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Author Topic: One Belt One Road  (Read 89255 times)
Group: Guest
Quote from: ltseung888 on Today at 06:14:15 AM
If I were Carrie Lam, the New Chief Executive of Hong Kong, I would:
1.       Implement Super Democracy.
2.       Arrange Mutual Credits with Pakistan and Ethiopia.
3.       Set up the Public Investor System.
4.       Promote Super Silicon Valley Mentality.
5.       Take an active role in the OBOR initiative with Think Tanks and Test Projects.
6.       Introduce the sure-win businesses in both inside and outside Hong Kong.
7.       Let the General Public know about Global War and true Globalization
8.       Get all Political Parties and Elites to discuss what are the Meaningful Economic Activities for Hong Kong?

Each point will be elaborated in the following posts.  For Basic Background Information, go to overunityresearch.com. Read the One Belt One Road Thread.

1. Implement Super Democracy

Hong Kong has the basic requirements to implement Super Democracy to demonstrate to China and the World. 

Super Democracy has the following elements:

a.   Use Structured Internet Forums to discuss issues thoroughly.  There will be at least three levels.  The first level allows posts from all.  Only the obscene, really abusive posts would be deleted.  This enables freedom of speech.  The second level will be via invitation only.  The good ideas from the first level will be reposted and further discussed.  The third level will receive much more resources and may form the basis of future Government Policies.

b.   Funding for the first level can be relatively small.  Any organization with checked support from 1,000 registered voters will receive funding.  The amount may be HK$100,000 startup and HK$20,000 monthly for maintenance.  The applying organization is responsible for moderating the forum.

c.   Funding for the second level will be much larger.  There will be dedicated staff to select worthwhile posts from the first level.  Each post may be given HK$1,000.  Some Think Tank Personnel may treat that as a part-time or full-time job and post regularly. Some budding politicians will find that as a good platform.  The registered voters can read the posts and place their votes based on such posts.  The qualifications of the Candidates will be effectively screened.

d.   Funding for the third level will vary.  This is equivalent to the Consultant Reports or Recommendations.  The amount of funding is likely to be project specific.  The good thing about this arrangement is that the funding can go to any Political Party or Organization with good ideas open to the Public.  The Reports may form the basis of actual Government Policies.

e.   The Legislative Council Members may still be voted using the present system. 

f.   There will be a supplement all registered voter participation system. Important policies can be voted by all registered voters on-line.  Initially, this may be for reference only.  The Internet and Mobile Phone Technology have advanced to make such a system practical.  If Hong Kong can demonstrate this to the World first, Hong Kong Citizens will be proud.  When all eyes are on Hong Kong, many stupid in-fighting will disappear...

Internet technology has already overcome the limitation of space, time, and number of participants. Registered voters who cannot use the Internet can be helped by designated personnel similar to helping the blind voters at present. Technology, technology and technology.


A.   Democracy is not working in Hong Kong.  Why should Super Democracy work in Hong Kong?  Freedom of speech became jeers and constant attacks on the Government undermining the self-confidence of Citizens and Government Officials.
B.   Who will read your posts?  Why don’t you wait until you are the Chief Executive of Hong Kong before you post?  You are just wasting your time and our time?  Just step into your grave quietly like all the other old folks.

C.   Super Democracy frightens and threatens existing stake holders.  They will oppose it openly or subtly.  For example, the Rich and Powerful Developers would not like large scale implementation of Public Housing.  They will raise all kinds of difficulties in obtaining land; getting local villagers to oppose moving; saying country parks are sacred and telling the citizens that increasing property prices are signs of prosperity for Hong Kong.

D.   Super Democracy will be an experiment.  Most Hong Kong Government Officials have the attitude that they should just “do a good job”.   Most politicians will see that as a threat to their power.  The news media will raise all types of criticisms.  External entities like the US will see it as your undermining their version of Democracy.  The idea will die with your death.

E.   Post it.  Send email to all who may be interested.  Sow seeds.  You may be lucky – some relatives of important Officials may pass it on.  Your posts on Forex Exchanges as Casinos is another good example.  China stopped gambling away its Reserve.
Group: Guest
2.       Arrange Mutual Credits with Pakistan and Ethiopia.

Pakistan and Ethiopia are two Nations already heavily involved in OBOR.  In particular, the Pakistan Consulate gave a seminar in June in Hong Kong together with the Maritime Silk Road Society.  Pakistan is interested in how China managed to develop so fast.

One of the things I mentioned was Mutual Credits.  Mutual Credits involves China giving X amount of RMB to Pakistan and Pakistan gives the equivalent amount in return.  With such an arrangement, no debt is involved. 

In the case of Hong Kong, the initial sum involved in Mutual Credits can be very small.  That sum may be used for Think Tank Personnel to visit, study the important aspects and develop some initial co-operation ideas. The initial sum can be HK$1m per month.  That will support 10 Pakistan personal to live and investigate the needed projects in Hong Kong.  The same arrangement can be made for  ten or more Hong Kong Think Tank Personal to spend time in Pakistan.  Pakistan is interested in turning the port of Gwadar into Hong Kong or Shenzhen.  There will be Special Economic Zones in and around Gwadar.  The two groups of Think Tank Personnel can help future projects - especially the money-making ones.

This arrangement "forces" Meaningful Economic Activities and thoughts from both sides.  If left to Hong Kong initiative, some money may be allocate to one group for a visit and not much may result.  Mutual Credits also stimulates China and all the OBOR Nations to rethink the question of debt.  (Islamic Nations do not like paying interests or accumulating debt.)

Ethiopia recovered from a war-torn and famine Nation to one of the fastest developing economies in the World.  It is still worried about food security.  Hong Kong can help to introduce modern agricultural methods and remote management.  Exchange of Think Tank Personnel will help both sides.  Plan together to achieve win-win.


A.   The general mood in Hong Kong is that the new generation (or youngsters) have less opportunities compared with the older generation.  The property prices have gone up so much that owning one’s own home is an impossible dream.  There is too much competition within Hong Kong.  Few dared to venture outside.

B.    With modern technology, one can always monitor and control remotely.  For example, the food ordering system at McDonalds already allowed the management to find out the business operation of any branch in any location at any time.  Such a system can be adapted to most restaurants, retail stores and factories.  There are Special Economic Zones in Pakistan and Ethiopia suitable for such operations.  The Hong Kong Government can set up “test case” examples with Government Funding and help many big and small businesses to do such remote monitoring.

