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Author Topic: Introduction and concept for 3d magnetic field visualiser  (Read 18773 times)
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Posts: 342
Hello All,

I have been experimenting with a device that I will need some assistance with .
The basics are working but my health is very intermittent and my concentration for writing code is suffering and I believe that this project is important for any one who is interested in sensitive magnetometers and how they could be an essential tool for working with magnetic fields in3 dimensions .

If there is anything to using push pull (both positive and negative) (important)magnetic fields to perhaps behave in away that is unexpected
when rotated in a specific way  then this tool will be essential to be able to work with strong and weak fields both near and far .

When lightning strikes nearby the magnetic field is not 2 dimensional

One magnetic sensor gives very sensitive readings in 3 dimensions but of course from a single point in space . A very useful tool to begin with as the sensor is small and can be on plastic goose-neck or wooden stand .

These sensors are cheap and one particular model the mlx90393 can run many units in one bus .

I suggest that arduino uno or nano as the base processor knowing that there are better choices but as clunky as arduino can be its cheap and common and is up to the task at this early stage .

A goal of this device is to rotate a 3d object on screen in its simple form rounding things to be 0-360 degrees .
Calibration is important ans these units were designed for compasses  the z scale is not proportional to the x and y . and was designed to compensate for declination and inclination but is still as sensitive .

Further ahead many sensors can be spatially oriented and integrated to get the bigger picture .
I am of the understanding that the whole thing will shut down if its field becomes too strong ..means to an end .
I would imagine that a few monitors may be needed but the  1 in front of you is a good start

I currently use an environment called processing for the display but its very hit and miss depending on the system .

There has to be a better way and who here would not at least be curious what changes take place around anything that uses magnetic fields ?

The magnetometers can run at kilohertz if tweaked correctly and just think there is one in every phone nowadays .

There have been recent published studies about the effect lighting has on magnetic fields so there is a possible cause and effect reversal possible at the very least .

Search for arduino bunny rotate just as an example of a useful display.

I am asking for help and possibly offering something of great interest in return but I ask that you please stay on the subject of making the device work .

Some of you may know that we need a kind of oscilloscope for magnet fields and this I believe is it .
There are some very smart guys here whose input I will appreciate and perspective I respect but this is all that is really left to study regarding doughnut shaped devices like the ftpu we...(I) was lead away from back in 2006 .

Health issues have me on this swansong that I believe will at least lighten the load by offering you what I have available by specific omission and some lose specific information..(i hope you get that).
Please can we avoid the cloak and dagger stuff My life is not what it used to be and i don't really want to discuss anything but this device, its use  and hope that some progress will lead to more progress .

Here is some  basic arduino code ...note only common libraries used (preferable as many libraries have the same names in arduino)

// Distributed with a free-will license.
// Use it any way you want, profit or free, provided it fits in the licenses of its associated works.
// MLX90393
// This code is designed to work with the MLX90393_I2CS I2C Mini Module available from ControlEverything.com.
// https://www.controleverything.com/products
// MLX90393 I2C Address is 0x0C(12)
#define Addr 0x0C
void setup()
// Initialise I2C communication as MASTER
// Initialise serial communication, set baud rate = 9600
// Start I2C Transmission
// Select Write register command
// Set AH = 0x00, BIST disabled
// Set AL = 0x5C, Hall plate spinning rate = DEFAULT, GAIN_SEL = 5
// Select address register, (0x00 << 2)
// Stop I2C Transmission
// Request 1 byte of data
Wire.requestFrom(Addr, 1);
// Read status byte
if(Wire.available() == 1)
unsigned int c = Wire.read();
// Start I2C Transmission
// Select Write register command
// Set AH = 0x02
// Set AL = 0xB4, RES for magnetic measurement = 0
// Select address register, (0x02 << 2)
// Stop I2C Transmission
// Request 1 byte of data
Wire.requestFrom(Addr, 1);
// Read status byte
if(Wire.available() == 1)
unsigned int c = Wire.read();
void loop()
unsigned int data[7];
// Start I2C Transmission
// Start single meaurement mode, ZYX enabled
// Stop I2C Transmission
// Request 1 byte of data
Wire.requestFrom(Addr, 1);
// Read status byte
if(Wire.available() == 1)
unsigned int c = Wire.read();
// Start I2C Transmission
// Send read measurement command, ZYX enabled
// Stop I2C Transmission
// Request 7 bytes of data
Wire.requestFrom(Addr, 7);
// Read 7 bytes of data
// status, xMag msb, xMag lsb, yMag msb, yMag lsb, zMag msb, zMag lsb
if(Wire.available() == 7);
data[0] = Wire.read();
data[1] = Wire.read();
data[2] = Wire.read();
data[3] = Wire.read();
data[4] = Wire.read();
data[5] = Wire.read();
data[6] = Wire.read();
// Convert the data
int xMag = data[1] * 256 + data[2];
int yMag = data[3] * 256 + data[4];
int zMag = data[5] * 256 + data[6];
// Output data to serial monitor
Serial.print("Magnetic Field in X-Axis : ");
Serial.print("Magnetic Field in Y-Axis : ");
Serial.print("Magnetic Field in Z-Axis : ");

