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Author Topic: Conjecture: Unidirectional Acceleration Of Electrons  (Read 8878 times)
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Posts: 3537
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Restated here so Bruce TPU Christmas Gift thread is not derailed


Besides being magnetic dipoles, electrons have also another important property......inertia. (see Tolman-Stewart experiments). In a circuit that rings as in Itsu's very nice scope capture we see the effect of ringing i.e. we have an impulse and electrons slosh back and forth wasting the impulse energy by radiating it into space at the high ringing frequency. Energy is also wasted in frictional losses in the wire and components.

While most have been trying to achieve better "resonance" and high Q circuits, it may be the very thing we need to avoid!.

If the inductive effects and ringing could be nullified or eliminated as far as possible, each impulse could (by proper circuit arrangement) be made to propel the electrons in one direction only, gaining speed with each impulse, and putting what energy would have been wasted to good use. More powerful impulses in a ringing (tank) circuit only increase the amplitude of oscillation, they do not appreciably change the frequency nor the speed of electrons, which are determined by the L-C components e.g. in Bruce's circuit, stray capacitance and inductance.

What also would be needed is a circular "racetrack" for the electrons and a means of nullifying the effects of the earth magnetic field. The earth magnetic field creates the unwanted incorrect alignment of electrons in the wire "racetrack" because of the electrons magnetic properties.

The earth magnetic field can be easily overcome with a toroidal overwinding on the "racetrack" wire and a weak DC current applied.

What is needed is a head to toe alignment of the electron's magnetic poles in the wire. The electrons can then find preferred pathways in the wire, minimizing wasteful collisions.

As the electrons are accelerated, there will always be a number of unwanted wasteful collisions with nuclei that will produce a heating effect in the wire. This is unavoidable.

These unwanted collisions will result in a sudden braking effect on the electron (bremsstrahlung) with the attendant release of electromagnetic radiation.

Bremsstrahlung is electromagnetic radiation produced by the deceleration of a charged particle when deflected by another charged particle, typically an electron by an atomic nucleus. The moving particle loses kinetic energy, which is converted into a photon, thus satisfying the law of conservation of energy.

Thus far energy has been conserved, however the accelerated electrons may also provide an avalanche effect within the wire, providing a cascade of otherwise bound electrons to be released. And perhaps even those released photons can be put to good use.

This could result in a transmutation effect within the copper atoms of the wire, converting to isotopes of copper with large energy release.

So we may have built a tabletop high speed particle accelerator (an energy conversion device), and enjoy the benefits thereof.

The title was "conjecture", but was inspired by a very careful reading of SM's emails to Mannix. Even if SM was a fraud, he caused me to "ponder" in a different direction. Science fiction?...maybe.

Comments welcome but please stay on topic

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Mad Scientist
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Posts: 635
Interesting stuff.  I wonder if the spinning coil charge seen at the ends is actually due to inertia or an action of say earths field on the spinning coil? Just from what Im imagining at this time.
How in your opinion would this relate to Turbos 3 coils? Just trying to get your drift. ;)


Group: Mad Scientist
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Posts: 635
Turbo said he was taking the subject elsewhere. Does anyone know where that might be?

Sucks that he opened the door then closed it soon after. He seemed to come down on Bruce for his sparse givings but then does the same.

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Interesting stuff.  I wonder if the spinning coil charge seen at the ends is actually due to inertia or an action of say earths field on the spinning coil? Just from what Im imagining at this time.
How in your opinion would this relate to Turbos 3 coils? Just trying to get your drift. ;)


Tolman and Stewart took great pains to null out the  earth magnetic field's possible influence, especially in the second set of experiments performed later with a rotating cylinder. I don't recall the exact method of the second set of experiments, having read it many years ago nevertheless, the inertial effect was not due to earth field.

SM said
80. Now electrons can travel only so fast along the surface of a wire because of the magnetic flux.
What if you disable the effect of the flux? My unit operates on these principles. Now the electrons float freely without anything holding them back. Electrons at the speed of light are now a possibility.


Some NMR experiments use DC biased coils to homogenize earth magnetic field influence.


In some applications, a Helmholtz coil is used to cancel out the Earth's magnetic field, producing a region with a magnetic field intensity much closer to zero.[4]


In other modes they can also provide a null effect of the earth field.

A relatively weak DC bias is used to create the zone. The complex looking instrument in the second link allows precise control of the field gradients by  precisely setting and regulating the DC current through the coils.