C.   One of the most innovative ideas is Mutual Credits.  In Mutual Credits, Nation A gives X amount of its Currency to Nation B and Nation B gives the equivalent of its Currency in return.  There is no debt involved.  If Nation A is wealthy and has much goods and services to sell, Nation B can use Currency A to buy.  Nation B may not have much to export but Nation A can use Currency B to develop the economy of Nation B (in the Special Economic Zones).  The private investors no longer focus only on the non-money making infrastructure projects.  They can plan on the money making ventures they are familiar with.  It is win-win.

D.   The first projects in the Mutual Credit Arrangement can be exchange of Think Tank Personnel.  These personnel will help to identify actual projects.  The money involved is small but the potential benefits are vast.

E.     The advantages of Government Funded “test cases” include less risk, higher prestige for Government Officials, better standards and models for the private sector to follow.  Hong Kong will not be sitting on a large number in the Banks.  That number is used to generate Meaningful Economic Activities for Hong Kong and the World.
« Last Edit: 2017-07-08, 10:58:03 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
3.       Set up the Public Investor System.

One of the common complain from the youngsters of less wealthy families is the inability to earn money via investment.  They can all see that the rich is getting richer via investment.  The Public Investor program addresses this concern.

The Public Investor System involves two parts:

Part A is competition via dummy trading.  The dummy trading will ensure that the "investor" is knowledgeable.  The investment is not done on an emotional setting.  Any adult may participate in the competition.  The judging will be on both result and reasons for making the investment.  The scope and rules of the competition will be set up by the financial elite as they understand the financial market better than most citizens or government officials.

Part B is the actual allocating a portion of the Public Fund to the successful competitors.  If they were successful in the actual operation, they would return the capital and kept much of the profits.  It not successful, the loss would be treated as a learning exercise for all Citizens.

This will help Hong Kong to develop many top financial brains.  Some may apply Artificial Intelligence to the financial transactions. Technology, Technology and Technology.


A.   Most investors are like sheep.  They just follow.  They can easily be fleeced or slaughtered.  Some even play with derivatives, options, futures and Forex.  Those financial instruments are closer to gambling in Casinos.  The rules are not as simple. However, these investors or gamblers are much wealthier than the average.  Losing a portion of the portfolio is not likely to affect their living standards.

B.   The Asian Financial Crisis should have taught the investors a lesson.  As some brokers said, “Most investors have short memory and they are driven by greed. History is likely to repeat itself.”  Even top economists in China fell for the Forex Exchange Trap.  They thought that for the RMB to be a Global Currency, RMB needed to be traded in the International Forex Exchanges.  They did not treat the Western Financial Rules and Consultants as third class.  They did not improve such to second or first class.  They believed “market forces” were fair and gambled away one trillion USD worth of China’s Foreign Currency Reserve.

C.   For Hong Kong to claim a place in the leading financial centers, Hong Kong must have a large number of knowledgeable consultants and investors.  These investors must be well trained.  They must know the basic Economic War Strategies.  They must have reviewed and understood the financial attacks on USSR, the Asian Countries and now China.  They must have played the what-if games thoroughly.  They should be taught the Artificial Intelligence techniques that eliminate emotional investing.
Group: Guest
4.       Promote Super Silicon Valley Mentality.

The Super Silicon Valley Mentality states that anything you intend to do is third class.  You will try to turn it to second or first class.  Some one may have a product or a policy suggestion.  You should view it as third class.  Rather than criticizing it, you should turn it into second or first class. 

If Political Parties take on this mentality, the policies for Hong Kong will get better and better.

The OBOR initiative may be good but it is only third class.  The posts here seek to turn it into second or first class.  Once the citizens have this mentality, Hong Kong and China will strive for the better in almost everything.  At present, China has more of such mentality than Hong Kong.

Hong Kong should let its many Brain Trusts or Think Tanks compete.  The Internet Forums are good tools.

Remember the five elements in the Super Silicon Valley Mentality.

a.  Everything is third class.  Turn it to second or first class.
b.  Either the problem cracks or we crack.
c.  We are the Gods.  We can make or change any rule.
d.  We do not hide our failures.  They are lessons for the World.
e.  Anything we do not know now, we shall know it by tomorrow via the Internet.


A.   Super Silicon Valley Mentality was developed when the Computer Engineers needed to reverse engineer the products of others.  They had to take the mentality that any product could be improved.  Nothing was perfect.

B.   That mentality worked wonders for the Computer Industry.  New products came out and Companies had to constantly obsolete their own products.

C.   That mentality was then applied to other Industries.  China benefited from that mentality.  Instead of simply copying, Chinese Engineers treated everything as third class.  They learned, improved and re-invented.  The High Speed Train was a good example.

D.   Now that same mentality is applied to the political and financial arena.  Instead of repeating the Globalization words of the West, China has improved Globalization to win-win.  Plan together, work together and enjoy the fruits together.  If a Nation wants to become rich and remain rich, the best way is to help other Nations rich.

E.   Instead of listening to the Western Economists that the GDP growth of a Nation must slow down when it gets more developed, China improves the philosophy to developing Infrastructures for other Nations.  China can print thin-air RMB, teach the technology, technology and technology.  China does not need to slow down its GDP growth for a long time.

F.   There is no need to dominate.  There is no need to interfere in the affairs of other Nations.  Take it as a “business loss” if an infrastructure project is cancelled or destroyed by a change of Government or a political event.  The development pace of China is already the fastest in human history.  Let the results speak for themselves.
Group: Guest
5.       Take an active role in the OBOR initiative with Think Tanks and Test Projects.

At present, Hong Kong appears to take a "wait and see" attitude.  There are talks that Hong Kong can be a good middleman.  There is hardly any real action.  I believe the Hong Kong Government should do some Test Projects.  Get the Think Tanks inside and outside Government to make suggestions.  Stimulate them with funding support.

For example, Hong Kong Government can fund a competition for suggestions on a Test Project in Ethiopia to improve its food security via fish farming.  The Think Tanks should take on the Super Silicon Valley Mentality.  If there is something we do not know now, we shall know it by tomorrow via the Internet.  Through the Internet Forums, the right questions will be ra mised.  The necessary research can be done.  The experts can be contacted.  The plans can be drafted.  The Test Project can be remotely monitored.  Much High Tech can be used.  The fish can be exported to Hong Kong initially without worrying about the return on investment.  Just do it.

