Yesterday, I was trying to use some of the other mosfets using the newly measured capacitance change data and the results were terrible. So, I thought I would replicate my previous circuit and data in post #9 for comparison and all attempts throughout the day to replicate the performance failed with all circuit values and measurement procedures identical. The COPs were ~.8-.9 at best. The weather here was overcast and rainy off and on all day during these test attempts!
This morning, all the weather has moved on and we have a bright sunny day at the moment and when running the replication test at this moment in time, the COPs with gain have returned. Any suggestions as to why this is happening? I might add that my lab is basically climate controlled so I believe there is no test equipment variables to deal with. Is it possibly diurnal although I tested both day and night? Or is the frequency close to the first odd integer frequency of 710,611 Hz as calculated with Dr. Stifflers lattice energy formula he disclosed in this video- probably won't be able to read the formula but thanks to iQuest and Mikrovolt on OU, the following is an accurate representation.
Lv - Lattice Vibration Frequency (Frequency At Which Energy Lattice Will Release Energy)
Zo - Free Space Impedance (120*PI), may be rounded to 377
c - Speed Of Light (300M meters/sec)
n - Every Odd Integer
Lv odd integer frequencies:
1 - 710,611 3 - 2,131,834 5 - 3,553,057 7 - 4,974,280 9 - 6,395,503 11 - 7,816,726
13 - 9,237,949 15 - 10,659,172 17 - 12,080,395 19 - 13,501,618 21 - 14,922,841 23 - 16,344,064
Any thots?
At Itsu: What is your weather like at the time or when you attempted to replicate this circuit?