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2025-03-31, 22:29:13
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Author Topic: cavitation heating . Peter Davey ,Witts, Jim Griggs ,so on and so forth et al --  (Read 17210 times)
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Posts: 704

I don't see any trace of welding on Davey device  pictures.
I'm not sure if Davey device is not just made from a complete stainless steel empty ball.That would be much easier to solve constructing problems. Just sacrifice one ball , cut to adjust the center electrode shape.I would go that path if I can find a SS ball. The electrode may be made just like Spitfire wings.Anyway, is it possible to bend SS sheet using heat ? I almost imagine how this device was made and it was exceptionally KISS way... from ordinary available parts !

Bless you forest - you are not supposed to see any trace of welding ! think of what you say step by step with consideration  - a completely empty stainless steel ball ? how exactly are you going to make that ? blow it like glass perhaps ?
and then put something inside ? (an electrode ?) like a ship in a bottle perhaps?
At the very least there are two hemisphere's welded together. the welds have been filed perfectly flat probably with the assist of a grinder.
when everything looks as near perfect as possible the whole is finished with draw filing and then given a good lashing of galvanized paint! pissing about with stainless steel isn't nice. No tradesman likes it over much. In practice no-ones going to make a ball with out very good reason.
you seem to think its possible to get something inside a ball (which you chose to call an 'electrode' I suggest you quickly alter that mentally to variable capacitor plate) whilst the ball is never open. Well forest if that can be done its a bloody good trick . unless I miss understand you of course, and thats always possible
kindest regards Duncan

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Sr. Member

Posts: 479
Bless you forest - you are not supposed to see any trace of welding ! think of what you say step by step with consideration  - a completely empty stainless steel ball ? how exactly are you going to make that ? blow it like glass perhaps ?
and then put something inside ? (an electrode ?) like a ship in a bottle perhaps?
At the very least there are two hemisphere's welded together. the welds have been filed perfectly flat probably with the assist of a grinder.
when everything looks as near perfect as possible the whole is finished with draw filing and then given a good lashing of galvanized paint! pissing about with stainless steel isn't nice. No tradesman likes it over much. In practice no-ones going to make a ball with out very good reason.
you seem to think its possible to get something inside a ball (which you chose to call an 'electrode' I suggest you quickly alter that mentally to variable capacitor plate) whilst the ball is never open. Well forest if that can be done its a bloody good trick . unless I miss understand you of course, and thats always possible
kindest regards Duncan

I only said I don't think Davey alone was able to weld together those little hemispheres, not that the ball was created by magic blow ;-) I think he used parts already available at least for first prototype and without help of other people. How otherwise we can explain the mystery of unsolved  such simple device ? If somebody would made it for him - the information of building steps should be readily available on net.
Sr. Member

Posts: 479

but I would search for hollow ball consisted of two hemisphered twisted
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Posts: 704
I don't think Peter was a lier - This is a distinguished RAF officer on full state and military pension we consider here.
a saxophone and a spitfire don't seem to have much in common .  however take your mind for a walk sit in the thing !
30.000 foot 300 MPH - Its bloody cold! Peter flew night fighter missions and later coastal air sea rescue . he was an exceptional pilot . There was no sat Nav in the 1940s  celestial navigation whilst flying using a sextant attached to a spirit level - mathematics few can do today!
Spitfires were not 'pressurized' the canopies not perfectly sealed . drafty and cold .
the fuselages likewise far from perfectly air tight certainly after cannon holes had been patched many times.
There was 'through draft' leave the back and front door of your house open and see what happens?
I believe Peter discovered that with careful adjustment he could set up whats effectively a pressure 'standing wave' with the null centered on himself.
He found a 'warm spot' from there its not hard to see his progression to saxophone and to this device .
Music ?? well there is a loose connection but thats all IMHO - Kindest regards Duncan   