One possibility is to get the Maritime Silk Road Society or other interested organizations to "drive" it. 

The Chinese saying: "If you want to be rich, build a road first." Infrastructure building is just the first step. It is the following steps that will make a Nation rich. The next steps include - get the products to market; learn, apply and improve the technology; communicate and make money.  The average citizens understands "make money" best...


A.    Remember State Capitalism.  It requires two hands to clap.  One hand is the State Planning. The other hand is private enterprise. The two must work together to produce the sound.  The best Nation that demonstrates the power of State Capitalism is actually Singapore. It is non-corrupt and it has a stable government. 

B.   China is taking that model one step further.  Everything is third class.  Turn it to second or first class. China is using its large market to generate the necessary momentum. China learns a technology and immediately spreads it to multiple organizations. China appreciates that knowledge and technology have the property that the more you give away, the more you will gain. The high speed train technology may be brilliant now but a few decades later, it will be museum technology. 
C.   Hong Kong must take action on the OBOR initiative. Talk is cheap. Think win-win. Hong Kong has good universities. Hong Kong has seen its own fast pace of development – from living in huts on the hillside to having the most expensive apartments in the World. It will not take long for the Hong Kong elites and think tanks to develop the Super Silicon Valley Mentality.

D.   Hong Kong can develop Super Democracy to show the World first. If that is achieved, the self-confidence of Hong Kong Citizens will grow.  The Developing Nations will be willing to plan together, work together and enjoy the results together. Hong Kong and Singapore have the advantage that they are small and will never post a military threat to any Nation.

E.   Hong Kong can gets its elites and think tanks to think out “test projects”. Hong Kong can use Internet technology to monitor the progress of such projects. Hong Kong can also invite Developing Nations to set up their test projects in Hong Kong. They can also use remote monitoring mechanisms. Pakistan is very advanced in Information Technology…

F.   Hong Kong may not be able to take on an OBOR project on its own.  But it can partner with some other Nation that can do it. For example, Hong Kong may want to do a cattle farm project in Ethiopia but there are no experts in Hong Kong in this field.  Hong Kong can partner with Australia (as an example) to do the project. Hong Kong can provide the capital, the remote monitoring and the market.  That will create greater World Harmony.
« Last Edit: 2017-07-09, 08:39:42 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
6.       Introduce the sure-win businesses in both inside and outside Hong Kong.

The normal goal of a business is to make money via business activities.  The activities may involve some initial capital, labor, purchasing of raw material, processing and marketing.  Governments can print thin-air money.  If the Government supports a particular business with money (thin-air or from actual reserve), the business is likely to make money.  We loosely call such a business as sure-win.

In the OBOR initiative, the Chinese Government and Government X agree to do an Infrastructure Project.  The selected Construction Company is likely to be sure-win. So long as it can do the job, it will get paid.  If it subcontracts Company B to provide food for its workers, Company B is likely to be sure-win also.

Some in the Government still think that the role of Government is to collect taxes, provide social services and maintain law and order.  They view any business initiative as NOT the role of the Government.  Any business initiative should be taken by the private sector.  Should that view be changed in the highly competitive World?

A Government should be rated on how much wealth it can create for its citizens; can it improve their standards of living; can it stimulate more technology and can it bring peace...


A.   When we first raised the concept of sure-win businesses, some people immediately objected.  They said that the concept is utter nonsense.  If there were such businesses, people would have jumped in long ago.

B.   We had to explain our definition of sure-win businesses.  In our definition, the party that ask for the business activity has the ability to pay.  The performing business entity can deliver the goods or services with proven records.  The sure-win business can be as small as a customer ordering a meal in a restaurant.  The Customer has money to pay (in most cases).  The cook can serve the food as stated in the menu (in most cases).  Meaningful Economic Activity is created and all parties are happy. Win-win.

C.   When we deal with long term infrastructure projects in a foreign, poor nation, there is a high probability that the project may fail due to political reasons or the inability of the poor nation to pay.  In the OBOR initiative, China essentially acts as the payment guarantor.  China has over 3 trillion USD worth of Foreign Currency Reserve. The signed OBOR projects amounted to less than 1 trillion.  (China lost 1 trillion gambling in Forex without significantly hurting its economic activities).

D.   In planning together, an OBOR project can usually be broken down into a long term infrastructure building part that is unlikely to be money-making. However, there are other parts such as building hotels, malls, residential apartments, restaurants, tourist attractions in the Special Economic Zones that are likely to be money making.  These projects will attract private investment.  The property prices will be bid up in no time.  Hong Kong has vast experience in such matters.

E.   If China and Nation X has a Mutual Credit Deal, Nation X may use the exchanged RMB to build the infrastructures.  China can use Currency X to develop the money-making or sure-win businesses in Nation X.  For example, China may partner with Hong Kong to build Hotels.  China and Hong Kong can then encourage its citizens to become tourists in Nation X and “subsidize” them with Currency X.  The meaningful economic activities between China, Hong Kong and Nation X will greatly increase.  Nation X is likely to become rich.  China and Hong Kong are likely to become richer. Win-win.

Group: Guest
7.       Let the General Public know about Global War and true Globalization

Most of the citizens do not know that they are in the midst of a Global Economic War whether they like it or not.  The Global Economic War is not fought with guns or bombs.  It is difficult to tell who is foe and who is friend.  It is fought in the boardrooms, the news media, the movies, the restaurants, the retails stores, churches, academic institutions and every aspect of our daily lives.

Some Nations want to maintain their dominance.  They subtly preach survival of the fittest (telling the manufacturing Nations to pay their workers less); need to get foreign investors (who can print thin-air money); open the financial markets (so that the big fish can eat the small fish); trade in derivatives and Forex (gamble away the hard earned cash); implement democracy and human rights (causing political instability) etc.  Many Think Tanks and Elites got brainwashed to believing such are gospels.

The correct attitude is to treat all the above as third class.  Strive to make them second or first class.  Treat yourselves as Gods who can make or change any rule.  Re-examine every rule and every teaching.

The existing Globalization as taught by the West is free trade, open up your markets, compete globally, earn and save via exporting more than imports and learn from the successful West.

