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2025-03-31, 23:05:59
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Author Topic: Moon and Antarctica Anomalies  (Read 15534 times)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
For some homework look up how much fuel is required in the booster rocket for every pound of payload and it all gets clearer.


to propel 1 pound of mass would require 9.39 pounds of propellant.

So, 7,512 pounds of propellant for the 800 pound lunar golf cart.

Our whole approach to space flight with bigger and bigger rockets has always been too "brute force" for me to accept as the only way to do it.  Since our physics does work, this leads me to believe that our physics is incomplete, perhaps deliberately so.

Read Paul Hill's "Unconventional Flying Objects" you may come to the same conclusion.

Also, look at our advances in biochemistry.  Mapping the human genome.  Read a few studies on how biochemist isolate effects and see a real science at work.  Then compare that to modern physics.  Physics is in a ridiculous state.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
   The US Navy is changing procedures on reporting UFO incidents:


"“Right now, we have a situation in which UFOs and UAPs are treated as anomalies to be ignored rather than anomalies to be explored,” he added. “We have systems that exclude that information and dump it.” 

  What is a UAP?
Sr. Member

Posts: 281
  What is a UAP?

Good day

U.A.P == Unidentified aerial phenomena

take care, peace

Posts: 33
   The US Navy is changing procedures on reporting UFO incidents:


"“Right now, we have a situation in which UFOs and UAPs are treated as anomalies to be ignored rather than anomalies to be explored,” he added. “We have systems that exclude that information and dump it.” 

  What is a UAP?


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
    With the discovery of abundant water on the moon, there seems to be a race to return there.
E.g.,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxvFsqevSdw

Quite inspirational.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
NOTE : Will move to appropriate area if ??

For those versed in google earth and such... member Magpwr at Stefan's forum
asked this question today


hi everyone,
During the time of the virus outbreak in Wuhan as i found out from my local Chinese friend base on leak out information through some article seen in phone posted by someone in China-Wuhan.
People in Wuhan did notice a building believe to be a laboratory few kilometers/miles away from the Wuhan market which is believe to be related to virus research was blown up for no apparent reason.

I can't verify if this is fake or actual news unless someone have access to satellite imaging and compare base on old imaging data example taken early January 2020 and verify this with current imaging to see if any building disappeared in Wuhan near Wuhan market in kilometers.

I need someone in this forum whom have friends or colleagues whom can  help to assist verify disappeared building in Wuhan.
If a building in Wuhan is disappeared base on latest Satellite imaging then it would be easy to tell if there is obvious sign of big cover up.
 Please assist to verify this information.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
thats a little vague given how densely populated it is.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
  Back to the MOON and anomalies, I noted this alleged observation of THREE flying objects with their shadows, crossing the moon 3-26-20:

original observation:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJOIIEQF_xs

Then followed the inevitable debunking effort:

debunking effort:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmxALGlqHMc

The first is the original observation of THREE fast-moving objects and shadows seen moving across moon, captured using a "home telescope" 3-26-20.

  The second is a "debunking effort", which I'm wondering about -- his reasoning and facts.
Would you care to comment?  I would appreciate your feedback.


Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 782
Believing in something false doesn't make it true.
I have no idea what those objects are or if they are real.  But I do see some problems with the debunking video.  First the date time stamp doesn't mean a lot in my thinking.  I have at least a couple of cameras that don't have the right time or date on them.  Since the date and time are not real important to me I just haven't bothered to set them correctly.

The second thing I noticed was his concern with the size of the objects.  Trying to judge the size from the shadows is not a very good way to do that if you don't know the exact angle of the sun from the objects to the moon.  You can plainly see the shadows are elongated.  Just like your shadow at noon will be very short compared to your shadow late in the day there is really no way to judge the size of those objects from the shadow they cast.  Obviously they are very big or you wouldn't even have been able to see them or their shadows from earth.

And he seems to think that the speed of the objects moving past the moon makes them unbelievable.  If we consider UFOs to be possible that argument is not valid.  There have been thousands of reports of UFOs moving at fantastic speeds.  I myself saw one many years ago.  It was a very bright light a mile or so from interstate 70 in eastern Indiana.  My son was with me and it was about 5:30 am or so.  We saw if from several miles away.  It appeared to be stationary.  As we got almost even with it, it suddenly zoomed away at a very high speed.  I could only guess it was maybe a couple of thousand miles an hour because it was completely out of sight in just a few seconds.


Just because it is on YouTube does not make it real.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
  I agree with you, Carroll - "I have no idea what those objects are or if they are real.  But I do see some problems with the debunking video."

