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Author Topic: Introduction and concept for 3d magnetic field visualiser  (Read 20440 times)
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 344
Thanks for the info guys, but i am afraid that this is as far as i can bring it.

My knowledge on how to visualize the magnetic field is almost zero, and i lack the energy to start a study on this.

Therefor my question earlier in this thread for knowledgeable people to step in.

I have the X, Y and Z outputs in either the arduino serial monitor or in an Excel spreadsheet and i am, up to
now, unable to locate a sophisticated 3D graph add-on for excel that does what i (we) want (show dynamically the
present magnetic field).

Some add-ons crash my Excel, some do not do what i want, and some are asking money.

So i will be looking for a simple solution, but i don't expect any breakthrough soon.

Thanks,   regards Itsu

you will need to install processing ver 2.2
then run the bunny rotate code on processing while the arduino send the serial data,processing on your pc receives the xyz and rotates the object .

I hope this is helpful

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4236

Hi 3D,

no idea what "processing ver 2.2" is,  have to look that up.
Also "bunny rotate code" does not ring a bell.

thanks,  itsu

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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I am looking into Unity 3d. I have a number of years experience in this product.
The first analysis step is 'Is the data stream expedient to where this can be done in real time?'
I will wait on the Process v2.2 and the Bunny answer.
I don't want to throw any more shoes in the gears on the current push.
My additions in  this thread were to expand on the technological aspects while trying to deter any rising costs, in time and money.

I wait for the Process and Bunny answers as these seem to incur no further costs at this time and from 3Ds post might satisfy the demand of the next step.

Now imagine if you will a large sensor envelope the size of a room: https://www.instructables.com/id/Interactive-LED-Dome-With-Fadecandy-Processing-and/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email
This uses Processing too:

Processing is a visual programming language. Just like how you'd draw a rectangle in Photoshop using the mouse, you can draw a rectangle in Processing by writing code like this:


That would give you a rectangle starting 100 px in, 80 px down, 10 px wide and 50 px tall.

If you're not familiar with Processing, I greatly recommend Daniel Shiffman's tutorials on Youtube which are as entertaining as they are informative.

I also realize that posters can not just throw out answers hoping to get others to do the boots on the ground labor. But in my years of data analysis for the D.O.D.  I found that if everybody is allowed to throw the requests over the wall then a group can derive a lot of answers that can percolate to the forefront without any greater labor expenditures. Whatifs solve more problems than they create.

And the thought occurred to me based upon the mentioning of a handheld probe in prior posts. Using two sensors, one as a base location and the other in the hand could be used in the x,y settings of a scope to start a dynamic visualization process. This would let the tester see lissajous patterns and extrapolate them into an initial 3d spatial viewing platform. This would really drop the introductory pricing model. With what has been promoted here in this thread all that is needed another sensor($6.25), a DAC shield(if the current processor has none) and some code tweaks for the extra data. Conversion of the data in an DAC shield would permit direct connection of scope probes. This would then inject straight into FFT scope processes. Just trying to keep the headaches at a minimum and the process moving forward. And this point there is a usable test device.
« Last Edit: 2019-01-03, 15:51:22 by giantkiller »

Group: Moderator
Sr. Member

Posts: 344
Hi 3D,

no idea what "processing ver 2.2" is,  have to look that up.
Also "bunny rotate code" does not ring a bell.

thanks,  itsu


its is one of many programming environments...but its not my strenght.

and a new find which may be of more use regarding the bunny ...or whatever object it may be .


this example used a different sensor but they all can be programmed to output x,y,z , ...h,p,b, or whatever variable you chose.

There is a learning curve which in my case has been interupted by a chronic health condition.

Perhaps there is a better display program ? I know processing can be awkward but as long as you have the right libs in the right place , the errors are fixable. The trouble happens with new windoes and file permissions at odd times but again there are forums like this that address those issues.

The simple 3d object display will immediately make clear that thiis is far superior to any scope display as we are only looking for rotation however weak.

please get to first base with a 3d object ...it will open your mind to the possibilities. I am sure of that.

with most of this stuff a bit of goggling helps and as to the visual display there are a few processing,python,ans any others like blender ...but they all are library dependant and version issues v library issues come up . One of the reasons that I am asking for "boots on the ground" here .

It may not be aproptiate as i had not considered that ,,my bad i guess


« Last Edit: 2019-01-03, 23:23:36 by 3D Magnetics »

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236

Thanks 3D, 

so processing is some arduino programming clone which uses also arduino hardware.
I need to look into that further.


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Posts: 4236

Meanwhile as mentioned in his post #38, member Reiyuki "whipped together a quick demo" using Visual Basic.
His version 2 came alive and shows in real time the movement of an arrow representing the 3 axis (X, Y and Z)
of the MLX90393 sensor.

Still some improvements to be done, but his general idea is clear and seems to work.

Video here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Frj3ymDJdOc

Idea's, suggestions?

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 344
Meanwhile as mentioned in his post #38, member Reiyuki "whipped together a quick demo" using Visual Basic.
His version 2 came alive and shows in real time the movement of an arrow representing the 3 axis (X, Y and Z)
of the MLX90393 sensor.

Still some improvements to be done, but his general idea is clear and seems to work.

Video here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Frj3ymDJdOc

Idea's, suggestions?

I  apolagise  my brain fog had me miss that section entirely ..
Reiyuk ,that works well and is agood beginning . Thank you I will be back in my nexr well phase.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4236

I was trying to calibrate the MLX90393 sensor via this website:


like suggested by 3D in his post #4, but did not got it to run.

Even after adding some libraries like "NXPMotionSense" and "elapsMillis" the sketch won't compile/run.

Guess there is no compatible sensor there like the MLX90393 we use.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Guess there is no compatible sensor there like the MLX90393 we use.


As we say in the industry: 'I guess we dodged that bullet!' Or 'stopped just shy of the brick wall!'
Mostly free equipment costs, some labor but no huge expenditure into a dead end project based upon a missing library.
Writing libs can be done but that is a lot of closed door, closet time in the bright light of the screen. Ya better have your ducks in a row before you jump and close the door.
When you come out, the world might have changed without ya.
https://stackoverflow.com/ is a good place to post questions. The programmers will shoot out of the walls with the right tag lines in the posts.
I have asked some pretty esoteric questions based on a large variety of technical issues and received actual fully coded demos in C, Unity, Pic, Arduino and VB.
The people there are always willing to help.

At the moment I am involved/haunted with two other projects and can't tear loose.
I am not a believer in throwing half arsed solutions over the wall and running away.
Further analysis always can save time and money. We might be just a little ahead of the curve of normality here. But this solution will rear up again in the future if not soon based upon more searching.

I googled MLX90393 coding and plethora of hits came up.
For the next step I am wondering: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1&q=mlx90393+arduino+code


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236

Hi GK,

i get what you mean, but before calling in the big guns i would like to give the good people on this forum
the chance to point me in the right direction by telling this programming nitwit Itsu to look there and there
and/or to do this and that first.

I mean those big guns would expect at least that one has done their homework before asking.

thanks anyway.



Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
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They are are gracious there. Just tell 'em your a noob.
Some of those guns aren't so big.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236

well,  i tried to sign on there, but that is impossible as they demand to know everything about your
work, your work responabilities, your history etc. etc.

As a simple responsableless retired person you are unable to sign up.

Ok,  Ok,  i finally got through, but now i first need "1500 reputations" before i can ask a question  :o<

Well,  nice try

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