The new Globalization is - capital can be printed (it is never a scarce resource). It is technology, technology and technology that gave the West the prosperity. Printing money to build infrastructures is a Meaningful Economic Activity. A Nation must print thin-air money and circulate it appropriately for its citizens to get rich and narrow the gap between rich and poor. Globalization should be win-win.  Plan together, work together and enjoy the fruits together.

Knowledge and technology have the property that the more you give away, the more you will gain.  The high speed trains may be a brilliant technology now but a few decades or centuries from now, they will be museum pieces. The correct mindset now is that if a Nation wants to be rich and remain rich, it should help others get rich.


A.   Most Hong Kong Citizens do not realize that we are already in the midst of a Global Economic War.  Some of the war strategies used by the West were even treated as Gospel by some citizens.  For example, when we mentioned the cut-throat strategy (when USA decided to give up a particular industry such as garments, it invested or passed the technology to a number of Developing Nations. Let these Nations compete and sell the garments at the lowest possible price – effectively cutting their own throat), some people claimed that it was business principle.

B.   When we gave the example of Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank (HSBC) loaning out thin-air money, some people accused us of lying and spreading rumors.  They accused us of not knowing the workings of the Banking System.  During the Second World War, Japan and China printed massive amount of thin-air money that led to disasters. Printing thin-air money must not be an option from any responsible government.

C.   Some insisted that any loan must be repaid.  The borrowers must have the means and plans to repay before they approach any bank or loaning institutions.  The concept that the lender will help the borrower to become rich is “foreign” to them.  They insist that such is NOT the responsibility of the lender.  A poor Nation must try to export more than it imports to accumulate the capital or to repay any loan.

D.   Some even objected to the statement – for a nation to be rich and remain rich, it should help others to get rich.  They said that the statement is against all historic data.  A Nation gets rich and remains rich via military might.  The moment a Nation loses that might, it will be replaced.

E.   We believe such thoughts in the Nuclear Age can lead to the end of Human Civilization.  Wars - global, regional, and economic – must be avoided at all costs.  They must be replaced by win-win.
Group: Guest
8.       Get all Political Parties and Elites to discuss what are the Meaningful Economic Activities for Hong Kong?

Modern Wealth is no longer sheep, gold or numbers in the Banks.  Modern Wealth is the quality and quantity of Meaningful Economic Activities.  What was Meaningful may not be Meaningful now.  What is meaningful for one Nation may not be meaningful for another.  Governments and Think Tanks must continuously evaluate what is Meaningful.  Hong Kong needs to do the same.

Some stimulating thoughts are outlined:

1.  Is it Meaningful for Hong Kong to accelerate the building of Public Housing?  Would that help to narrow the gap between the rich and poor?

2.  Is it Meaningful for Hong Kong to implement Super Democracy?  Will that boost the confidence and capability of Hong Kong?

3.  Should Hong Kong initiated Mutual Credit Arrangements with Pakistan and Ethiopia?  Should Hong Kong emphasize the Arrangement is a no debt "experiment"?
4.  Should Hong Kong speed up the development of Lantau Island? Should the development plans be open to the Public, the Think Tanks and other interested parties internationally?

5.  Should Hong Kong encourage its youngsters to go outside Hong Kong?  What kind of support can we provide them?  Can the support effort be linked to the OBOR initiative?  Go out to improve the World.  Believe in yourselves.  Believe in Hong Kong.  Believe in China.  You are always welcome back in Hong Kong and China. We have the Capital, the knowledge and the Internet to support you.  Tell us the opportunities you discover and how we can provide you with the resources to succeed.

6.  What are the Meaningful Economic Activities that can be generated with the completion of the Zhuhai-Macau-Hong Kong Bridge?  With less expensive land prices in Zhuhai, what can be done there?  Conference Centers, Hotels, Retirement Homes, Entertainment Parks, High Tech Demo Centers, Financial Control Centers...

7.  Is it Meaningful for Hong Kong to develop a set of on-line courses covering Primary and Secondary schools?  Is it Meaningful to extend that to University and other higher education courses?  Will that enhance the Hong Kong Image as a knowledgeable society? Is it meaningful to cover controversial topics such as Global Economic War and Super Democracy?

8.  Is it Meaningful for Hong Kong to tell the Islamic Nations that Mutual Credit Arrangements are not loans.  There is no interest to be paid.  The money exchanged is to create more modern wealth.  It is win-win. 

9.  Is it Meaningful for Hong Kong to compare the two models for the World?  One model is that a Nation is already rich.  It has the knowledge and technology.  It easily has over-capacity.  It takes the path of slowing its own growth as more roads, bridges or electric power stations are not Meaningful.  It does not impart that knowledge and technology to Nations that need them.

10. Is it Meaningful for Hong Kong to help China to promote the other model?  Win-win. Plan together, work together and enjoy the fruits together.  Give away the technology, technology and technology.  Print thin-air RMB.  (The USD will automatically lose its dominance.)  If Capital and Technology are no longer scarce, a Developing Nation can march fast with its Five Year Plans.

11.  Is it Meaningful for Hong Kong to tell US to compete with Russia+China on helping Developing Nations rich?  USA and allies can immediately increase their Meaningful Economic Activities.  They can easily generate many more jobs, build more infrastructures in needed nations and help the World to be more prosperous.  If they beat the Russia+China camp, the World will rejoice together.  Win-win.ve

Meaningful Economic Activities are evolving.  They never remain stationary.  Every technology advance, every political event and every scientific discovery will give rise to new Meaningful Economic Activities.  Modern Wealth is no longer sheep, gold or number in banks.  Modern Wealth is the quality and quantity of Meaningful Economic Activities.

The attached file puts the above point together in one place.
« Last Edit: 2017-07-09, 23:55:32 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
If I were Xi Jinping, I would:

1.   Tell the World that every human being on earth can enjoy a healthy standard of living.

2.   The Bell and Road Initiative is not about domination. It is the philosophy of – if a Nation wants to become rich and remain rich, it should help other Nations get rich.

3.   Many Nations including USA, Japan, Germany and now China have the technology, the knowledge and the capacity to help Developing Nations rich.

4.   USA, as the World’s only Super Power, did not play that role.  Instead, USA chooses the path of Domination.  America First.

