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Author Topic: One Belt One Road  (Read 87142 times)
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Latest energy News from China


Chinese Scientists successfully extracted energy from hot rock in the Western Parts of China.  Estimated quantity will serve the Chinese Energy Needs for the next 3900 years.  We shall eagerly wait for the details...

The above is from CCTV13.  It looks like the information is real.

Hot dry rock geothermal energy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hot dry rock (HDR) is by far the most abundant source of geothermal energy available to mankind. A vast store of thermal energy is contained in the hot—but essentially dry—impervious crystalline basement rocks found almost everywhere deep beneath the earth’s surface. A concept for the extraction of useful amounts of geothermal energy from HDR originated at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1970, and Laboratory researchers were awarded a U.S. patent covering it.

Although often confused with the relatively limited hydrothermal resource already commercialized to a large extent, HDR geothermal energy is very different. Whereas hydrothermal energy production can only exploit hot fluids already in place in the earth’s crust, an HDR system (consisting of the pressurized HDR reservoir, the boreholes drilled from the surface, and the surface injection pumps and associated plumbing) recovers the earth’s heat from hot but dry regions via the closed-loop circulation of pressurized fluid. This fluid, injected from the surface under high pressure, opens pre-existing joints in the basement rock, thus creating a man-made reservoir that may be as much as a cubic kilometer in size. The fluid injected into the reservoir absorbs thermal energy from the high-temperature rock surfaces and then serves as the vehicle for transporting that heat to the surface for practical use
« Last Edit: 2017-09-15, 16:12:11 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
The above is from CCTV13.  It looks like the information is real.

If the information is real, China is doing the following:

1.  Find locations where there may be a Natural Fault which can act as heat storage/reservoir.
2.  Use technology to produce such Faults or Reservoirs.
3.  Improve the drilling technique to drill deeper and faster.  (One suggestion is to use the no drill head technology.  Use Brown's Gas to burn through rocks.)

I actually used Brown's Gas to burn through bricks over 20 years ago.  Brown's gas is produced by "fresh electrolysis".  The Hydrogen and Oxygen atoms are still in the mono-atomic state.  When such a gas is ignited, it has special properties - such as melting tungsten, burn through bricks but feels cool when touched by hand.  It can cause implosion rather than explosion.  But once it is not used, the hydrogen and oxygen atoms will combine to the highly explosive mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases.  The late Yull Brown spent some years in China and helped to develop some commercial Brown Gas Generators.

Note that the discussed technology is hot, dry rocks(HDR).  HDR exist almost everywhere if one drills deep enough (assuming the center of the earth is still hot, molten).  The trick is to extract the energy by injecting water from one hole and extracting the steam from another.  In many locations, the water will go elsewhere and wasted.  It is a matter of finding the right location, store and extract the heat.  China is able to achieve that in some (5) experimental holes/wells in Tibet.

A concept for the extraction of useful amounts of geothermal energy from HDR originated at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1970.
China was able to turn that concept into successful experiments 50 years later.  Technology, technology and technology.
Group: Guest
Game Changer at the Fishing Pond and its implications.

At the Fishing Pond I frequently visit, the bait supplied by the owners used to be the traditional mixture of flour and grounded-up peanuts from oil factories after the peanut oil is extracted.  Bottom fishing technique is used.  The fishes caught (mainly tilapia) are usually small.

Recently, the owners reached business deals with some bakeries.  They got large supply of “unused portions of sandwich bread”.  The half dried bread floats on the surface and the fishes compete to devour them.  The fishes caught this way are usually the larger ones.  The on-lookers can see the fishes rushing to eat the bait and that creates much excitement.

One fellow fisherman remarked: “This changes the equipment and technique I used all my life.  I can see that it brings more excitement and thus more business to the owners.”

The Game Changer is occurring at the Fishing Pond.  But the other major Economic Game Changer is occurring all over the World.

The old rule of the Economic World was – Capital was King. If Nation X wants to build an infrastructure, it has to pay.  It needs to beg the World Bank or IMF.  It needs to get USD to pay for energy, technology and foreign experts.

The new rule is – Technology is King.  Nation X should master the technology. Capital can be printed from thin-air. Some Nations with spare capacity and know-how (e.g. China and Japan) are willing to go for win-win. They accept Currency X via Currency Swaps or Mutual Credits.  Plan together, work together and enjoy the fruits together.