The inner and outer coils in Turbo's offering might create the "null zone or homogeneous zone" if biased properly such that zone of interest appears on the inner wire spool of the coil sandwich.

That's my conjecture thus far. More to come.


See the attachment

« Last Edit: 2018-01-17, 01:51:31 by ION »

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
SM comments on the collector and how it is wound:

About the collector:
It is three separate coils of multi strand copper wire laid one on top of the other, not interleaved. Three is important. You can do many things with three coils. You can run them in parallel, you can run two in series and one in parallel, or etc.
You can run a separate frequency into each coil for better control on large power units if need be.

The control wiring is vertically wound in several segments around each of the horizontal collector coils.
Other control wires are wound around all of the horizontal collector coils together.

Through the different control wire and coil wire arrangements you can keep complete control of the unit most of the time. However, you must have an emergency KILL switch. A way of cutting off all the control frequencies simultaneity. This kill switch must be, manual and also connected through a heat sensor buried within the collector coil. it should automatically stop the function of the unit before it self destructs on it's own. This is important for obvious reasons. Also the kill switch should also be connected to cut off whenever it measures over voltage. If that should ever happen, you would never have enough time to hit the kill switch before the inevitable explosion occurred.
You know, it is very similar to the idea of a long garden hose. Picture a hose with water in it. If you pick up one end and move along the length of the hose you will move the water constantly along in the direction you are moving. You could also squeeze the hose in the direction to move the water along as well. And you could do both to control the movement of the water more precisely. You can think of the movement of water as the movement of electrons through the collector coils.

This appears to match what was shown in the TPU that was cut into pieces.

My take is that the collectors are individual copper loops, with the control wires wrapped around them, and then stacked on top of each other to make a stack of three collectors.

I doubt the "collector" operates as a collector of anything, but offer that it is probably induced rather than the outer coils being urged to release electrons and the collector catching them.

If you go back to the original discovery that SM made with a bifilar voice coil and a speaker magnet, there is nothing there that should cause electrons to be released.   the delayed signal, in combination with the leading signal, interacted with the magnet to release some sort of signal that SM interpreted as additional energy.

Based on the work that Peter did with his delayed signal into a bifilar coil, (around 220ns as I recall), this arrangement produces a sharp voltage spike.

If you apply HV pulses to a magnet with a coil, the magnet will react violently.

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Hi G

There is much that I agree with that you have written. I'm trying to develop the "highly accelerated electrons" model in this thread because I think it can explain several factors including the weak gyroscopic action purported to have been witnessed,

This hypothesis also gives some credence to the excessive heating of the device, far more than can be developed with a hidden startup battery. I ran tests on this some years ago with lamp wire wound as in the open tpu and found that an excess of 10 amperes were required to provide the heating slightly warm to the touch.

The only other method that could develop the weak gyroscopic effect would be an acoustic ring resonator, but I tried years to develop the hypothesis for this to little avail.

The development of high speed electrons in a copper collector could release photons, knock out neutrons,  thus creating isotopes of copper along with a cascade of electrons. This mild transmutation of copper could account for the excess heating and possible meltdown that SM was always so very concerned about.

Attempting to develop a hypothesis for such a tabletop particle accelerator is not easy and I lack the physics skills to prove it's possibility. I'm merely trying to use my own intuition and as many of the clues as possible that fit into such further conjecture.

A hypothesis must ,as a minimum, satisfy the following observations  by many of TPU operation:

1) Anomalous heat production that could lead to self destruction (many  orders of magnitude greater than any required startup  power)

2) Production of anomalous electrical power in large quantities (hundreds of Watts, also much greater than startup power)

3) A weak gyroscopic effect (only possible by actual rotating mass or by a rotating mass displacement (as in acoustic wave).

4) A noticeable "stiction" effect when moved through the earth magnetic field, gravity, or space (not sure which)

5) A slow windup or rotation of something that has mass.

« Last Edit: 2018-01-19, 18:33:05 by ION »

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
I don't want to derail your particle accelerator model thread.

Excessive external forces could pull the molecules apart.  As I recall the Russian gentleman with the TPU-like device that used copper sheet on the outside had issues with the copper coils transmuting to other elements, as well as overheating.

SM mention tuning "too precisely" as a bad thing to do as it converted too much power in the device. (as I recall)

Group: Mad Scientist
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Posts: 635
Turbo said that Sm used a layer of thin cork board between layers of coils. Can be had at a grocery store for use on counter tops and cupboard liners. So im going to make this coil deal and do some things. Any suggestions as to what to try are welcome. Will post a pic when done.


