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Author Topic: What is Known about the TPU  (Read 480986 times)
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Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Frequency equals matter...

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It comes from the inherent atomic magnetic domain we are in. It is like existing inside a bell or balloon. A strike of a certain speed returns an echo from the whole inside surface to the center. In otherwords it is an event that the surrounding forces cannot permit to exist for a slow amount of time therefore the tear is closed quite rapidly. Bam! The event is dimished at a very high speed. And the ripple can be felt.
Now in my tests the bifilar was interleaved. SM stated this permits a partial cancelling. Spherics stated the multiple paths must be overlayed and not comingled.

ordered 2.
« Last Edit: 2011-05-03, 19:06:36 by giantkiller »


Group: Tinkerer
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Bibhas De called it a companion wave and explained how the electric field, and it's velocity interact with a magnetic field to amplify magnetic flux.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Its only a companion when you can view it safely.  :o ;D


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I can say that it would be very interesting to drive one of these fitted in the speaker and see the result of my crackling then, are all speakers bifilar or just some.

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Not all. You could tell by the number of terminal connections. Is this what you mean?

I can say that it would be very interesting to drive one of these fitted in the speaker and see the result of my crackling then, are all speakers bifilar or just some.


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i see, so you are saying a bifilar wound voice coil and speaker has 3 terminals, if so then that makes it easier to spot them on ebay Thanks  O0

Group: Tinkerer
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some have four terminal, positioned on opposite sides of the magnet

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Group: Tinkerer
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some are wound in diferent ways:

Sequentially wound:

I got hits for bifilar wound dual voice coil speakers but no images of one.

Might be best to wind your own.


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Hey, couldn't we just hold a magnetic speaker near a pulsing coil, or near the bifilar coil?  The pulse form the coil will still amplify the magnetic field and this will be converted by the speaker.

OUR web site invents the speaker generator.  News at 6:00

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Thanks G
The one on amazon seems to have 2 separate speakers built in as well.
Although i have never been exposed to professional sound equipment, i am surprised i have never seen these before.

I take it each bifilar coil is driven using a crossover or something of the like from a single amp channel

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it would be a good way for sniffing out power levels using a spectrum analyser i would think, our main problem is being able to spot more energy out, so if we were to measure the dB across a spectrum and compare the energy in the driven frequencies to those that appear across the band then we may be able to spot this new channel that opens up and see instantly how much power it contains by remotely listening to the spectrum.

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how is audio power measured in a room, is it just a case of a mike driven amp and calibrating for dB
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Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Frequency equals matter...

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I ordered those specified and I see four leads at the top. That tells me 2 winds.

how is audio power measured in a room, is it just a case of a mike driven amp and calibrating for dB

The audience will stay for the whole show. ;D

@ Spider,
In the first page of that thread where the picture is, the side windings are the exact same thing that Marco showed on his notched PVC coil. There was a top one and a bottom one. The horizontal core that had the spaced winding was insulated in black so that is what Jason and I did. But later on I felt this could have been steel wire. Also Bruce_tpu sent me two 18"coils where the spaced winding was iron wire.


Group: Tinkerer
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Geza Korcsmaros states on page one in a letter to Lester Hendershot that magnetic fields have a resonant frequency and that they can be put in a state of resonance with pulsed DC.  As you recall, we have mentioned that pulsed DC may amplify a magnetic field.

How could an "aether vortex" be related to the resonant frequency of a magnetic field?


Group: Tinkerer
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Korcsmaros mentions an EM Shift at Paricutin (Mexico)

The story of the volcano of Paricutin in Michoacán State, Mexico, is a curious one - one that explains how a volcano literally appeared on the face of the Earth overnight. In February 1943, the community of Paricutin, who were accustomed to the occasional tremors that the seismically active sub-geology created, witnessed a cornfield literally crack open in front of them, with an accompanying deafening rumble. Witnesses spoke of the very strong smell of sulphur that escaped from the crack in the earth, followed by billowing grey ash-laden smoke.

The villagers fled the cornfield, realising that something sinister was about to happen, although upon returning the following morning, instead of seeing the same crack in the ground, they saw a large volcanic cone sticking out of the ground (about 4 metres tall). Within the next 12 hours, the cone protruded further out of the ground, and started to expel rock, ash and lava. Soon the entire cornfield had vanished, leaving nothing but a mass of molten lava.

