So we aim to save the planet and rub the imaginary sore that is climate change better? not every bodies cup of tea I know but George Carling has something to say on the subject that might amuse yes as pointed out by room the ice caps on Mars are also receding at a phenomenal rate (alledgedly), Does anyone realistically think that fossle fuels and plastic bags used on earth some 35 Million (ish) miles away has anything to do it? are also of course many on this forum who are well aware that fossle fuels are totally unnecessary anyway.!
And so on to these overpaid worthless duds who are going to alter the weather and all the others who rush to offer an opinion
Ask them to look out of a window - hopefully there will be a few clouds up there - Millions of tons of water on the move!
The calculation is a little Tedious but not difficult with the help of an old school giving rainfall so I'll put it here for Interest quite apart from anything else its yet another so called 'unknown' system and so point out that huge amounts of energy are freely available and that it is beyond any doubt.
Recently you will have watched the horrific fire in a block of flats in London, One of the major reasons such fires cannot be brought under control is the problem of lifting water which is very heavy to great heights in quantity and yet Nature does it with consummate ease unnoticed by most, constantly
To believe that the fundamental function of this huge engine is not fully understood by tptb (The powers that be) is crass and naive however the reasons that such information should be kept in the circle of 'the few' makes much more sense as you come to understand the politics of 'free energy'. .
I guess the first thing to dispel is 'water shortage' What water shortage? where has it gone ? where can it possibly go ? on a space ship perhaps?
There is surly as much water on our planet as ever there was not a penny weight more or less, Its true some may be in the sea or a river or as a temporary measure passing through you, or perhaps a dog,cow or other creature lucky enough to have access to pure clean water,
It is this huge natural irrigation system that provided the vast majority of this essential clean water.So what energy is required to drive this huge engine? I consider because IMHO that same unexplained energy source is the keystone to a lot of other devices - so to basics -
It transpires that the average rainfall for the entire earth is 32 inches per annum. If all that fell at one time the entire globe would be flooded to a depth of one meter. (sorry for mixing inches and meters tis an old atlas) This amount of water weighs about 480 million million tons so should always be handled with care (lifting with a straight back and wearing steel caped boots.)
Since water must be lifted by evaporation from every lake river river and ocean to an altitude of at least 1200 meters in order for it to fall as rain it works out that this massive irrigation effort requires the expenditure of 220 thousand million horse power continuously throughout the year. This irrigation system has been at work for millions of years and yet only a small part of the energy which impacts the earth is being used.
Using these figures alone every square meter of the earths surface receives over 1.25 K/W each day over a 12 hour period this is about 48,600 KW/hrs -- If you actually had to pay the nice electric man for this energy (and that doesn't include the lawmakers and banksters bonuses) you would soon be bankrupt.
I put these figures here lest any doubt that this energy isn't available - Its working every day moving millions and millions of tons in plain view. however any key component is simply removed from the education system -- evaporation ? what that ? how that work ? no one know ?? Really - do you believe that no one knows and its a mystery ?
If you do then I'll have to move you from the 'stupid but savable category' down the ladder to where the other morons who believe the global warming/climate change twaddle/swindle live.
who removed the key components from the eduction system and started playing 'mind games'? well initially It seems Rockefeller and the 'energy' industry eagerly followed by a grasping hungry elite who are driving a very unpleasant political agenda you tell me are you going to continue listening and reading great words of wisdom from tricksters who don't have the remotest idea of how a rain cloud works never mind 'save the bloody planet' ?
give the slimy shits a proper job preferably down a mine or perhaps digging taties (on minimum wage would be good) they are IMHO highly recompensed oxygen thieves.