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
In an effort to guess the thoughts of SM when he discovered the bifilar coil arrangement i came up with the following:

1. SM discovered the bifliar arrangement with one signal delayed and it affected other objects to some degree.  This is rather vague, but not much else to go on.  Peter showed that it produced a crackling noise that sounded like mini explosions.

2. If SM thought that electrons were being ejected from the coils, then it is logical that use of a "collector" would capture them.

3. With this same train of thought, SM probably tried to use several coils over a collector in various ways, expecting the electrons to build up on the collector and be drawn off to drive a load.  This may have resulted in the early models that rely on Earth forces to create the rotation needed.

4. We do not know if the early units had sequential coils or a forced sequential order, but SM mentions that they rotate the other way in the southern hemisphere.

4. In an effort to improve the early devices, so they work in any orientation, he may considered driving the electrons sequentially to force them to go the right direction.  This made the devices always rotate the way you wanted them to, but did not remedy the flipping-over aspect.

5.  Thinking that the devices somehow coupled to the earths magnetic field, SM may have tried his own bias field with a coil around the collector.  Logically, you would try this from power supplied by the output of the device.

(This is just speculation to guess how SM got from the initial unexpected signal on his analyzer to a working TPU and may be totally incorrect.)

Group: Mad Scientist
Hero Member

Posts: 635
In an effort to guess the thoughts of SM when he discovered the bifilar coil arrangement i came up with the following:

1. SM discovered the bifliar arrangement with one signal delayed and it affected other objects to some degree.  This is rather vague, but not much else to go on.  Peter showed that it produced a crackling noise that sounded like mini explosions.

2. If SM thought that electrons were being ejected from the coils, then it is logical that use of a "collector" would capture them.

3. With this same train of thought, SM probably tried to use several coils over a collector in various ways, expecting the electrons to build up on the collector and be drawn off to drive a load.  This may have resulted in the early models that rely on Earth forces to create the rotation needed.

4. We do not know if the early units had sequential coils or a forced sequential order, but SM mentions that they rotate the other way in the southern hemisphere.

4. In an effort to improve the early devices, so they work in any orientation, he may considered driving the electrons sequentially to force them to go the right direction.  This made the devices always rotate the way you wanted them to, but did not remedy the flipping-over aspect.

5.  Thinking that the devices somehow coupled to the earths magnetic field, SM may have tried his own bias field with a coil around the collector.  Logically, you would try this from power supplied by the output of the device.

(This is just speculation to guess how SM got from the initial unexpected signal on his analyzer to a working TPU and may be totally incorrect.)

Cracking sound.  Hmm

If we were to have a coil that say was operating at freq that caused skin effect, and the wire is insulated, rubberized or enamel magnet wire, could the electrons escape the insulation of the wire to be captured at a lower than insulation breakdown voltage?? Not saying skin effect is an action of SMs coils as I dont know that much about his particulars just like most of us, but just thinking on the electrons escaping the surface of the wire in general as an example of such. Or maybe if the electrons can escape by jolting or 'kicking' lots of them off the wire at a point in time and they make it to the collector, could that be the cracking sound that was heard?

Going to give a go with the coils using a material between layers i have here and I will build another with cork this weekend. So Il have the 2 to compare with each try of whateverI or we come up with.

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down


The second video is like much of what has already been tried many times, replacing the ball and circular tube track with the collector coil. (Otto etc.) but with no reported effects.




Also a lot of good videos by Fermilab

A lot to chew on, but the idea is to imagine what could happen if the vacuum tube could be replaced with a circular copper conductor. There is a lot of space (99.9999999..% empty) between atoms and a "free electron gas" loosely fills some of that space ......that we can work with.

What makes copper a good conductor...Yahoo Answers:
The atomic number of copper is 29, which means it has 29 protons in the middle and 29 electrons moving around the outside. (The 29 negative charges of the electrons and the 29 positive charges of the protons balance out, so the atom is neutral when all of its electrons are in place.)
Copper has two electrons in the innermost shell, eight in the next shell, eighteen in the third shell, and one in the fourth shell. This means that the first three shells each have as many electrons as they can hold, and the fourth shell has one lonely electron. (The fourth shell can hold up to 32 electrons.) Because this one lonely electron is all by itself in the outer shell, it can easily separate from the rest of the atom and go roaming around, which makes copper a very good conductor.

