Have bought this one:

It's going to be 3 weeks or so before it arrives, but there are several projects here in front of it all.
Am going to d/l Processing and have a look...(for the several years i've built stuff with uc's it hasn't featured).
Oh, of possible related relevance - system here is a tower PC, Q6600, Linux Mint 18.2
All in all, yes this needs to happen and it needs to be at a price point that all can afford.
Do you have a Github space set up ?
The need will be to share, manage, improve code and to have test environments in various locations that can verify results. Well, I know you've thought this through, am just looking at pitfalls that often stop development, as stated.
Thank for your input Slider ,
Those are exactly what I am using .
I would rather we did everything here as the code we will use will be easy to paste or zip up .
there will only be 2 main packages ...the arduino code ,to communicate and the host code (processing or python)to display
It should not matter pc or linux from what i understand .
I know that we would have to agree on the libraries used and there are so many libraries with the same name it could be confusing for some ..i have been caught out too many times .
I would rather steer away from using 3rd party repositories and keep it all here with forum members at least for the development period. And it would be open to all members ,even the public.
a zip package with libraries and running code should not be too large at first.
It may be possible not to use anything but the common wire library? My skills here are fairly low so no, i have not though this through beyond knowing that this tool will be required for continuity when testing coil arrangements .
As far as coding is concerned I can make things work but very untidy an as my health is poor my brain function varies randomly.
I once wrote a program that was 3 pages long (commodore 64) i showed it to my brainiac friend and he reduced it to 12 lines .
I worked the same but was not ever critical on memory or execution speed.
RE my health
Chronic fatige syndrome is the best that the medical profession can do ,but I keep looking even if they don't /can't.
I even wonder if screwing about with hv and spin fields may be bad for health and there is some evidence of this .
Many people have contacted me over the years warning of health issues .
Otto's death was one where the timing cannot be excluded.
Gk made a ring that scared him enough to want to put it in a microwave oven .
SM had throat cancer and also questioned the health implications .
That is why it is important to be able to work with low velocities and low voltages . And to be able to see the field of influence .
Whatever we do it can not be in the magnetic darkness we currently work in.
There may be medical implications here both positive and negative .
There are many articles on NMR which are inspiring and educational but focused on body imaging only.
But it is help i /we require and can I ask what the pitfalls of keeping it all here might be ?
As we move forward just keep ver1. 1.01 1.02 etc so that any body can go back or forwards.
I would possibly get out of hand but we could change it as the problem develops .
For now it is small and we need to think of something better than a rabbit spinning ...though it is easy to see.
The outer field ring as a multi coloured torus ?...six rabbits wont do it but it it would be the starting point.
I mean 7 counting the middle one.
While im at it, i can explain why 6 .
Imagine a cube with six faces all with an arrow pointing a single point any where within the cube .
It takes 6 to be accurate ...except we are detecting the field disturbance from that virtual single point which make it possible to spin tilt and tumble, raise and lower, the outer ring in a virtual space ..the computer screen .
It is simple yet complex and easy to over think .
There are many iterations of reference that will grow as understanding progresses ...but simply it is 7 sets of xyz axies.
A common zero button will be important .
The spacing of the 6 sensors will be up to the user but at few meters they detect a neo magnet easily
,and can be gain adjusted for all axies,they would be top/bottom/left/right/back/front ...luckily they all have different first letters......oh and c for centre.
I know it takes time to get these things in the mail ,one lot took 5 weeks (aliexpress seller)
I also know that one you get one up and running ...you will share in my enthusiasm.