Ah crap. Oh well, maybe with some clever linking of the Benitez method by the community brains it can be carried forward. But, it kinda seems odd now, as though getting something working is somehow going against the inventor ? But again, what invention ? noone knows that it genuinely works as shown.
I would have thought that reproducing an effect and proving it out would be a high priority for anyone showing something. That person is always going to be acknowledged as doing the thing first, especially with what it seems to be.
Hmmm. Well i've got some kind of build going now.
Have decided to learn a bit about this rotating field thing anyway and that may be of use around you guys later on who do this stuff regularly lol.
Have converted the Pierre code to 16 positions (am still lost about what to do with coil 8's other terminal though). It runs on the far less expensive STM32F103C, commonly known as the Blue Pill. Another version of these is called the Red Pill. They're about $1.85 and their only downside is the rather interesting bucket load of spam mail if you search for Blue Pill online !
Tentative idea is MOSFET switching at low power, likely 5V, with diodes all over the place.
Here's the code and attached is a pic of the STM32 running.
Pierre's Original Sketch
Modded by Tinselkoala 24 Mar 2018 for 30-slot stator
Modded by Slider2732 25 Mar 2018 for 16-slot stator - provisional
For STM32F103C microcontroller
Speed control pot: connect wiper to PA0, legs of pot to +5v and GND
int stepspeed = 0, rawspeed = 0;
int pin = 1;
void setup()
// initialize all needed digital pins as OUTPUT
for (pin = 0; pin <= 10; pin ++)
{ pinMode(pin, OUTPUT); }
pinMode(PB10, OUTPUT); //
pinMode(PB11, OUTPUT); //
pinMode(PB5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PB8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(PB9, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
rawspeed = analogRead(PA0); // read speedpot on Analog Pin PA0
stepspeed = map(rawspeed,0,1023,1,100); //transforme rawspeed en une valeur de 0 à 100 (millisecondes)
// digitalWrite HIGH turns on an LED, digitalWrite LOW turns it off
// LED Pins, as seen by eye:
// 5 4 3 2 1
// 10 9 8 7 6
// PB9 PB8 PB5 PB11 PB10
// Coil 8, would be Pin16 - spare wire always to Gnd (for initial tests)
digitalWrite(1,HIGH), digitalWrite(8,HIGH), digitalWrite(PB9,HIGH);
digitalWrite(5,LOW), digitalWrite(7,LOW), digitalWrite(PB8,LOW);
digitalWrite(2,HIGH), digitalWrite(9,HIGH), digitalWrite(PB10,HIGH);
digitalWrite(1,LOW), digitalWrite(8,LOW), digitalWrite(PB9,LOW);
digitalWrite(3,HIGH), digitalWrite(10,HIGH), digitalWrite(PB11,HIGH);
digitalWrite(2,LOW), digitalWrite(9,LOW), digitalWrite(PB10 ,LOW);
digitalWrite(4,HIGH), digitalWrite(6,HIGH), digitalWrite(PB5,HIGH);
digitalWrite(3,LOW), digitalWrite(10,LOW), digitalWrite(PB11,LOW);
digitalWrite(5,HIGH), digitalWrite(7,HIGH), digitalWrite(PB8,HIGH);
digitalWrite(4,LOW), digitalWrite(6,LOW), digitalWrite(PB5,LOW);