These sensors (mlx90393) are more expensive than others but not by much and the others seem to have errors in high gauss situations 15 bucks aud here

Thanks for reading
Computers are the best tools for some things and we never had such sensitive and small  magnetometers back in 1997 did we ?

Over to the brains trust ...

3D Magnetics


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Thanks 3D M for the post.

if we were to make say a cube structure of these magnetometers to maps a cube of space, how big and how many do you think we would need.

I would have thought that the pcb that these are soldered to may affect the field around the chip?

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inductance in wire will always create some distraction

As The hall sensor is very small and calibration can be quite extensive with many hundreds of calibration points per axis.

that's the beauty of the sensor area being small and digitised close by.

this wiki page is agood read
« Last Edit: 2018-01-31, 09:13:49 by 3D Magnetics »

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I am not seeing anything too difficult to do, I am interested in a minimum system design to start, say maybe 3 layers of 3 x 3 sensors, so a system initially using  27 sensors in a 3x3 cube.

I think the way to do this is design a pcb that is long and thin and place chips periodically along it's length 3 in the above case, then just keep using more pcbs linked together to form the 3x3x3 cube, then plug the cube using flying wires into a cpu board.

A raspberry pi would have been a bit better than an arduino because it has an onboard graphics processor for 3d visualization using a tv or monitor.

Just starting to look at the technicals, first thing to note is that the uno or nano are 5V systems, the MLX90393 is 3V6 max, there are other Arduino systems based on 3V like the Due again the PI is 3V3.

Also there are speed constraints with I2C at 400khz clock frequency, a minimun of 108 clock cycles to read x,y,z data giving us a sample speed of 3.7khz per device (This may take longer as I have only glanced over the details), with 27 devices to sample this would allow us to do 137 complete samples a second which seems inline with the chip sampling speed, infact due to magnetic sampling noise it is suggested to operate around 50-100ms sample time 10-20Hz sample Speed.

If i were to choose a design, i would use a dedicate pic to continually sample a bank of 3 and relay this data back to the processor board, when done this way it would be possible to initiate all 27 chips to sample at the same time, to take a snap shot in time of the mag field, otherwise we would need to initaite each chip to sample one by one with quiet a delay during sample time, i dont think this would give a true mag field picture.
This would mean a long thin pcb with 1 pic micro and 3 or 4 mag chips.

« Last Edit: 2018-01-31, 21:12:37 by Peterae »
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Perhaps thinking that the simpler the better would allow more experimenters .

Its primary purpose is to aid in the visualization of magnetic fields.
It would be just a visualization aid ..not a precise instrument.

so visual feedback giving our tiny brains enough info to see cause a effect directly rather than exact angles.
Aural feedback ..brain / eyes  \i hope thats the right term.
perhaps an audio channel could come into play (7.2 of course )

Its easy to over think this  ....I know

First steps please ?

just one sensor is important to begin with dont you think?

Edit ..link for step1 but we are only interested in the magnetometer outputs .


I like your enthusiasm though.
There are some very skilled individuals here but considering it an artistic device might be a better context.

To promote a shared understanding , the simplest of tools at first is important .
That said the best of brains are required to refine it as proves useful ....or not .
the one i use can  sense a magnet from well over a meter away . and gain is not at maximum.