  Nice analysis, and thanks for your personal observations.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
  This from a scientist friend to me, after I sent him the above 2 vids.  I read it this morning:

A few disconnected first thoughts:::
(1) A few years ago my brother said I was nuts not to believe in flying saucers, and that I ought to open my mind and study it. But I had studied it for many years, read several books, J. Allen Hynek, etc. I was designing (naive) UFO detecters when my brother was still learning to read. He gave me some internet links to follow, and I was surprised to see what an abundance of photographs had accrued in the decades since I had gotten bored with it. The problem was, none of the photographs were clear and credible. To me. There may be, however, groups and networks who have already assembled a trove of researchable sightings, and we could save some time by either joining them or leveraging off of/extending their work. The downside is we would have to sift through all the charlatans and nonsense to find them. Many will be sure planet Nibiru will appear at any moment.

(2) The original lunar posting from Tenac/Montreal has quite a lot of comments. Among them is a video made to look just like the original, the author of which says "here is how I faked it, and I think the fellow in Montreal did the same.” He said someone paid him to prove the first was a fake by duplicating it, and he did an impressive job. Maybe that is all on the level and maybe it isn’t.  The governments of the world have never been forthcoming with what they know, and may still be quick to “debunk” genuine sightings as soon as they surface in order to suppress public awareness. It is a good policy to work quietly. I’m sorry to be so suspicious, but the powers that be insist on provoking suspicion by doing dumb things that are most easily explained as hiding something. They shipped all the debris from the WTC to China, and we’re not supposed to be suspicious? They promptly buried Bin Laden at sea, and we’re not supposed to be suspicious? The prophecies peg this as the age of deception: they sure got that right.

(3) Two or three friends with the money could set up dedicated telescopes to watch (videotape-with-time-stamps) the moon from separate locations. Day and night. They could divide up the time-consuming job of reviewing the footage and compare results when they find something interesting. I’m sorry it is out of my reach. The point is, rather than looking for past sightings, make new ones, with the documentation and conditions that would establish credibility. If “they” were out there a week ago, then they still are.   A 4” refractor with a good drive, CCD, and laptop,,, and just start watching… I’d love to do it. The only thing I could contribute would be the land for the observatory, and the reviewing. I think coordinating the effort would be the easiest part.
“I can observe tonight from 15:00 to 22:00 MDT. Who else can?”
“Great. Tomorrow I’ll review the footage from 15:00 to 18:30, you do the rest, and I’ll get back with you.”

The moon is an active place. Impacts happen, outgassing takes place, etc. All that has scientific value, and good science has always been tedious. Some get lucky, but most fish are caught by those who keep putting their line in the water.

Ah, well, talk is cheap and philosophizing is easy.

  My reply:

'Very insightful!  Thank you for these observations.
"There may be, however, groups and networks who have already assembled a trove of researchable sightings, and we could save some time by either joining them or leveraging off of/extending their work. "
Yes, I think this is a good place to start...  Looking for a scientific, evidence-based team.  I have heard of such, MUFON maybe?  I've seen a fellow called Bruce who looks at the moon, posts to youtube.
I really like your idea of a system of amateur telescopes, " A 4” refractor with a good drive, CCD, and laptop,,, and just start watching…"  Perhaps attach a video camera to the telescope... 
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
  More info I've dug up -

Follow up, learning a lot now:  

I  found this group,  https://ufodap.com/  

but would propose to look at the MOON whenever visible, day and night with tele-video  = I SEEK  a "network of amateur moon observers" (NAMO).
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
Today from Suspicious Observers - discussion of UFO's :


Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Shared By Researcher Gambeir


I am not sure this is the best location for this Vid [I thought there was another thread for weird
sightings [non terrestrial stuff ?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVrwvYUahDY {around 52 second mark a remarkably clear
moment shows ??

two things about Vid ..circle light and spinney thing below...
apparently seen often in Washington / Vancouver area  of North America [could it be a satellite ?

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
  Illuminating discussion regarding the moon and various anomalies:


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
What cave have all of you been hiding in?

We have been and continue to be in open contact with aliens on a daily basis for decades.

Search online for "Law of One" and "Ra" and "Q'uo".

Ra is a social memory complex, and Q'uo is a combination of 3 or 4 social memory complexes.  Each social memory complex is a hive mind of a different alien species.

Many will scoff at what I'm saying but they have provided information that is very convincing, for years.
Hero Member

Posts: 1582
What cave have all of you been hiding in?

We have been and continue to be in open contact with aliens on a daily basis for decades.

Search online for "Law of One" and "Ra" and "Q'uo".

Ra is a social memory complex, and Q'uo is a combination of 3 or 4 social memory complexes.  Each social memory complex is a hive mind of a different alien species.

Many will scoff at what I'm saying but they have provided information that is very convincing, for years.

I suspect that the Prof prefers to deal with reality.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I suspect that the Prof prefers to deal with reality.

Attacking muDped isn't enough for you?

You think we are the only beings in this vast universe?

Hero Member

Posts: 1582
1. Attacking muDped isn't enough for you?

2. You think we are the only beings in this vast universe?

1. I attend to what seems nonsense masquerading as fact.

2. No.

The Law of One appears to be the output of a spititualist who has contacted someone who claims to be an alien. What proof have you that this person isn't a practical joker out there? Let's face it; Freddie Starr is there.
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