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 704
ah Threaded together thats a distinct possibility Forest! I have bought stainless steel hemisphere's but couldn't find anything threaded.
If as Peter says he started with bike bells - and I've little doubt he did then 'he's welded' Indications are very early incarnations of Peter's heater didn't use the vacuum ball at all but rather close open spacing in a self generated vacuum. relying only on very slow initial immersion to create the initial vacuum . It seems the saftey aspect forced an alteration.
Peter's performance on national TV was an act of desperation by a sick man . It was his wish to leave an inheritance. folks who have played the patent game before (and Peter had) know secrecy is important.
Peter was visited shortly before his death by a Polish Bsc researcher. Dr Jan Pajak who he welcomed and showed what he felt he could (and for those with the eyes to see probably more than he meant to)
The web site presentation looks a little crude but the information isn't .  for your inspection
kindest regards Duncan

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 704
This video is something of a re-hash and the reason I have made it is because I now have a phone with camera and Microphone .  In fact it has 2  camera's a crappy front one for doing 'selfies' and the like and a half decent rear one.
I particularly wanted you guys the hear this water capacitor 'sing' that is set up mains hum and rattle things, and so getting the microphone facing the jam jar was my main desire but I'm afraid that meant using the crappy camera. I'm very sorry about that  - suck it up ! If Peter Davey says this thing makes a noise (and it does) I wanted you all to hear it too! Mains hum is nothing special usually , transformers ,windings , laminations iron losses  and so on and so forth - but in water ? what the hells vibrating ?
I don't know might be something simple I wait with baited breath for you - my peers to resolve, or make a better guess than me


Even as a electrical engineer I don't like doing this its very counter intuitive, That mains hum getting louder and louder would send me scuttling off at high speed if I was in a sub station.
I have also taken a still camera shot of the spoons . I have tried to show the gap between them . Its not really possible to see but less than 1 mm at its closest points - Like I say counter intuitive .

230 volt mains into household tap water with a 1mm or perhaps 2mm separation is very counter intuitive! In practice it is where things start to Hum rattle and jump.
The closer together the higher the capacitance ! those with a scientific vent might like to consider this guy and his doings. or rather his effect


All a bit to much for me but I think I see how Peter made this thing muster so I'll just keep plodding a simple path until it works (or leaves me with egg on my face) with a bit of help thrown in by you guys here and there I might even avoid the egg bit,  I did try this with De-ionised water which I also distilled (I have a still that I use for other things)  O0

http://dnp.s3.amazonaws.com/c/c2/Making Gin & Vodka.pdf 

The water still boils even if its a little slower getting there.
I have been asked about circuitry to drive this contraption .
I intend capacitive controlled DC . as opposed to the household mains you have seen me using thus far.
Its my inclination because another researcher tends to drive water splitters with that circuit and records 'over unity' regarding heating in his water  plate circuits. That would be George Wiseman and he makes the over 'unity  observation' about half way down this web page


Its a bit tentative for me - why don't folks just say its over unity or COP plus lots and lots instead of - 'tendency' and 'apparently' and 'allegedly' and all that pish ?
Kindest regards Duncan
« Last Edit: 2018-03-01, 17:19:45 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Hero Member

Posts: 1582
That's  the misconception which Davey wanted us to believe.
Sure, he wanted us to believe it. It's the backbone to his project. If you are to replicate his project, then you need to do EXACTLY as he says. Otherwise, you're working on something else.

I doubt that either you or Duncan has actually done it. How low did you get the heterdyning frequency when you were tuning?

Gordon Bennett
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Posts: 704
Sure, he wanted us to believe it. It's the backbone to his project. If you are to replicate his project, then you need to do EXACTLY as he says. Otherwise, you're working on something else.

I doubt that either you or Duncan has actually done it. How low did you get the heterdyning frequency when you were tuning?