As this proves or disproves shaping and controlling magnetic fields to be useful and I think it will ,then many hands make light work .
And the there is my own situation which to date had been not exploring this ..in fact being led away may be more accurate .

Get some screen objects spinning and see if it inspires you it certainly has  not raised as much curiosity as i had anticipated .

With vr technology the possibilities are endless but walk first .

Peter, the answer to you question is 6  but integration would go well from there

surrounding your self with 6 and one in hand (portable)

All arduino have 3.3 volt and 5v ..no hitches to get to first base
3k per device is fine and latency compensation is common .

having the processors near the reference points does make any noise more controllable .
only useful serial data is then possibly affected in stronger fields .
Adruino nano or adruino micro are barely bigger than the sensor boards .
I politely ask that we stay simple untill when ...iffff    a few people become involved with basic units.

It may well be a slow moving weaker field at distance that we need to detect .

perhaps get same compasses and surround your self with them while moving a magnet or a coil and battery .
it is impossible to see six at once and needle inertia makes them almost useless ..magnetometers dont do that.

It may be that a set 10 metres away would be useful ... Blank canvas .
I cant find any prior art on this except a few un finnished lighting studies and a 3d scanner on hackaday which only excite me more .
Nobody has to my knowledge made one of these for this purpose .

All way too busy flying their drones with their smartphones

3D Magnetics


added link


« Last Edit: 2018-02-01, 04:07:43 by 3D Magnetics »

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Hi 3DM
Sorry for the absence not been too good the last few days, dam flu.

Yes I get it, simple is fine.

I have been unable to find your referenced magnetometer board on https://www.controleverything.com/products.

Either I am missing something or it is discontinued there ?

« Last Edit: 2018-02-03, 21:33:21 by Peterae »
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Posts: 342

 context ,sorry ,

That link is within the arduino code and it is dead.
I always post the whole code as respect for the writer

The links i pasted  work at this time .

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The Arduino Nano has an onboard 5V regulator which supplies the processor, the USB driver chip can provide this 5V supply when connected to a USB PC port, the USB driver chip does also have a 3V3 supply output but this is not used on the nano but does get fed out on a pin for external uses, this could be used to power the MLX magnetometer.

The MLX datasheet says max pin voltage is 4V so it is not possible to connect the MLX to the Nano without a bus converter.
The Specs of the Nano clearly state it is 5V here

The Uno is the same, Specs are here

It is possible to convert a nano to work on 3V3, this involves replacing the onboard 5V regulator to a 3V3 version and also altering the clock speed from 16MHz to 10Mhz see here

probably easier just to add a bus translator to the MLX board

Here's a typical bus translator for the arduino boards

There is also an Arduino Pro Mini that is cheap and 3V3 but it is TTL serial not USB so a RS232 to TTL converter would be needed.
Group: Experimentalist
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The Arduino Nano has an onboard 5V regulator which supplies the processor, the USB driver chip can provide this 5V supply when connected to a USB PC port, the USB driver chip does also have a 3V3 supply output but this is not used on the nano but does get fed out on a pin for external uses, this could be used to power the MLX magnetometer.

The MLX datasheet says max pin voltage is 4V so it is not possible to connect the MLX to the Nano without a bus converter.
The Specs of the Nano clearly state it is 5V here

The Uno is the same, Specs are here

It is possible to convert a nano to work on 3V3, this involves replacing the onboard 5V regulator to a 3V3 version and also altering the clock speed from 16MHz to 10Mhz see here

probably easier just to add a bus translator to the MLX board

Here's a typical bus translator for the arduino boards

There is also an Arduino Pro Mini that is cheap and 3V3 but it is TTL serial not USB so a RS232 to TTL converter would be needed.


How about the Arduino Teensy 3.2 or Teensy 3.6.  These are both 3.3v boards with USB that are based on the NXP M4 ARM series mpus.  You can download a module that allows these to be programmed with the Arduino IDE and they are library compatible.  Performance is high with clock speeds of 72Mhz and 180Mhz respectively plus the Teensy 3.2 also has 5v compliant inputs.


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Thanks partzman, indeed they are 3V3 systems and cheap, see what 3DM thinks of this, I don't mind sticking with the nano and using a bus converter, but definitely easier using a 3V3 system ;)
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Every arduino i have worked with interfaces with no issues uno nano micro ..havent tried teensy but they all have 3.3 volt and the listed magnetometer and others interface to all with no problems .

just using raw data and a  screen object is eye opening as you can move it about .