(The fishes caught are larger.  The on-lookers can enjoy the excitement together.  The owners get more profit.  The Infrastructures built are bigger.  The on-lookers can see and enjoy together.  The Nations involved get more knowledge, technology and prosperity.)
« Last Edit: 2017-09-18, 23:18:34 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
Game Changer at the Fishing Pond and its implications.

At the Fishing Pond I frequently visit, the bait supplied by the owners used to be the traditional mixture of flour and grounded-up peanuts from oil factories after the peanut oil is extracted.  Bottom fishing technique is used.  The fishes caught (mainly tilapia) are usually small.

Recently, the owners reached business deals with some bakeries.  They got large supply of “unused portions of sandwich bread”.  The half dried bread floats on the surface and the fishes compete to devour them.  The fishes caught this way are usually the larger ones.  The on-lookers can see the fishes rushing to eat the bait and that creates much excitement.

One fellow fisherman remarked: “This changes the equipment and technique I used all my life.  I can see that it brings more excitement and thus more business to the owners.”

The Game Changer is occurring at the Fishing Pond.  But the other major Economic Game Changer is occurring all over the World.

The old rule of the Economic World was – Capital was King. If Nation X wants to build an infrastructure, it has to pay.  It needs to beg the World Bank or IMF.  It needs to get USD to pay for energy, technology and foreign experts.

The new rule is – Technology is King.  Nation X should master the technology. Capital can be printed from thin-air. Some Nations with spare capacity and know-how (e.g. China and Japan) are willing to go for win-win. They accept Currency X via Currency Swaps or Mutual Credits.  Plan together, work together and enjoy the fruits together.

(The fishes caught are larger.  The on-lookers can enjoy the excitement together.  The owners get more profit.  The Infrastructures built are bigger.  The on-lookers can see and enjoy together.get paid more   The Nations involved get more knowledge, technology and prosperity.)

Comment 1: "A private enterprise can change the rules easily. A publicly owned enterprise will need to go through meetings, approvals, votings etc.  That is why State Planning should not be carried too far."

Comment 2: "If the Officials get paid more if they improve the business, much more can be done.  For example, some Officials in China are in charge of helping the minority races richer.  They have the databases of every minority citizen in their care.  The State plans to have every citizen out of poverty and become moderately wealthy by 2020.  China is prepared to print more thin-air money to achieve this goal. However, putting money into the Bank Accounts is too easy.  The Officials are paid more and advance faster if they have innovative solutions."

Comment 3:"That is why you see many high standard Village Hotels in Minority Race Areas. These areas are being turned into tourist attractions. The Chinese Government also sends tourists - retirees, other Officials to learn the experience and "exchange villagers".  There is much promotion on the Internet.  Many minorities become performers, tour guides, store owners and restaurant entrepreneurs. The chance of their getting moderately wealthy by 2020 is excellent."

Comment 4: "Thanks to many University Graduates joining the low rank officials.  They bring knowledge, technology and connections.  No citizen is allowed to be poor by 2020.  All the "to be helped" are in databases accessible for monitoring now.  The Village Officials are rated via examining such databases.  They can propose budgets and projects.  It is a Game Changer.  Government is not to collect taxes.  Government is to help the citizens richer."

Comment 5: "If I were rated by such a database, I would also try to be innovative and improve it.  My backup is not just my boss."

*** An Indian friend said: "Modi encouraged every citizen to have a bank account.  Money can be transferred electronically.  Government money can be deposited directly.  That plugged the corruption hole which could leak 30%.  Digital India will greatly improve the education level.  India is leapfrogging the telephone line and the credit card infrastructures."
« Last Edit: 2017-09-23, 14:50:41 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
Game Changer at the Fishing Pond and its implications.

At the Fishing Pond I frequently visit, the bait supplied by the owners used to be the traditional mixture of flour and grounded-up peanuts from oil factories after the peanut oil is extracted.  Bottom fishing technique is used.  The fishes caught (mainly tilapia) are usually small.

Recently, the owners reached business deals with some bakeries.  They got large supply of “unused portions of sandwich bread”.  The half dried bread floats on the surface and the fishes compete to devour them.  The fishes caught this way are usually the larger ones.  The on-lookers can see the fishes rushing to eat the bait and that creates much excitement.

