8.1 Hydraulic Systemshttp://www.free-ed.net/sweethaven/MechTech/Automotive01/AutomotiveSystems03_Files.asp?iNum=81The extensive use of hydraulics to transmit power is due to the fact that a properly constructed hydraulic system possesses a number of favorable characteristics: A hydraulic system eliminates the need for complicated systems using gears, cams, and levers. Motion can be transmitted without the slack inherent in the use of solid machine parts. The fluids used are not subject to breakage as are mechanical parts. Hydraulic system mechanisms are not subjected to great wear. If the system is well adapted to the work it is required to perform and is not misused, it can provide smooth, flexible, uniform action free of vibration and unaffected by variation of load. Hydraulic systems can provide widely variable motions in both rotary and straight-line transmission of power. The need for control by hand can be minimized. In addition, they are economical to operate. Basic Principles of HydraulicsThe basic principles of hydraulics are few and simple: Liquids have no shape of their own. Liquids will NOT compress. Liquids transmit applied pressure in all directions. Liquids provide great increase in work force. Pascal’s LawThe foundation of modern hydraulics was established when Blaise Pascal, a French scientist, discovered the fundamental law for the science of hydraulics. Pascal’s law states that pressure applied to a confined liquid is transmitted undiminished in all directions and acts with equal force on all equal areas, at right angles to those areas. A spring loaded hydraulic accumulator could be charged by a hybrid to many multiples of atmospheric pressure (15 psi = 1 atm)
Everyman Standing Order 01: In the Face of Tyranny; Everybody Stands, Nobody Runs. Everyman Standing Order 02: Everyman is Responsible for Energy and Security. Everyman Standing Order 03: Everyman knows Timing is Critical in any Movement.