Copper has 29 orbiting electrons. 28 of then are fixed to the atom in their respective orbits. The 29th is a "free" electron and wanders throughout the metal.
The atoms in copper vibrate around a fixed position, with 28
of their electrons orbiting around them.
The spaces between the atoms are filled with the "free" electrons - one from each atom. They collide with each other, and other atoms, and behave like the particles of a gas, i.e. they have random (chaotic) motion.
However, when a potential difference is applied across the
copper, as well as moving at random at high speed as before, they also "drift" very slowly towards the +ve
terminal. (An electrical current flows very slowly).
An electrical current is just the slow drift of free electrons in those materias which have free electrons.
If there are no free electrons, then there is no current.
Fewer free electrons means a smaller current ( i.e more electrical resistance, like Nichrome.)
Insulators can often be made to conduct. Although they normally have few free electrons, or none, the application of a large enough voltage will forcibly remove outer electrons from atoms, and make then "free".

From my earlier post:
The development of high speed electrons in a copper collector could release photons, knock out neutrons,  thus creating isotopes of copper along with a cascade of electrons. This mild transmutation of copper could account for the excess heating and possible meltdown that SM was always so very concerned about.

So we are also interested in:


« Last Edit: 2018-01-20, 16:21:10 by ION »

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
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  Normally, electrons must be accelerated in a high VACUUM, to avoid collisions with matter which slow them down.

   ION, are you saying that you might have a scheme to achieve "electron acceleration" in a wire?  in a metal?

   I'm interested... how would you determine whether you achieved this effect?? (I mean, directly - as opposed to "heating" effects which could be due to different things it seems.)

    About transmutations - there is a LOT of interest in this right now - see in particular the work by Iwamura in Japan, using deuterons passing through various metals and somehow inducing transmutations.  I think his data are quite convincing, but require Deuterons.

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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
  Normally, electrons must be accelerated in a high VACUUM, to avoid collisions with matter which slow them down.

   ION, are you saying that you might have a scheme to achieve "electron acceleration" in a wire?  in a metal?

   I'm interested... how would you determine whether you achieved this effect?? (I mean, directly - as opposed to "heating" effects which could be due to different things it seems.)

    About transmutations - there is a LOT of interest in this right now - see in particular the work by Iwamura in Japan, using deuterons passing through various metals and somehow inducing transmutations.  I think his data are quite convincing, but require Deuterons.

Dear PhysicsProf

Thanks for noticing this thread.

No, I don't yet have the scheme for accelerating electrons in a copper conductor, and I do realise the need for a vacuum for a frictionless "collision free" acceleration.

However if it were possible to accelerate electrons in an ordinary copper conductor, there would certainly be excess heating effects due to collisions, which is one of the things which constantly worried Steve Mark about his device, so much so that he urged replicators to include a method of shutting down if the temperature got too high to prevent a runaway condition.

He remarked that if tuned too precisely, a meltdown would occur.

Most would say the "mean free path" of electrons in a conductor is very slow. But maybe there are ways around this.

It is my unproven belief that acceleration pulses could force electrons to find preferred pathways as they accelerate and make their way through the mostly empty space, avoiding collisions where possible as atoms are very slightly displaced. This is the "windup effect" SM referred to.

In this thread I am trying to fit a hypothetical model to the main 5 observed effects of the TPU as outlined here:


Because SM was forced to meet with his lawyer, a government representative and a member of the AEC, I am guessing that his device was indeed a "conversion" device as he often referred to it.

To answer your question about how I would tell if it is working? Answer: If it meets all five of the criteria outlined in the link along with other possible tests to detect particle output.

Maybe read this thread from the beginning if you haven't already done so to get an idea of the outline of the hypothesis.

Thanks for replying. I will check out Iwamura's work.


P.S the next few posts will deal with  further clues SM has given and how they may apply towards a working model.
« Last Edit: 2018-01-19, 19:00:58 by ION »

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Professor
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Posts: 1949
  Normally, electrons must be accelerated in a high VACUUM, to avoid collisions with matter which slow them down.

   ION, are you saying that you might have a scheme to achieve "electron acceleration" in a wire?  in a metal?