One fellow fisherman remarked: “This changes the equipment and technique I used all my life.  I can see that it brings more excitement and thus more business to the owners.”

The Game Changer is occurring at the Fishing Pond.  But the other major Economic Game Changer is occurring all over the World.

The old rule of the Economic World was – Capital was King. If Nation X wants to build an infrastructure, it has to pay.  It needs to beg the World Bank or IMF.  It needs to get USD to pay for energy, technology and foreign experts.

The new rule is – Technology is King.  Nation X should master the technology. Capital can be printed from thin-air. Some Nations with spare capacity and know-how (e.g. China and Japan) are willing to go for win-win. They accept Currency X via Currency Swaps or Mutual Credits.  Plan together, work together and enjoy the fruits together.

(The fishes caught are larger.  The on-lookers can enjoy the excitement together.  The owners get more profit.  The Infrastructures built are bigger.  The on-lookers can see and enjoy together.  The Nations involved get more knowledge, technology and prosperity.)

Economist A: "These improvements can be considered as Meaningful Economic Activities. They can be thought out and implemented by the average."

Economist B: "Innovation can be earth shattering such as the ability to extract energy from Hot Dry Rock.  Innovation can also be as simple as introducing a new dish.  Anything that can help to improve the quality of life of citizens can be regarded as Meaningful."

Citizen A: "I can be an innovator too.  I just visited a minority race area. I proposed that their waiters and waitresses wear colorful costumes when serving.  I proposed that they should have a special logo on their products and gifts."
Group: Guest

The post praises President Trump via his misguided policies that indirectly help the rise of China.

One of the points I would like to make here is on Currency War.

1.  President Trump thinks that China deliberately lowered its RMB exchange rate to help Exports.  The misguided policy is to force the RMB to appreciate.  In reality, this will diminish the dominance of the US Dollar.  When the RMB slowly appreciates, Nations will use it as the Settlement and Reserve Currency.  It is better than holding Gold.  RMB deposits earn interest.  RMB can purchase almost all types of goods and services.

2.  The concept of Mutual Credits has not been taken seriously yet.  Some Wall Street Analysts treated it as Currency Swap with little future. In reality, this allows Nations to use their own thin-air money with their trading partners.  They do not need to borrow USD thus making World Bank or IMF irrelevant.  For example, China has a mutual credit arrangement of 10 Billion RMB with Nation X at an agreed, fixed exchange rate of Y within a one year time frame.  This means Nation X has 10 Billion RMB to purchase goods and services from China and vice versa.  Trade and investment will be stimulated.  (The 10 Billion RMB will be effectively worthless if not used within the one year time frame.  Think of it as gift coupons with an expiration date!)

3.  The fixed exchange rate effectively pegged Currency X to RMB for the one year period for a total value of 10 Billion.  This arrangement partially shields Currency X from the attack of the Crocodiles.  Once Currency X is pegged, more stability in trading will result.  If Nation X indiscriminately prints Currency X, the maximum risk is only a manageable 10 Billion RMB.  Market forces (or Crocodiles) will not be able to devout Nation X as in 1991 with USSR and in 1997 with the Asian Nations.  The present unregulated Forex Exchanges need to be reformed.  Wall Street and the West will not initiate reforms as they are profiting from it.

4.  The World will no longer be dominated by World Bank, IMF, AIIB etc.  There will be many local national banks catering for the local needs.  All these local national banks can print thin-air money with limited support via Mutual Credits.  When China is successful with the win-win, plan together, work together and enjoy the fruits together OBOR initiative, many Developing Nations X will acquire the knowledge and technology.  (Runs on local national banks can be prevented with some Big Government or National Guarantees such as practiced in China or Hong Kong.)

5.  When local banks loan to private companies and individuals, these companies and individuals can get rich much more quickly.  When the World was dominated by USA, IMF and the World Bank were used as political tools.  Nation X must submit to USA to get thin-air USD.  Now Nation X can print its own thin-air money and set up Mutual Credit Arrangements (plan together with other Nations, especially China).

6. The new financial rule is no longer totally domination of the USD.  It will be the collective Mutual Credit Arrangements of many Nations.