I do urge use of the 90393 for many good reasons after being burned with falsely labled other types.
and poor settings implementation.

its not until you see that inertia free 3d magnetic compass displayed by a simple on screen 3d object that you will get inspired .

One unit with links above and a few local tweaks is enough to see some light where you were almost blind previously.

You may have to slow down your push pull drive to see if you have some harmony....small steps.
Push Pull is important because the surrounding field has at least 3 dimensions . Push pull is 2 and coil orientation/phasing makes another one .

All basic stuff really  but seeing the fields in some way is all we need to navigate


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Hi 3DM

Yes I totally agree, it will be very interesting to be able to view what is actually happening in 3D, such a crucial device for anyone trying to understand a kick or any sorth of magnetic field interaction, hell even Tesla used magnetometers during ligtening strikes to understand what goes on.

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north south east west
inclination declination for all points

But is there an easier way of expressing these values for common ground ?


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Hi 3D M
Thanks for your posts ;)

This subject is quiet complex, Still trying to digest the wealth of information you have posted in your previous posts.

I have ordered 2 MLX90393 boards.

and a Teensy V3.2 to get me started.

The Magnetometer calibration article you posted was interesting, the code is available for download, hopfully with some tweaking it can be made to work with the MLX, i like the Spherical bubble representation for calibration, very clever.

I need to have a play with the setup and think about this a lot more yet, It would be nice if some of the other brains in the forum can think this out as well.
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Yes it was the calibration sphere that turned a few more lights on in my partially fried brain.

Calibration in our case is to create 3d close to linear response on all axes as opposed to a compass.
and 360 degree interpolation plus additive and subtraction data to record and alert to any continuous spin( i hope i explained that right)

In other words xyz need to have even response form each axis .

Think of a cube with 6 faces, one in the centre of each face ...corners if you like ,plus a centre sensor. A centre object will rotate as you will soon find with one sensor .
Then the hard part..the display back ground needs to be interfaced with the outer sensors, perhaps a ring that spins in 3 planes and changes color with common mode changes ....a zero button will be important .

Recording and playback of our data streams is also essential so that we can share results and move forward ..

As you see we need the likes of Smudge, Ion, Whatsup, Centraflow just to name a few of the  great minds here who may have interest in creating a tool for a greater understanding of field interactions to develop.

I am lead to believe that being able to control a spinning 3 d magnetic field has merit and potential for discoveries.
MRI operation is one area where my interest was sparked further after  some kind words from someone who would know .
Of course MRI is reaction based rater and designed to see into tissue for  medical diagnostics.

For those who just like some drama and entertainment another "possible" reference is " the bell island boom"...but I can assure everyone that pootube hits has no place here .

The first step is to make a tool so that  magfield interaction..of which we really know so little despite calculation and equations that boggle the mind .

3d analog display ...but digital in operation,analog in use .

I remember that Lester Hendershot was trying to create a better compass according to the remaining stories at least.

I once took a well versed geologist to a very remote place where I had found a substantial quantity of gold  ...he said that he had no idea how the gold was there  and would never have predicted it ....BUT ..after a drilling program and assay he could predict other areas nearby with some certainty.
Which he did .
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Posts: 472
There is little nice chip called esp8266 and a bunch of ready pcb like Wemos with battery shield. A device could send data via wifi to computer for analysis. Just an idea. Such device will be not harder to make then original, just sensors and Wemos with battery shield and battery. No cable, handy one. Consider it.
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There is little nice chip called esp8266 and a bunch of ready pcb like Wemos with battery shield. A device could send data via wifi to computer for analysis. Just an idea. Such device will be not harder to make then original, just sensors and Wemos with battery shield and battery. No cable, handy one. Consider it.
Thanks for raising this .
I thought I had made the arduino point earlier and well enough for understanding why .
Here is a longer version
Yes there are many versions of controllers that can achieve the same end but why not stay simple and on the same page with code .
I have trouble with the word shield ..it a bloody circuit not a defensive weapon .
and sketches are programs while we are at it , and many options are available . There are better micros I know ,if you think that many people working with different devices will help then I fail to understand the purpose of suggesting yet another micro ..it has been covered and I'm sure that different micros will eventually be used as and if advanced systems develop
Arduino is the most available ,very cheap , and up to the task .

