Hi 3D,
no idea what "processing ver 2.2" is, have to look that up. Also "bunny rotate code" does not ring a bell.
thanks, itsu
https://processing.org/download/its is one of many programming environments...but its not my strenght. and a new find which may be of more use regarding the bunny ...or whatever object it may be . https://www.electronicdesign.com/industrial-automation/rapid-prototyping-era-arduino-mikrobus-and-processingthis example used a different sensor but they all can be programmed to output x,y,z , ...h,p,b, or whatever variable you chose. There is a learning curve which in my case has been interupted by a chronic health condition. Perhaps there is a better display program ? I know processing can be awkward but as long as you have the right libs in the right place , the errors are fixable. The trouble happens with new windoes and file permissions at odd times but again there are forums like this that address those issues. The simple 3d object display will immediately make clear that thiis is far superior to any scope display as we are only looking for rotation however weak. please get to first base with a 3d object ...it will open your mind to the possibilities. I am sure of that. with most of this stuff a bit of goggling helps and as to the visual display there are a few processing,python,ans any others like blender ...but they all are library dependant and version issues v library issues come up . One of the reasons that I am asking for "boots on the ground" here . It may not be aproptiate as i had not considered that ,,my bad i guess 3D
« Last Edit: 2019-01-03, 23:23:36 by 3D Magnetics »