5.   The New Globalization is about win-win, plan together, work together and enjoy the fruits together.

6.   Within one generation, every human being on Earth will enjoy electricity, running water, adequate food, clothing, comfortable home, education, health care, employment, social services, communicate with each other and easy travelling to all parts of the World.

The above points will be elaborated in the following posts.
« Last Edit: 2017-07-10, 22:05:15 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
If I were Xi Jinping, I would:
1.   Tell the World that every human being on earth can enjoy a healthy standard of living.
2.   The Bell and Road Initiative is not about domination. It is the philosophy of – if a Nation wants to become rich and remain rich, it should help other Nations get rich.
3.   Many Nations including USA, Japan, Germany and now China have the technology, the knowledge and the capacity to help Developing Nations rich.
4.   USA, as the World’s only Super Power, did not play that role.  Instead, USA chooses the path of Domination.  America First.
5.   The New Globalization is about win-win, plan together, work together and enjoy the fruits together.
6.   Within one generation, every human being on Earth will enjoy electricity, running water, adequate food, clothing, comfortable home, education, health care, employment, social services, communicate with each other and easy travelling to all parts of the World.

The above points will be elaborated in the following posts.

1.   Tell the World that every human being on earth can enjoy a healthy standard of living.

China has demonstrated to the World that it can pull itself from a poor Nation in the 1970s to a relatively prosperous Nation within one generation.  China is willing to share that secret.  There were also mistakes that can be lessons for all.  The main secret is learn, improve and re-invent technology, technology and technology.  Use State Capitalism - government works hand-in-hand with private enterprises.  Develop the Five Year Plans and execute them diligently.

Mistakes include pollution, ghost towns and unequal distribution of wealth.  These mistakes are being corrected. 

China has changed from a "have not" society to an "overcapacity" society within one generation.  China is willing to help all "have not" or Developing Nations to march into Developed Nations.  China does not want to interfere in the internal politics of any Nation.  China does not seek to impose its model on any Nation.  China will not seek any dominance.  China will not repeat the historic tragedies of Imperialism and Colonialism.

Every Chinese Citizen can now enjoy a healthy standard of living. He is guaranteed enough food, clothing, shelter, education and social welfare. The same can happen to any human being anywhere on this planet Earth.

2.    The Bell and Road Initiative is not about domination. It is the philosophy of – if a Nation wants to become rich and remain rich, it should help other Nations get rich.

China came back from a Century of humiliation.  The Chinese people suffered from opium, defeats in wars, internal conflicts and misguided cultural revolutions.  It took many five year plans.  It took many workers to endure long hours and low pay.  It took many engineers to learn, improve and re-invent.  It took many officials spending countless nights debating and re-examining policies.  Now the Chinese progress is for all to see.  China is becoming richer.  It wants to remain rich.  It is the second largest economy and is on the way to becoming the first.  For that to succeed, China must help other Developing Nations rich.

The logic is simple.  China has advanced to “overcapacity” in most fields – food, electrical appliances, internet commerce, cars, high speed trains and infrastructures.   The West reached that state many decades ago.  They could have imparted that knowledge and technology to help Developing Nations rich.  They chose to preach democracy, free trade and human rights.  They gave some aid and helped in subsistence farming.  They gave out charity donations.  They chose to cut back their overcapacity.

China is taking a different approach.  Many Developing Nations could use the over-produced steel, coal, machinery etc. to improve their standards of living.  China can use its overcapacity to help.  China understands that capital is never a scarce resource.  Money can be printed from thin-air.  It can be used to stimulate Meaningful Economic Activities.  What the Developing Nations lack are the knowledge and technology.  Learning needs the right mindset and time.  Fortunately, both knowledge and technology have the property that the more you give away, the more you will gain.  It is win-win for China to supply the thin-air RMB and the knowledge and technology to help Developing Nations rich.  China will get richer and safer in return.

3.   Many Nations including USA, Japan, Germany and now China have the technology, the knowledge and the capacity to help Developing Nations rich.

Many people have used the example that it is better to teach someone fishing than simply giving the person a fish.  Now China takes it one step further.  China looks at the big picture.  Is it better to go for fish farming?  What kind of technology is needed?  Is the water, climate etc. suitable?  Will there be additional Meaningful Economic Activity with fish processing?  Will there be a market?

The West took on the attitude that a Developing Nation should create the climate to attract foreign investment.  The foreign investors can provide the initial capital, the technology, and the marketing skills.  Let these investors make money and a win-win scenario will result.

Private Enterprises focus on return on investment or making money.  If the infrastructures such as electricity, roads, Internet communication were not available, the private enterprises will stay away.  It takes a Nation with vision to step in.  Making more money for a Nation such as USA or China is not very meaningful.  USA or China can just print the money.

The long term vision for China is to get rich and remain rich by helping other Developing Nations rich.  If that is achieved, China will be respected rather than cursed in history.  (Imperialism and Colonialism will be condemned.)

4.   USA, as the World’s only Super Power, did not play that role.  Instead, USA chooses the path of Domination.  America First.

Different Nations have their rights to act differently.  China will act differently from the West.  The difference will be highlighted in the respect for all Nations whether they are Developed or Not.  China knows that any Nation can become Developed within a relatively short time if it shows willingness and determination.

China seeks win-win.  China is happy to plan together with any Nation.  A Nation has its own history, culture, religion and beliefs.  A Nation should plot its own path of development.  China is honored to act as a model and a consultant.

If a Nation does not want to carry massive debt, China will be able to accommodate with Mutual Credits.  The Nation can used the Exchanged RMB to build infrastructures or purchase other goods and services.  China will use the Exchanged Currency to create additional Meaningful Economic Activities in the Special Economic Zones using its experience.  Much more modern wealth will be created.  Win-win.  There is no need for China to dominate.

5.   The New Globalization is about win-win, plan together, work together and enjoy the fruits together.
The New Globalization seeks win-win for all Nations.  For example, a Developed Nation can partner with China to do infrastructure projects in a Developing Nation.  The excess production capability, the knowledge and the technology can be passed on.  The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has many Nations as members.  The AIIB can pump out thin-air capital and all member nations can participate in the resulting Meaningful Economic Activities.

There is no need to look up or to look down any Nation.  All humans can learn, master and improve technology. It is a matter of time and the right environment.  China hopes to bring the right environment to all with the help of others.