Although the volcanic eruption was minimal, seeing as the actual volcano was relatively tiny, the fascinating factor about this volcano is that it continued to grow over the following weeks, months. Damage to crops, houses, livestock and other property was extensive, but no one's life was directly taken as a result of the eruption.

One year later, the volcano was a mountain with a height of just over 400 metres. The volcano seemed to stop growing and stop showing signs of activity in 1952, although an eruption in 1949 took the lives of approximately 1 000 people.

The reason why Paricutin has a respectable spot in the top seven natural wonders of the world is because it is the most recent volcano to have formed in the geologic history of the planet. It has therefore provided geologists and vulcanologists with ample material for studying the origin and behaviour of newly-formed volcanoes.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Frequency equals matter...

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The magnetic fields of flowing lava are random and then coelesce into parality of a larger magnetic bonding as it cools producing a encompassing magnetic field. Which is portrayed in its crystaline like structure. PALEOMAGNETISM...

Bibhas De:
It represents a spatial and temporal oscillation of the magneteic pressure or magnetic energy density in the medium, the energy being transported back and forth with velocity of c, and parallel to the direction of wave propagation.

Group: Guest
Iron cores of any type in a TPU?

Every opinion stated about those thinking the small toroid is anything but a CMC or not containing a ferrite core... back at those thinking it is anything but iron-less...

Really! Am I the only one seeing that the visible winding is ONE winding with reversed wrap direction in the middle?
How many are aware the top of the line audio systems will not use an iron core cross-over coil because of the noise inherent from the Barkhausen effect?

Testing the idea of it being a CMC is an easy task if you can make the use of a CMC work in your TPU concept. I have nothing to offer on that idea except I've wasted enough time trying to make a CMC fit in any TPU concept.

Ok, since opinions are free....

I think it is an increductor. Yep, the name is worth Googling. This is an inductor with a semi-saturating core, using a high impedance winding with DC current in it to change the inductance. Or the winding is very low impedance and used high current for control of inductance of cross-over 'air' core coils.

It's an old technique (usually nowadays this kind of thing is only used for flux-gate magnetometers) but a goodie. Also used in early television sets.

Built with some imagination it can also act as variable signal delay line  :)

For those thinking about eBay'ing a bifilar voice coil - go ahead and grab the one most common... the ones that were used in the speaker basket with the radial magnetic field setup. The only bifilar dual voice coils I've ran into were two separate bifilar coils in one radial magnetic speaker basket. One of the coils was used as an output.

I never bothered to find out what the output was for and doubt the information would be useful.

Group: Tinkerer
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In reference to the toroidal core things, say you had a working generator that had an output proportional to it's input or some aspect of the input.  You feed too much back and you get too much out.

So how might you limit the fed-back power to keep the device in a safe operating range?

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Frequency equals matter...

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Really! Am I the only one seeing that the visible winding is ONE winding with reversed wrap direction in the middle?

Nope. Moab and Otto had displayed too.

Group: Guest
In reference to the toroidal core things, say you had a working generator that had an output proportional to it's input or some aspect of the input.  You feed too much back and you get too much out.

So how might you limit the fed-back power to keep the device in a safe operating range?

Well, if the toroidal core things were built the way I suspect I would simply shunt some of the current away from that reversed outer winding. There might be a better way but the more current going through them the stronger the 'squeezing the hose' would be. I would just wire a big wire-wound rheostat in parallel with that outer winding and use that for adjustment.

It would need to be high wattage as the load current (DC) would be going through it and the outer winding of the small TPU.... I mean small toroid  8)

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
The OTPU has no "collector coils".

Based on what is known about the effect of HV DC pulses amplifying a magnetic field, and Spherics' details on DC bias, was can be fairly certain that the OTPU used biased DC or AC (with the bifilar coil method) and that the "gain" appeared as "bias amplification".   So, SM could have smoothed out the biased pulsed output to get a fairly smooth DC and ran this back to the control circuits.

Group: Tinkerer
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The patent of Energia Celeste utilizes this same effect.  Note that they state that the resulting magnetic field is several thousands times greater in amplitude than the static field of the magnet.
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