Although the drift velocity of conduction electrons is small due to those collisions, it may be noted that if there are electrons drawn to the surface (i.e. the wire is one electrode of a capacitor where the other electrode is at a high positive potential) then there is a thin surface region where the ion density is much reduced and the drift speed there can increase tremendously.  Don't know whether this phenomenon has ever been measured but it strikes me that highly polished smooth surfaces could exhibit relatively long collision-free paths.  Just a thought.
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Posts: 3537
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Although the drift velocity of conduction electrons is small due to those collisions, it may be noted that if there are electrons drawn to the surface (i.e. the wire is one electrode of a capacitor where the other electrode is at a high positive potential) then there is a thin surface region where the ion density is much reduced and the drift speed there can increase tremendously.  Don't know whether this phenomenon has ever been measured but it strikes me that highly polished smooth surfaces could exhibit relatively long collision-free paths.  Just a thought.

Barbat has been working with thin conductive films on the surface of insulators to attain high speed.


I don't know whether he has had any luck, but your comment about drawing the electrons to the surface of the wire is very interesting and I would encourage experimenters to try something along those lines. We can apply a HV differential bias to the collector and some outer  foil or overwinding. Next we need a means to propel the electrons along the surface. SM we know used very sharp pulses to perform the acceleration. But how are these "kicks" applied?

Conventional wisdom says the mean free path does not allow for high speed electrons in a conductor, however SM gave us this additional clue to chew on:

84. I want you to think of the generator principles the exact same way that passing the sound barrier was accomplished.

Read how engineers in this country finally developed the proper wing design to accomplish supersonic speed in aircraft. I hope it will give you a picture of what is going on inside the generator and especially the collector

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
84. I want you to think of the generator principles the exact same way that passing the sound barrier was accomplished.

Read how engineers in this country finally developed the proper wing design to accomplish supersonic speed in aircraft. I hope it will give you a picture of what is going on inside the generator and especially the collector


The Army Air Forces selected Bell Aircraft to build three X-1 aircraft. The fuselage was the same shape as a 0.50 caliber machine gun bullet, which was known to be stable at supersonic speeds. The X-1 wings were straight, rather than swept back, and relatively thin for the time. The X-1-1 (serial number 46-062) had a wing with an 8 percent thickness/chord ratio. The X-1-2 (serial number 46-063) had a 10 percent ratio wing. The X-1 was powered by an XLR-11 rocket engine, which had four chambers and burned liquid oxygen (LOX) and a mixture of alcohol and water. In 1945, rockets were viewed with suspicion by some engineers. Both the NACA and Navy preferred a jet-powered research aircraft, rather than one using a rocket, as the Army Air Forces had selected.

Group: Mad Scientist
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Posts: 635
The foam material i tried last night has issues with keeping the windings right.
Picked this up today at the grocery store. Im sure home depot may have it also. Just over $3 for 12in x 4ft x 1/16in. Self stick also.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 3028
Thanks for your replies, ION and Smudge. 
Certainly a very interesting thread.

As an intro to Iwamura's transmutation work:  http://news.newenergytimes.net/2012/12/06/mitsubishi-reports-toyota-replication/

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Thanks for your replies, ION and Smudge. 
Certainly a very interesting thread.

As an intro to Iwamura's transmutation work:  http://news.newenergytimes.net/2012/12/06/mitsubishi-reports-toyota-replication/

And thank you for the New Energy Times link, it has some good downloads at the bottom of the page worth reading.

As you already know, I am very interested in the LENR field of study of which the subject of this thread is a different branch of LENR.

I regard the Iwamura and other LENR devices as "absorption transmutation ", whereas we are going to explore the "particle accelerator transmutation" method for our own musing and as one possible explanation for the SM TPU.

Thanks for alerting us to the Iwamura results. According to the article some undisclosed "major corporations" are also showing interest in this.


"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy

Group: Mad Scientist
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Posts: 635
Ok. Just winging it, here is the 3 coils layered with cork as Turbo suggested. 70 turns each of Radioshack green rolls of magnet wire I had laying around. I believe it is 26awg.

Didnt know how far a roll will go, and figuring in the additional length as each layer diameter increases, I stopped at 70 turns where a full roll came close to 90 on the first wind. So made the adjustment then.

Will put terminals on tomorrow. As the inner winding is sandwiched in cork, I put an outer layer of cork after the 3rd winding.


Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3968

Buy me some coffee
Interesting, Arie Degeus stated that electrons move much faster, without resistance when the conductor is very thin, a few atoms, well maybe if the frequency was carefully selected then maybe the skin effect would allow the current to only flow in the outside layer 1 atom thick.

'Cyclotron'-electron accelerator on Zero point energy.
A method and equipment, wherein "free" electrons, are being accelerated in (a) thin conductor(s), in which in sections an alternating-voltage with increasing amplitude  is effectuated by means of surrounding permanent-magnetic fields, in such a way that their kinetic energy is sufficient to overcome a rectifying threshold to be able  to charge a direct current storage; this using a "signal"-generator, of which the energy needed is obtained from the energy produced. 