It is always easier to copy than to innovate.  China has created many modern cities in no time.  The models from early city planning to electricity, water, sewage, road, highways, residential buildings, Offices, malls, internet connections, industrial parks, recreational facilities, hospitals, police stations and schools are all available.  These models can be made available for Developing Nations to learn and improve.  One of the Special Economic Zones can be an "international model" inviting many Nations to participate.  With such models, Developing Nations can march at or exceed the China speed.

6.   Within one generation, every human being on Earth will enjoy electricity, running water, adequate food, clothing, comfortable home, education, health care, employment, social services, communicate with each other and easy travelling to all parts of the World.

China has walked the path from poverty to relative prosperity.  It is not a dream.  Any Nation can do it.  Just plan together – make sure the potential risks and hard work are well understood.  Work together – learn, master and re-invent the technology.  Enjoy the fruits together – capital, knowledge and technology are no long scarce commodities.  Use them well and create a more peaceful and prosperous world together.  Thank you.

Current Events Handling

July 12, 2017

If I were Xi Jinping, how would I handle the present border dispute with India?

China builds a road at its border.  If the relationship with the neighbor is good, the act will be viewed positively.  Comments will be that the trade between the two Nations will benefit.

If the relationship is tense, the same act will be seen as preparation for a regional war.

If I were Xi Jinping, I would suspend the project until the relationship is good again.  I shall use the above argument to convince the Chinese Citizens.

« Last Edit: 2017-07-12, 19:44:12 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
If I were Xi Jinping, how would I handle the present border dispute with India?

China builds a road at its border.  If the relationship with the neighbor is good, the act will be viewed positively.  Comments will be that the trade between the two Nations will benefit.

If the relationship is tense, the same act will be seen as preparation for a regional war.

If I were Xi Jinping, I would suspend the project until the relationship is good again.  I shall use the above argument to convince the Chinese Citizens. image

*** China is preaching win-win; plan together, work together and enjoy the fruits together.  Why engage in a regional war?  Even if the battles were won easily, it would be seen as a repeat of Imperialism and Colonialism.  USSR drained its resources in Afghanistan and lost its self-confidence.  Should that be a lesson?  China won in 1962 but India remembered it as humiliation.  Politicians could easily use that to stir anti-Chinese sentiments.  Sit at the negotiation table.  Let India win some face - suspend the road construction until the relationship between the two Nations improve.  The modern super-power does not rely on military might but on caring.  Develop win-win.
Group: Guest
If I were Xi Jinping, how would I handle the present border dispute with India?

China builds a road at its border.  If the relationship with the neighbor is good, the act will be viewed positively.  Comments will be that the trade between the two Nations will benefit.

If the relationship is tense, the same act will be seen as preparation for a regional war.

If I were Xi Jinping, I would suspend the project until the relationship is good again.  I shall use the above argument to convince the Chinese Citizens. image

*** China is preaching win-win; plan together, work together and enjoy the fruits together.  Why engage in a regional war?  Even if the battles were won easily, it would be seen as a repeat of Imperialism and Colonialism.  USSR drained its resources in Afghanistan and lost its self-confidence.  Should that be a lesson?  China won in 1962 but India remembered it as humiliation.  Politicians could easily use that to stir anti-Chinese sentiments.  Sit at the negotiation table.  Let India win some face - suspend the road construction until the relationship between the two Nations improve.  The modern super-power does not rely on military might but on caring.  Develop win-win.

The road construction is at Sikkim, Bhutan and China (see map). The particular area is not a disputed territory between China and India.  It may be a disputed area between China and Bhutan.

This area is of particular concern to India as it is close the narrow corridor between the two sides of India.  India claims that if a road were constructed (even on the Chinese side), it will post a threat to India.  China can easily attack or control the narrow corridor linking the two sides of India.

If the relationship is good, any road or rail construction will be seen as bringing benefits to Nepal, Bhutan, India, China and Bangladesh. 

If the relationship is tense (as now), India feels that it will put India into an inferior military position.  Thus it is trying to prevent or stop the construction of the road.  I do not believe India nor China want any regional or nuclear war.  Peace will benefit both sides.  But the press and the Internet posts are stirring "patriotic sentiments" especially in India.  It has started anti-Chinese emotions and disruption of trade between the two Nations.

As a think tank, I would advice putting the construction of the road on hold until the political climate turns in its favor.  Any war - even limited regional wars - will harm the image of China.  It will also drain resources away from the OBOR initiative.  The long term goal of Globalization is for all Nations to prosper in Peace.  Tourists are welcome everywhere especially at National Borders.
« Last Edit: 2017-07-18, 09:03:37 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest

Tseung, you do not really understand India.  The British ruled India for a long time.  When India was given independence, Britain used the Divide and Rule tactics.  Britain divided India into India and Pakistan. 

When China have good relationship with Pakistan, India sees that as preventing eventual unification of India.  It is like Japan and USA supporting Taiwan.  It is like some people claiming Tibet should be an independent Nation. They like to see a situation similar to the breaking up of USSR.

China should just focus on win-win.  Plan together, work together and enjoy the fruits together.  Put the historic, regional conflicts aside.  Bring prosperity to all.  It is now within the capability of China. Capital, knowledge and technology are no longer scarce.  Why waste time and energy on regional conflicts?

Beware of the Economic War weapons from the West.  China just solved the Exchange Rate problem.  The big fish eat small fish scenario in the financial market has not been solved... 
Group: Guest

Tseung, you do not really understand India.  The British ruled India for a long time.  When India was given independence, Britain used the Divide and Rule tactics.  Britain divided India into India and Pakistan. 

When China have good relationship with Pakistan, India sees that as preventing eventual unification of India.  It is like Japan and USA supporting Taiwan.  It is like some people claiming Tibet should be an independent Nation. They like to see a situation similar to the breaking up of USSR.

China should just focus on win-win.  Plan together, work together and enjoy the fruits together.  Put the historic, regional conflicts aside.  Bring prosperity to all.  It is now within the capability of China. Capital, knowledge and technology are no longer scarce.  Why waste time and energy on regional conflicts?

Beware of the Economic War weapons from the West.  China just solved the Exchange Rate problem.  The big fish eat small fish scenario in the financial market has not been solved...