Gordon Bennett

Paul/ Gordon/ Bennett -  re your doubts about what Forrest or myself have ever done, alas you leave us all blissfully unaware of what that might be ! (I once had a shit in the woods on a long walk) but I doubt thats whats dominating your dreams ! but really who knows? you don't say. (temptress?)
As neither of us has claimed to have done anything, your doubts about it working could prove very well founded indeed. - In fact I'd bet the farm on it!
There is a concept proposed here . I must have explained it very badly because I'm perturbed  to see you haven't  even managed to grasp the basic rudiments of what I have described and wish to test (and have tested so far!)
I'm very sorry about that Paul /Gordon /Bennett one does ones best but it seems, as ever, some seeds are destined to fall on stony ground !
Its obvious you have already worked out all the harmonics and wave progression and tuning which you talk about and  which would naturally put what I am actually showing and describing in error .
I hope you'll bring this wealth of proven tested technology to the thread . I'm very very excited about the prospect -'Oh be still my beating heart' !
however if you simply intend to repeat the hundreds of pages of smoke and mirrors drivel - about bells whistles and harmonics that have gone before please do take it to any number of threads that have followed that dogma on its never ending path to nowhere.
If however you wish to demonstrate and describe this harmonic wot sit working with a huge >1 COP value , then - Speak on sweet lips that never told a lie - for I'm sure everyone (and certainly me)  wait with baited breath
Kindest regards Duncan
« Last Edit: 2018-03-03, 10:34:50 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 704
a few parts of this lashed up - proof of concept

well - tilting at windmills it may be  . it may go bang , It may do nothing , however I want to know! the concept is moving slowly along . certainly no masterpiece of engineering but it isn't meant to be , I simply want to know if it is --- or isn't COP +1 as Prof Williamson notes.
I am following pretty closely to the drawing I scribbled for you  . The whole is 'cobbled up' from cheap stainless steel (apart from the retaining plates which are not internal and so for ease of working are mild steel) funnels that have been hacked chopped and introduced to a grinder once or twice , this is the ' inside + plate' a smaller funnel with its pecker chopped off ! ouch,  a stainless steel bolt and washers fitted in place of the spout. The washers have enjoyed a grinding wheel until they are close to the profile of the rest of the funnel. The nut and washers have been utilized on the other side to make a solid electrical connection (The +Plate)

This is probably the most telling picture both plates are screwed together whilst gasket cement is used pretty liberally on one side of a cork gasket .a part of the funnel 'lip' is cut away to accommodate what is actually a 'stainless steel spoon handle' The little bit of pink gunk you see in the bottom of the + bowl is a little epoxy resin to ensure the washers and bolt are air/vacuum tight . The positive plate connection is brought out alongside this support and again made air/vacuum tight with gasket cement .  Peter would have brought this feed out through the top pipe and into the stand  however he wished to hide things I certainly do not! 
The 3mm nylon bolt nut and PCB standoff are used for adjustment . The inner bowl has been lowered until an ohm-meter reads a short circuit and then backed off (perhaps a 1mm or 2mm certainly no more)

Now the top and bottom sections have been joined making a vacuum tight seal. one side with gasket cement and cork - the other side relying only on cork . (so I can separate and adjust things) the snout of the bottom funnel has been cut to allow water into the chamber as quickly as possible .
two needle valves have been used top and bottom along with very short pieces of high temperature silicon hose in order to control the throttle effect on either side. - (water inlet and vacuum)
you can see the negative connection twisted and soldered to the bottom of the top spout. The positive plate connection has been sleeved and had some gray tape added.
the blue cable tied to the top needle valve is simply to suspend the abortion into the water . I have tested the thing for 'air tight' which is clearly very important in order to test what I proposed Peter was doing. Now I must look for something big and preferably glass (so you guys can see whats going on too) and try to work out a few tests .

I'm acutely aware that Peter spent over 15 years getting these adjustments something like right. and I'm guessing the best I can hope for is an indication that I'm on the right track.
In the UK Its recorded that 82% of house hold energy bills are one way or another down to 'hot water' be that for central heating or bathing and washing . I'd bet a deal of the world records higher figures than that. Its a strangle hold on folks and society in general .
So much so I feel obliged to re-examine  Peters work and follow this instinctive lead however tentative it might seem, It strikes me that as a graph of boiling point to pressure is far from a straight line graph unlike energy to temperature rise there must be an advantage to be discovered,well lets hope so! Peters secret has been a secret to long
Kindest regards Duncan

« Last Edit: 2018-03-12, 10:09:20 by Duncan »

How many more to be .threatened, abused murdered, Their research in the hands of evil corporations intent on total control ?
whilst we know little .. friends remember,
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
D. Erasmus
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