7. A Method and Equipment, as in any of the preceding conclusions, wherein a thin coating of an excellent electron conductor is applied to said conductor(s).


Group: Mad Scientist
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Posts: 635
I think it would be better if we could get the electrons in a thick conductor to move faster from end to end than to rely on skin effect of very fine conductors, to say get the electrons to move faster than its resistance allows.

To me it would be natural for electrons to move slower from end to end in a thicker conductor than a thin conductor, given they are operating under the same current flow input. Like a 4in dia hose with water compared to a 1in dia hose.

If we talk about the speed of electrons in the conductor, Id say the speed of the jump from one atom to another is probably the same for each. A thicker conductor, depending on the current flow, not all of the electrons get from one end of the conductor to the other as fast as a thin conductors electrons.

Not sure what I might find with this coil configuration. My first guess would be the outer coils are input and the middle coil is output.

Bruce suggests making electrons(magnets) jump off the wire and we could collect them.? :-\  Im not sure that could be advantageous.  Collect them for what?  If the 'wire' gives off electrons and they are collected, then what becomes of the 'wire's' depleted state once the released electrons are collected? Is it a form of an efficient generator? Converter?  Im interested, but Bruces way of showing halts me a bit.


Group: Mad Scientist
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Posts: 635
So far it works as a 2/1 transformer using the 2 outer layers in series and the middle coil as an open output. Will see if things change if I load the middle coil.


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055
In certain electronic devices which are able to accelerate
the "speed" of electrons the result is power loss as
excess heat.

What are the supposed advantages of increasing the
"speed" of electrons in a solid conductor?  Why wouldn't
the end result there be power loss as excess heat?

We already know that very high current levels in a
small wire do, in fact, produce large amounts of
heat and power loss.  Couldn't this be said to be
due to faster electron movement?

The Magnetron, the Klystron and the Traveling Wave Tube
all rely on very fast electrons to accomplish their "magic"
but there too, the power loss as heat from decelerating
electrons is still a significant figure.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
In certain electronic devices which are able to accelerate
the "speed" of electrons the result is power loss as
excess heat.

What are the supposed advantages of increasing the
"speed" of electrons in a solid conductor?  Why wouldn't
the end result there be power loss as excess heat?

We already know that very high current levels in a
small wire do, in fact, produce large amounts of
heat and power loss.  Couldn't this be said to be
due to faster electron movement?

The Magnetron, the Klystron and the Traveling Wave Tube
all rely on very fast electrons to accomplish their "magic"
but there too, the power loss as heat from decelerating
electrons is still a significant figure.

Hi muDped

Agreed, this is Ohm's law and expressed very well here:


We see then that drift velocity of electrons is exceedingly small with an applied current, on the order of micrometers per second or centemeters per hour and is proportional to current.

Therefore in this wire the electrons are flowing at the rate of 23 μm/s. At 60 Hz alternating current, this means that within half a cycle the electrons drift less than 0.2 μm. In other words, electrons flowing across the contact point in a switch will never actually leave the switch.

By comparison, the Fermi flow velocity of these electrons (which, at room temperature, can be thought of as their approximate velocity in the absence of electric current) is around 1570 km/s.[2]

So it appears that current flow actually puts the brakes hard on the normal flow velocity, leaving only a proportionately small creepage that we term the drift velocity.

In reply # 3 on this page we are given an important quote by SM. It is worth pondering and can lead to new insights into the nature of the dilemma and how to overcome it.

We were also reminded by SM that moving electrons close to light speed is the catalyst, a means to an end and not the end in itself.

We are looking for the "end" result when "catalyst" is achieved! But we need to take the proper steps to get the electrons accelerated to "catalyst".

Even with the flux nulled, there will be excess heat due to the sheer number of possible random collisions. It is then easy to see why the "heat problem" of the device was also a necessary by product of reaching "catalyst".

It is important to ponder what arrangement the electrons actually take in a wire that has a current flow. We can get an idea by
examining the field on the outside of the wire. Then the electrons tiny dipoles will align with those concentric field lines inside the wire much as the compass does on the outside of the wire.

Now, what arrangement do the electrons take when the flux is "nulled"? And what is their possible velocity?


« Last Edit: 2018-11-15, 23:31:11 by ion »

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
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