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Author Topic: Discharge Effects  (Read 16730 times)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I have a friend that has been working with Tesla Tech and recently received a burn on his hand that he said "is like a sunburn with no reddening of the skin".

Anyone have any idea what this could be?
Group: Guest
Hard X-rays ...Or maybe even burns from radiating radioactive source.
What is he doing?


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Hard X-rays ...Or maybe even burns from radiating radioactive source.
What is he doing?


He's not giving details but he started on Tesla's path with a gap and a copper strap.  Then he got the point he could charge caps at a distance.  Now he is blowing up huge diodes and other things.  I invited him to come over here.

The curious aspect of the burn is that it wasn't red and the hair follicles were not harmed - might have been deeper than the surface.

He said it lasted a few days.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
subcutaneous focusing. Is used as E-STEM therapy. Can burn below skin line.
Have  permanent adjoining muscle tissue  on each inside lower arm just below elbow from electro stimulation. I flex my wrists and extra muscles bump out. I sang the body electric testing myoelectric sensors. Microwatts of power used.
Sounds like your buddy was exposed to more.

Group: Guest
Hi Grumpy!

Well i am happy to report that it only lasted about a week..before i quit it for a while..

Its still sitting on the workbench and im building up the nerve to start working on it again.

At its most efficient it, in a very short period of time would produce a non visible sun burn and put me in such a pissed off state of mind that i could not do any work for about a day.

My dog would leave the lab running when this started and would not return for a number of hours.

With a fluke set on DC volts and set to record maximum voltage, every time the device would pulse the reading would increase on the fluke, even at a distance of 15+ feet from the device.

At less than 2 feet all the meters would read jibberish

Copper shield did not seem to do any good but you could read a big voltage between the copper shield and ground.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Hi Grumpy!

Well i am happy to report that it only lasted about a week..before i quit it for a while..

Its still sitting on the workbench and im building up the nerve to start working on it again.

At its most efficient it, in a very short period of time would produce a non visible sun burn and put me in such a pissed off state of mind that i could not do any work for about a day.

My dog would leave the lab running when this started and would not return for a number of hours.

With a fluke set on DC volts and set to record maximum voltage, every time the device would pulse the reading would increase on the fluke, even at a distance of 15+ feet from the device.

At less than 2 feet all the meters would read jibberish

Copper shield did not seem to do any good but you could read a big voltage between the copper shield and ground.

you were standing at the foot of the mountain - literally at Shang-ri-la

faster pulse rate to get past the crappy stuff

Group: Guest
Oversimplification of what i am doing but it involves turning the spark gap into a diode.

If you start with FIG B and slowly open the gap " use a fine thread copper screw with a silver cone tip" until you cant draw a spark across the gap, then give it one more turn just for good measure, you now have a diode condition.

Now flip the spark gap and it should easily fire in the FIG A position.

When it fires the capacitor takes the hit but cant ring down through the gap.

If you then continue to open the gap the diode condition increases and the impulses become shockwaves in the load.

I just got in two 580lb pull neos to finish the upgrade... magnetically quenched diode with a hp nitrogen "air knife" across the gap.. It is going to be interesting to see what kind of ionic condition the nitrogen exhaust gas will be in..
Group: Guest
Hi Grumpy!

Well i am happy to report that it only lasted about a week..before i quit it for a while..

Its still sitting on the workbench and im building up the nerve to start working on it again.

At its most efficient it, in a very short period of time would produce a non visible sun burn and put me in such a pissed off state of mind that i could not do any work for about a day.

My dog would leave the lab running when this started and would not return for a number of hours.

With a fluke set on DC volts and set to record maximum voltage, every time the device would pulse the reading would increase on the fluke, even at a distance of 15+ feet from the device.

At less than 2 feet all the meters would read jibberish

Copper shield did not seem to do any good but you could read a big voltage between the copper shield and ground.

you were standing at the foot of the mountain - literally at Shang-ri-la

faster pulse rate to get past the crappy stuff

well maybe  ;D  I need a rotary gap upstream to create an intital break rate then build on that.. its just a lot of work..

Group: Guest

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948

I venture a guess that this produces highly energetic waves/particles.  If it does't kill you, it may kill whatever ails you!