*** USA cannot devalue the USD to make its products more competitive.  Once a currency is a Settlement and Reserve Currency, all Nations want to keep its value high.  If President Trump depreciates the Dollar or forces RMB to appreciate, the dominance of the Dollar will be over.  USA cannot just use the thin-air Dollar to purchase goods and services. 

*** Wall Street and the Crocodiles can use the dirty trick of attacking the Currencies via the unregulated Forex Exchanges or Casinos.  But will China and other Nations fall into the same trap again???
« Last Edit: 2017-09-23, 14:59:15 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest

How China is dealing the Minority Race Issue?

Official A: "I am in charge of helping the minority citizens in my district to become moderately wealthy by 2020.  Their average income is USD8,000 per annum now.  The goal is to increase that number to USD10,000 in two years.

Official B: "You have the database.  The Government is willing to deposit money directly into the Bank Accounts of the minority citizens.  What is the problem?"

Official A: "I want to do more Meaningful Economic Activities.  I want the minority citizens to feel self-confident.  I want them to feel that they earn the money via their own efforts.  The most popular approach is to turn the district to Tourist Attractions. I can spend money to build Top Notch Village Hotels.  I can train many citizens to performers, cooks, tour guides, store owners etc.  But I want to innovate."

Official B: "Use the Internet.  Have a Competition to get the best ideas."

When Officials are motivated in this way, how can China be poor?

*** http://www.oecd.org/social/promoting-a-fair-and-sustainable-welfare-system-in-china.htm

That speech in 2014 was outdated.  China started to focus on reforming its welfare system then but the pace is at "China Speed".  Every Citizen will be moderately wealthy by 2020?

*** Some comments from the OBOR seminar yesterday

Comment 1: "The progress of the West was due to technology.  Now the East is learning and catching up.  If there were no wars, the Asians, the South Americans and the Africans will catch up quickly.  The OBOR initiative will help." 

Comment 2: "Physics is Physics. India, Pakistan, North Korea etc. can learn Physics. They can build the nuclear bombs and missiles without outside help."

Comment 3: "The West thought that they could just print thin-air money and get China and other Nations to produce goods for them. They told the Asian Nations that export was the key.  But they passed on the technology - how to mass produce grain, clothes, household appliances, cars, sky scrapers, Internet etc.  The larger Asian population provided the Market.  Export was not necessary to provide economic growth.  India is a good example."

Comment 4: "The West promoted religion.  They said the life after this would be better.  But they do not believe it themselves. The missionaries provided many social services including schools, health care etc. at one time.  But now all such services are deemed government responsibilities. The Government is responsible to make life better for the citizens now - not in the next life."

Comment 5: "The West, especially USA, is responsible for the conflicts and regional wars - not the ISIS or terrorists.  Just hope that USA would not start another Korean War.  The World will be much more peaceful if the US troops go back to USA and make USA great again within USA.  They can make iPhones, movies and innovative gadgets.  Do not outsource.  Tell the Multi-national Companies not to make easy money by using the cheap labor of other Nations."

Comment 6: "Tell China to cut back its over-capacity.  Do not use the over-capacity to help other OBOR Nations rich.  Do not print thin-air RMB.  Stick with thin-air USD.  Send hackers to disrupt the Internet until people lose confidence in using it.  Tell farmers to use ox rather than tractors to plough the land.  Do not use fertilizers or insecticides."
« Last Edit: 2017-09-24, 00:06:32 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
Technology, technology and technology

What are the technologies that China and Allies can compete in the foreseeable future?
1.       Combustible Ice
2.       Hot Dry Rock Geothermal
3.       Biotechnology that will provide Food Security for all
4.       Energy efficient cities that will eliminate pollution
5.       Internet and ecommerce including cashless transactions
6.       Information Technology that will lift all Humans out of poverty
7.       Financial Technologies that will provide security for every Nation against Economic Wars
8.       Transportation Technologies covering roads, rails, planes, drones and other flying objects
9.       Space Stations and outer space travel mechanisms
10.   Military technologies that will deter any Nation from thinking about wars

The most important factor that may derail scientific and technological development is WAR.  China and all Nations must avoid wars of any form – including border disputes, ethic wars, regional wars, nuclear wars and economic wars.