Wifi can be added to any arduino easily and cheaply if so desired ....later

This is not a complex device and adding another em field to the equation early on would be un helpfull.

That said it will be complex to integrate the sensors code to detect the outer field.

But it will seem simple once the algos have been integrated where would be written in assembler on a custom micro but we are far from that point .

The sensor I selected was not done lightly and not without trying a few with time consuming (wasting ) results , it has both addressable i2cbus and an spi buss along with a few other attributes that are important should the gauss become more intense .

Of course there are many paths ..how about a common path ?

If it is so hard just to be on the same page with a basic tool imagine how difficult it would be all having different tools .
I would add that having this same tool in many hands may allow safer voltages to be used and more simple experiments using lower frequencies .
Having said that, it is help and collaboration that is required but perhaps nobody sees the relevance of this at this time..then the joke is on me !
Perhaps it always was ?
Which makes this whole initiative pointless and not for any of us at this time  .
« Last Edit: 2018-02-11, 00:45:34 by 3D Magnetics »
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It's turtles all the way down
I would agree that staying with the Arduino platform initially is a good idea, unless someone could definitely say that there is not enough processing power with that device. Standardization can be a good thing.


"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
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I would agree that staying with the Arduino platform initially is a good idea, unless someone could definitely say that there is not enough processing power with that device. Standardization can be a good thing.

processing can take place in the host display program if power becomes an issue .

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I would agree that staying with the Arduino platform initially is a good idea, unless someone could definitely say that there is not enough processing power with that device. Standardization can be a good thing.


What limited info I know about the NXP K20 processor in the Teensy 3.2, it should be more than capable to run the software for the MLX90393.  For example,  even though  it does not have an FPU for floating math operations (these operations would therefore be on the slow side), it does have an MPU which allows one to use say 32 bit (16/16) integer/fractional algorithms for high speed math.  Also, the external oscillator can be run up to 2x without any ill effects if more execution speed is needed.

The problem I see and perhaps 3DM can shed some light on this, is the latency rating of the MLX90393 per axis of 192us minimum and 66.56ms maximum.  This parameter is programmable depending on the amount of digital filtering required, so, how does this realistically affect the realtime sampling of our moving magnetic fields?


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I too was questioning the ability of these magnetometers and also the cpu Arduino board for suitability, but I then realized that for the moment it is immaterial, I think the important point is that at the moment we have no tools to help visualize what happens to the field when we pulse coils, so we need to develop tools to visualize the field and the interactions with the surrounding structures and layouts, any tool is better than none and you have to start somewhere right ;)

Anything after then can be refined in a number of ways.
Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 1808

I too was questioning the ability of these magnetometers and also the cpu Arduino board for suitability, but I then realized that for the moment it is immaterial, I think the important point is that at the moment we have no tools to help visualize what happens to the field when we pulse coils, so we need to develop tools to visualize the field and the interactions with the surrounding structures and layouts, any tool is better than none and you have to start somewhere right ;)

Anything after then can be refined in a number of ways.

Hi Peter,

Yes I agree that tools are needed.  3DM has apparently used the Arduino with the MLX90393 so I would be interested in his evaluation of even a relatively slow moving magnetic field.  What might be a solution would be to use the MLX magnetometer for DC to very low frequency waveforms and to use a 3-axis arrangement of sense coils for the higher speed measurements.  The Arduinos have enough A-D to handle this and the math could be done on of off board.  The 3-D display software should be nearly identical for both types of measurements IMO.  Just some thots!

I plan to build the Teensy3.2/MLX combo but I need to order the parts.  I will also give the sense coils a try as well.

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Good points,
Latency would need to be compensated and therefore increased.
As this is a visual aid and not a control instrument it will not matter .

A good example is I play a midi keyboard via a computer via a vst and afew other things in the signal chain  and latency of 100 ms is the point where playing a keyboard is out of sorts.
If i play for a while the brain adapts to this.

however as it can be allowed for anyway it should not be an issue other that to have all the  sensors  synchronized.

