mistakes I did on the et_transformer drawing. It should be 3 volts input. Not 5 volts. I have no idea why it loads down the voltage output of the frequency generator when lowering the frequency from <1MHz.