It is fruitless to bottle up technology in this modern era. Nuclear weapon technology will be mastered by any determined Nation.  The better solution is win-win, plan together, work together and enjoy the fruits together.  The two camp competition idea may worth investigating.  USA and Allies in one camp.  Russia+China and Allies in another camp.  The competition is to get the Developing Nations rich.  Poverty and ignorance will disappear within one generation and all Humans can enjoy a good standard of living.
Group: Guest
Game Changer at the Fishing Pond and its implications.

At the Fishing Pond I frequently visit, the bait supplied by the owners used to be the traditional mixture of flour and grounded-up peanuts from oil factories after the peanut oil is extracted.  Bottom fishing technique is used.  The fishes caught (mainly tilapia) are usually small.

Recently, the owners reached business deals with some bakeries.  They got large supply of “unused portions of sandwich bread”.  The half dried bread floats on the surface and the fishes compete to devour them.  The fishes caught this way are usually the larger ones.  The on-lookers can see the fishes rushing to eat the bait and that creates much excitement.

One fellow fisherman remarked: “This changes the equipment and technique I used all my life.  I can see that it brings more excitement and thus more business to the owners.”

The Game Changer is occurring at the Fishing Pond.  But the other major Economic Game Changer is occurring all over the World.

The old rule of the Economic World was – Capital was King. If Nation X wants to build an infrastructure, it has to pay.  It needs to beg the World Bank or IMF.  It needs to get USD to pay for energy, technology and foreign experts.

The new rule is – Technology is King.  Nation X should master the technology. Capital can be printed from thin-air. Some Nations with spare capacity and know-how (e.g. China and Japan) are willing to go for win-win. They accept Currency X via Currency Swaps or Mutual Credits.  Plan together, work together and enjoy the fruits together.

(The fishes caught are larger.  The on-lookers can enjoy the excitement together.  The owners get more profit.  The Infrastructures built are bigger.  The on-lookers can see and enjoy together.  The Nations involved get more knowledge, technology and prosperity.)

Went fishing again.  Apparently, most customers now use bread supplied by the owners as bait.  I caught over 100 fishes including 10 big ones in about 5 hours.  I ate a two pounder to reward myself.  It was delicious.

Innovation can be this simple.  You do not need to study for years to get a PhD to innovate.  Everyone in China is encouraged to innovate.  The many "minor innovations" will bring a higher standard of living and happiness.  I already enjoyed the innovation of others...
Group: Guest
Retired life should be peaceful and fun.  Why would a 64 old retiree killed 50+ and injured 500+ in Las Vegas?

One explanation: USA brainwashed its people to be number one in everything. If you cannot be number one in GOOD, be number one in EVIL.

I have created the following blog outlining my retirement life in Hong Kong.  I doubt I would ever move back to USA.

Group: Guest

This is the opening speech of the China 19 Congress.  It is interpreted in English in real-time.  The talk was over 3 hours but for those interested in China, it was worth the time.
Group: Guest

Money Talks 9

October 21, 2017

A Sure-Win Business
There are some businesses that can be classified as sure-win businesses.  This is due to the fact that a Government can create money from thin-air and that a Government must increase the money supply for its citizens to become wealthy.
China does many infrastructure projects.  Thin-air money is given to many construction firms.  So long as these firms can perform, they can be treated as sure-win businesses.  They will always be paid.  The companies that supply the meals to their workers can also be treated as sure-win businesses indirectly.
The sure-win comes from the Trust in the Government and its ability to increase its money supply. 
One suggested sure-win business is for a Government backed Company X to invest in tourism related industries.  It can provide a Government X backed guarantee that no matter what happens, the investor can convert his shares to tour packages within Nation X.
The Investor wins as the risk of investment is reduced.  Company X wins as it gets the capital to develop the many projects.  Nation X wins as it is guaranteed  more tourists.  It is a win-win for all.  Is that a sure-win business?  Can a small Developing Nation take advantage of such an opportunity?
Group: Guest
One important element in the Belt and Road Initiative is Exchange Rates.  There are many countries involved.  Should all trade be based on USD?

China's answer is NO.  China is using Currency Swaps and other techniques.

Attached is a Forex Trading Technique in Chinese.
« Last Edit: 2018-02-07, 19:27:10 by ltseung888 »
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