I tried magnets and then found that a transmission line will shut the gap off just as well when the pulse reflects back along the line.  I used coax for the line.  Think I was using two series gaps with transmission lines to set the oulse width when I got the invisible explosions back at the transformer.
Sr. Member

Posts: 276
Hi all,
        The pulse time needs to be reduced to below 100mili secs or it gets nasty on your body. The bulb of death cct, Ive not come across that but the magnetic spark quenching part I have.
 There is an interesting effect I produced with a primary coil made from 15mm soft wall cu pipe 4 feet or so, coiled up around 4 times to a cone shape approx 6 inch to 18 ish and fired with 30+KV with .o2uf cap via a mag quencher. The secondary, I made with 375 metres of 18 awg tri-rated cable on an 160mm OD poly pipe about 5 feet high.
 The whole of the secondary lit up like a flourescent tube, not brilliantly with no streamers at all, just a soft white completely even discharge which is clearly visible. Located 5 foot from two 5 foot standard flourescent overhead lights. The feed and the secondary side was grounded and I dont think the secondary had a capacity hat on from memory. There is also a nasty energy pulse from it too. This felt like a instantaneous blast of ice cold in me and has caused a problem, mega restricted food intake now if I want to keep my sight. The caps voltage never got measured but was hissing like a squashed cat. 
Research as to what it was has pointed me in the direction of Tesla waves, longitudinal electric waves and reading of the charging of metallic objects not connected, in an earlier post too, this is a typical effect from them.
 The best reference to read is in 'The free energy secrets of cold electricity' book (Peter Linderman), find the 'rosetta stone' part as its worth a read if not done so.

Hope this is relevant in this topic?

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Hey Steve,

Can you elaborate on this?

There is also a nasty energy pulse from it too. This felt like a instantaneous blast of ice cold in me and has caused a problem, mega restricted food intake now if I want to keep my sight. 

Sr. Member

Posts: 276
Hi Grumpy,
 The 'energy wave' or whatever it was seems to defy the reading from the suggested text as far as pulse time is concerned. The lighting effects that can be generated require a very short pulse far within the length required to effect the body as stated. This quoted 'Radiant energy' does effect the body as a stinging or painful feeling but Ive not read anything more as to the dangers suffice to say that the best detection of it is by feel.
The effect of the 'energy' I generated was primarily to create the said lighting effect reproduced.
The generation of two longitudinal/scalar (dependant on who wrote the text) fields could reproduce the 'Tesla Shield' as this supposedly is created by two combining 'waves' at some point away from the sources. If the cct generated two such waves simultaneously then the effect I felt personally may be contributed by this, total speculation at this time.
The pulse seems to of increased an inherent illness that I was aware of but not at the present level and hopefully will diminish to a previous state.
does this answer the question?
Group: Guest
Wow szaxx! how long have you felt ill effects?

Do you have any photos?

Do you know what frequency / dutycycle your magnetic disruptor was running at? was the gap carbon / carbon?     copper / copper?    carbon / steel?  other?

When I made the mistake of inserting the bulb in the bulb o' death circuit i was just trying to visualize the pulse, and i have never felt that degree of panic before, my brain was at a primal level wanting that thing shut off!
Sr. Member

Posts: 276

 Ive had it all along but never known..until 1988, a 40MPH head on, to the corner of a solid concrete building as a passenger in a sports car triggered it (engine on my leg and kneecapped) . It slowly dissapeared so could eat most things...now, its come back after that blast of whatever it was with revenge. For 1 year or so its effects are persistant.
The disruptor, 2- 6x4 inch magnets type 8 with 2 neos centred. gap around 1 inch with copper electrodes. Slow charge up and single pulse operation. Glad of that approach...
No photos... hadn't fixed my camera at that time.

Group: Guest
Sorry to hear that..

So grade 8 magnets and copper, not a real fast quench..

Wow! Single pulse and you got glow??

How big of bank and what voltage?
Sr. Member

Posts: 276
It was hissing like a squashed cat so guessing the voltage. Used snubber caps 3 or 5 in series cant remember exactly,possibly had 2 rows, all rated at .1uf 10kv and held up with 20kv so good caps. used as they are designed to supress fast spikes in industrial switching applications.
There was 2 neos 2 inch square in the centre of the big ferrites too.
All of the primary was highly insulated and the chain charged individually with 2 floating wires until it strikes....simple but effective..until zap..around 15kv charging voltage.


Group: Guest
Group: Guest
I think you're right:  That circuit looks dangerous if it's not treated with respect.  However, I have a theoretical question or two?

You only had one light bulb as the load?  Is there only about 110-120 VAC at the output?

Would using a set of step down air core coils be effective in transmitting power to the light bulb?  Comparable to the original coil?

« Last Edit: 2010-07-22, 21:27:14 by the_big_m_in_ok »
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