For me the most interesting thing that was given to us was the movement of the Valve filament when first switched on, it tugs, this tug causes premature mechanical failure of the filament.
So why does the filament tug?
Following Spherics instructions on how to find the kick, i have explosion noises from a wire, to me this is the same as the tug on the filament.
Why is the earth magnetic field important, well it's a reference frame.
If you put your hand on a door knob and pull, 2 things can happen, if the door is locked you move towards the door, if the door is unlocked the door moves to you.
Think about the wash board effect of the TPU, all thats happening here is when the kick occurs it locks to the earths reference frame.
The earths magnetic field is locked in place, if a low energy way can be found to cause a very fast moving ripple that tugs against the earth magnetic field then there should be a way to extract this energy, the problem is that i don't think the fast moving ripple is actually a pure magnetic field.
The above is only my view of how i see it, forget about trying to work out how the TPU works or how it was faked, we need to move past that and look for things Physics cannot explain.
I suggest you clever guys concentrate on my explosion in a wire experiment, to do this lets develop a simple circuit that reproduces the effect, build a number of the boards and all study it on our benches.
The effect doesn't need high voltage or high current, the key is 2 fast switched pulses connected to one bifilar coil, i have already found the effect can easily be reproduced by injecting 2 white noise signals in to two nS pulse switches connected to a bifilar coil.
To make this available for all we need a circuit that takes a ttl level pulse from a white noise pic processor converts this to as short as possible low side driver which can switch 50 volts at a max of 2 amps.
I currently use a digital monostable which can vary the pulse width and phase using delay lines, this gives me 0-255nS for width and phase, but using the whitenoise drivers the phase is not needed and because the pulse width does not need to be variable we can do away with this module, so all we need is the switch stage for you all to study the effect i am seeing.
If i can build the boards up for Poynt,Grumpy,Milehigh,Ion, EMdevices and anyone else interested and start a thread to converse on, maybe we could make some progress, but there is one catch this needs to be open source.
offcourse you all may not be interested.
Just as a reminder here's the video again of my first discovery of the kick.
Note in the above discovery, i was using random triggered fets to create the white noise, i didn't know this at that time.The fast switched transients were causing retriggering of my fet stages.
It is also very likely SM used white or pink noise in his tests of his 3d spacial speaker system, i believe he discovered the kick using these tests on a spectrum analyser.
« Last Edit: 2010-08-20, 09:37:47 by Peterae »