Thank you for reminding me.  India and Pakistan used to be one Nation. Their combined population exceed that of China.  Their top students and talents in IT is undoubted.  There is indeed a chance for them to take over the Number One Economic Nation sometime in the future.
Group: Guest
Thank you for reminding me.  India and Pakistan used to be one Nation. Their combined population exceed that of China.  Their top students and talents in IT is undoubted.  There is indeed a chance for them to take over the Number One Economic Nation sometime in the future.

Modern Wealth is the quality and quantity of Meaningful Economic Activities.  Both India and Pakistan need to have many infrastructures, more electricity for homes and industry, more roads and rails to speed up travel and many mobile phone to communicate.  These Meaningful Economic Activities will keep India and Pakistan busy for many years or decades.

They now know that capital is not scarce.  They have the basic knowledge and technology to build.  They need peace.  They need the Five Year Plans.  They need the innovative individuals to spot the many opportunities.  They need the many models to copy and improve.  They can go from "have not" to over capacity in most products and services.  It is technology, technology and technology.

Unfortunately, many politicians know that they can incite emotions to work in their favor via "patriotism".  All they need to do is to paint someone as an aggressor and they can have a wave of support.  That wave is likely to give them political positions.  Their shortcomings can be diverted or overlooked.  Sending some soldiers to disrupt the Chinese Road Construction may get the Chinese to over react and destroy the Chinese image of win-win; plan together; work together and enjoy the fruits together.   They can claim that the OBOR is a lie.  USA and Japan are happy to work with India to destroy the Chinese Image.  They want to prevent or slow down the rise of China.  They see the rise of China as a threat to their Dominance.

China must not over react.  The Chinese Think Tanks must show their worth now...
« Last Edit: 2017-07-19, 18:57:16 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest

When a Nation reaches over capacity, it has to cut back.  It has to slow down.

You are saying that China is using OBOR to export its over capacity.  That cannot last forever.  If all Nations have over capacity, what will happen?

*** That means all Nations will have reached a level of prosperity.  All humans have food security, electricity, running water, education, medical care, social services and entertainment.  All individuals can still enjoy a high standard of living even if we cut back on production.  We shall define new Meaningful Economic Activities then...
Group: Guest

When a Nation reaches over capacity, it has to cut back.  It has to slow down.

You are saying that China is using OBOR to export its over capacity.  That cannot last forever.  If all Nations have over capacity, what will happen?

*** That means all Nations will have reached a level of prosperity.  All humans have food security, electricity, running water, education, medical care, social services and entertainment.  All individuals can still enjoy a high standard of living even if we cut back on production.  We shall define new Meaningful Economic Activities then...

The Meaningful Economic Activities for China and India at present is to resolve the border conflict.  Focus on economic development.  China can develop a model town at the high altitude as a tourist attraction with new technology and innovation.  For example, the model town can have multi-level traffic lanes within buildings eliminating traffic jams.  The buildings not only have air conditioning but also increased air pressure making it more comfortable to live and breath.

India can use its high tech promotional ability to rival the construction capability of China.  Plan together; work together and enjoy the fruits together.  Win-win.  Forget the history of Colonialism, 1962 wars and the border disputes.  If Pakistan and India want to unite as one country again, so much the better.  The final Globalization will enable all humans on Earth to enjoy prosperity, respect each other and tour every spot with harmony and happiness.

Capital, knowledge and technology are no longer scarce.  Just create the environment to apply them...
Group: Guest
The Meaningful Economic Activities for China and India at present is to resolve the border conflict.  Focus on economic development.  China can develop a model town at the high altitude as a tourist attraction with new technology and innovation.  For example, the model town can have multi-level traffic lanes within buildings eliminating traffic jams.  The buildings not only have air conditioning but also increased air pressure making it more comfortable to live and breath.

India can use its high tech promotional ability to rival the construction capability of China.  Plan together; work together and enjoy the fruits together.  Win-win.  Forget the history of Colonialism, 1962 wars and the border disputes.  If Pakistan and India want to unite as one country again, so much the better.  The final Globalization will enable all humans on Earth to enjoy prosperity, respect each other and tour every spot with harmony and happiness.

Capital, knowledge and technology are no longer scarce.  Just create the environment to apply them...

China and India can enter into a competition to build the best towns in high altitude.  Other Nations are welcome to join.  The competition can include transport, hotels, restaurants, malls, intelligent devices, sports competitions both indoors and outdoors, robots, Chess, Go and other intellectual games etc.  The first competition can be in 2025 and then repeat every few years.  This is much more Meaningful than regional wars or soldiers pushing each other in the open.  Win-win.
Group: Guest
Will Nuclear Weapon Nations start wars?  Will the losing side use the Nuclear Weapons?  What are the reactions from other Nations that do not want to see the rise of these two Nations?

Will China and India be stupid enough to let the dispute escalate unchecked?  Will the Leaders "yield" to "Public Demands"?


In 1962, India had no nuclear weapons.  Now it has hundreds and the missiles to launch them.  "Teach them a lesson" will raise the possibility of someone pushing the "unthinkable" button.  (A being defeated general will push that button to commit suicide with the advancing enemy.)


The above one hour video gives a detailed analysis.  But the analysis ignored the long term Globalization - all humans will be able to enjoy prosperity and travel to all parts of the Earth in peace and friendship.  It is still biased in narrow nationalism.
« Last Edit: 2017-07-24, 00:03:01 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
The Meaningful Economic Activities for China and India at present is to resolve the border conflict.  Focus on economic development.  China can develop a model town at the high altitude as a tourist attraction with new technology and innovation.  For example, the model town can have multi-level traffic lanes within buildings eliminating traffic jams.  The buildings not only have air conditioning but also increased air pressure making it more comfortable to live and breath.

India can use its high tech promotional ability to rival the construction capability of China.  Plan together; work together and enjoy the fruits together.  Win-win.  Forget the history of Colonialism, 1962 wars and the border disputes.  If Pakistan and India want to unite as one country again, so much the better.  The final Globalization will enable all humans on Earth to enjoy prosperity, respect each other and tour every spot with harmony and happiness.

Capital, knowledge and technology are no longer scarce.  Just create the environment to apply them...

China and India should not copy the energy wasteful model of USA.  Every family owning one or more cars will just cause more traffic jams, more pollution, more noise and creating a deteriorating environment.