If it were a control instrument then huge issues would be present .But these are  visualisation units  will not have any direct connections to the item under test or be required to generate feedback ...other than a visual reference to the alleged Coriolis type disturbances that have been coined as a "turbine effect". Which apparently do have a lot of latency so even if we had 500ms heaven forbid.. it would still be useful as out brains will compensate anyway.

That does not rule our using magnetometers for control ...who knows ,but you circuit coils or whatever you use to manipulate the field would be electrically and physically (bar the field) isolated from the visualization device .

It wont be long before all these magnetometers are hidden behind other code and processors as they become more refined and less accessable ..like many things these days .

last time i went camera shopping i could not find a single one that had a phone in it ...i digress

the sense coils arangement has had much interest from me as well and who knows as this develops there may be a simple way like that.  I hope so ...but as you will see the magnetometers are so very sensitive and the fact they they are a pin point in size and precision made  is an advantage .

« Last Edit: 2018-02-12, 05:01:03 by 3D Magnetics »
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I wonder if spherics audio labs were making spherical speakers which lead to spherical fields ?
Mono surround sound?
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... .-.. .. -.. . .-.
last time i went camera shopping i could not find a single one that had a phone in it

In my opinion, an Arduino Nano makes for a great first system platform...perhaps for the end system depending on the functions. If we're talking bench results from spinning pulse motors, it's ideal. If we're talking  meters or feet of space between large systems then that same Arduino code can normally be directly ported over to ESP8266/ESP32 devices. MESH's Nodes the whole 9 yards could then be implemented under the same system base code. But not at first, am in complete agreement there.

Using the Arduino IDE may not suit everyone, but really, pretty much anyone who's used microcontrollers will be familiar with it. Doing it some other way may bring in platform problems/OS problems....your code I believe is in Processing, but will work in the regular IDE. There could also be many many problems with folks not being used to something and dropping out...so it needs to be simple yet highly effective for collaborative purposes. I'm good on flexibility, but you won't catch me near a Windows program running Visual C lol.
Am also unfamiliar with Processing, but build gadgets with screens on them daily...so you will see bias in my first post here on the subject ! we all do it.

My preference for direction would be in a hand held unit, perhaps simply sat on the bench, with an ili9341 or ST7735 screen showing the output - see, how long did that bias take. A cheap and cheerful 2" or so colour graphing real time solution.
How we would expect to see the magnetic properties is important - what would make the most sense to the average person looking at it and, perhaps most importantly at our general non M.I.T. levels, how peers can view and understand the information too.
Well, as I read this thread (thanks Itsu for the heads up) what i'm looking at is the determination of the op to give us a solution to view magnetic fields as they happen. An electronic 3D version of that green flexible sheet stuff.
There is merit in several people presenting their version of the idea, there is merit in 1 avenue with the leadership of the op being the boss.

I like it, though presently have no spare monies for the MLX90393. It does remind of gyro's though and am very comfortable with those (self made quads and mini aircraft systems etc).
The whole 3.3V problem isn't one, just use a level shifter: https://www.ebay.com/itm/5Sets-4-Channel-Bi-Directional-Logic-Level-Shifter-Converter-3-3V-5V-For-Arduino/202151474158
5 of them for $1.29
If powering multiple sensors a 1117 3.3V regulator or similar will supply more than enough juice: https://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-10pcs-AMS1117-3-3-LM1117-3-3V-1A-SOT-223-Voltage-Regulator-FC/152815072274
10 of them for less than $1
(am in the USA, but am from England btw, in case my language and units are all over everywhere)
For completeness, should you wish to go for a portable screen solution -
2.4" ili9341 based touch screen for < $5: https://www.ebay.com/itm/2-4-TFT-LCD-Display-Shield-Touch-Panel-ILI9341-240X320-for-Arduino-UNO-MEGA/192163706724
Note also the SD card slot...which could be used for recording a session and transferring online or to any database.

Just  finally, while I totally agree about the Arduino, an ESP826 solution afterwards would allow for live data streaming to ThingSpeak or another host.

A very worthwhile endeavour that you have with the idea and I would hope to assist however possible.
Who knows, make the lot Open Source, but sell completed units to folks for a great hobbyists solution. It's certain to further magnetic fields knowledge, whether 100's were sold or you throw your hands in the air and make just 1 of them.

ʎɐqǝ from pɹɐoqʎǝʞ a ʎnq ɹǝʌǝu
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