Consider towns with no traffic jams.  A two level transportation arrangement will be a possible solution.  Cut the need to travel with Internet Commerce and Conferences.  Plan local communities with malls, hospitals, restaurants, entertainment centers, sports facilities.  Develop modern new towns with the latest technology.  There is no need for traditional telephone lines, schools or universities.  Modern storage, processing and prediction facilities will guarantee food security.  Re-examine jobs, factories and offices.  What is the best model?  Redefine the Meaningful Economic Activities for now and for the near future.

Renewable and new sources of energy is now available. Technology, technology and technology.   Do not stupidly destroy the prosperity with wars and misguided patriotism.
Group: Guest
Comment:  Real reason on the present India China Border Conflict?

From an Indian Scholar.

"India is somewhat jealous of the One Belt One Road attention China is getting.  India just wants to show the World that China is not all good.  The intrusion and pushing by the unarmed Indian Soldiers is meant to provoke and test the reaction of China."

"As expected, the Chinese press and Internet users have warmonger reactions.  The Official Chinese Agency did not show the image of a Great, Peaceful Nation."

Tseung: "What is the best thing China can do?"

"As a top Diplomat or Think Tank, I would suggest that - China should openly ask India on its intentions nicely.  China could say that since the Indian Soldiers were unarmed, India does not war.  Just ask India to state its concerns openly in United Nations or any suitable setting.  Yelling, barking and pushing Indian Soldiers back is not the greatest diplomatic act."

Tseung: "The local commanders are not expected to be top diplomats.  Hopefully, this post will be read by top diplomats in Beijing."
Group: Guest
Comment:  Real reason on the present India China Border Conflict?

From an Indian Scholar.

"India is somewhat jealous of the One Belt One Road attention China is getting.  India just wants to show the World that China is not all good.  The intrusion and pushing by the unarmed Indian Soldiers is meant to provoke and test the reaction of China."

"As expected, the Chinese press and Internet users have warmonger reactions.  The Official Chinese Agency did not show the image of a Great, Peaceful Nation."

Tseung: "What is the best thing China can do?"

"As a top Diplomat or Think Tank, I would suggest that - China should openly ask India on its intentions nicely.  China could say that since the Indian Soldiers were unarmed, India does not war.  Just ask India to state its concerns openly in United Nations or any suitable setting.  Yelling, barking and pushing Indian Soldiers back is not the greatest diplomatic act."

Tseung: "The local commanders are not expected to be top diplomats.  Hopefully, this post will be read by top diplomats in Beijing."


Keep posting positive energy suggestions.  USA, China and many Nations have paid staff reading and monitoring worthwhile posts on the Internet.  Have confidence that your posts are worthwhile.

A background article on OBOR.
« Last Edit: 2017-07-26, 23:26:50 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
Comment:  Real reason on the present India China Border Conflict?

From an Indian Scholar.

"India is somewhat jealous of the One Belt One Road attention China is getting.  India just wants to show the World that China is not all good.  The intrusion and pushing by the unarmed Indian Soldiers is meant to provoke and test the reaction of China."

"As expected, the Chinese press and Internet users have warmonger reactions.  The Official Chinese Agency did not show the image of a Great, Peaceful Nation."

Tseung: "What is the best thing China can do?"

"As a top Diplomat or Think Tank, I would suggest that - China should openly ask India on its intentions nicely.  China could say that since the Indian Soldiers were unarmed, India does not war.  Just ask India to state its concerns openly in United Nations or any suitable setting.  Yelling, barking and pushing Indian Soldiers back is not the greatest diplomatic act."

Tseung: "The local commanders are not expected to be top diplomats.  Hopefully, this post will be read by top diplomats in Beijing."

Indian Scholar: "India can have a faster GDP growth rate than China in the coming years."

Tseung: "How?"

Indian Scholar: "In 2008, China embarked on a massive Infrastructure project with thin-air money.  China used capital, knowledge and technology well.  India is learning that lesson.  The growth in India will not depend on exports or the World Market.  India can just build, build and build with the latest knowledge and technology.  India can print thin-air money too."

Tseung: "No Wars!"

*** Almost any Nation can use the above model.  Stimulate and increase the Meaningful Economic Activities with appropriate increases in thin-air money.  Learn, master and improve the technology, technology and technology.  Get the Citizens rich and improve their standards of living.  The OBOR projects will help - China is willing to pass out capital, knowledge and technology.
« Last Edit: 2017-07-27, 06:55:01 by ltseung888 »
Group: Guest
Indian Scholar: "India can have a faster GDP growth rate than China in the coming years."

Tseung: "How?"

Indian Scholar: "In 2008, China embarked on a massive Infrastructure project with thin-air money.  China used capital, knowledge and technology well.  India is learning that lesson.  The growth in India will not depend on exports or the World Market.  India can just build, build and build with the latest knowledge and technology.  India can print thin-air money too."

Tseung: "No Wars!"

*** Almost any Nation can use the above model.  Stimulate and increase the Meaningful Economic Activities with appropriate increases in thin-air money.  Learn, master and improve the technology, technology and technology.  Get the Citizens rich and improve their standards of living.  The OBOR projects will help - China is willing to pass out capital, knowledge and technology.

Indian Scholar: "Just make sure the politicians are not corrupt and put the increased money in their own pockets.  Singapore is a good model to learn from.  Joining OBOR may mean a loss of face but political climates change like the weather."
Group: Guest
Indian Scholar: "What does China gain in building a road to Bhutan now?  Can China wait and build the road when the relationship is better?"

Tseung: "I believe that China is over-excited with One Belt One Road.  It feels that improving the transportation to all its neighbors is a good thing.  It never considers itself as an aggressor.  It has no intention of attacking or conquering neighboring Nations.  But India thinks otherwise.  India still remembers the 1962 war."

Indian Scholar: "The act of some unarmed soldiers walking over the border, pushing and trying to stop the construction of a road is not serious in the eyes of Indians.  It is a strong way of telling the Chinese Government and the International Community that India feels threatened as the construction of the road is near the chicken neck (a sensitive strategic area) in India."

Tseung: "Is there any other way of showing that concern?"

Indian Scholar: "The cost of a few hundred unarmed soldiers crossing the border got International Publicity.  USA and Japan are more willing to assist and invest in India.  The Indian population is spurted on to be more united to build the Infrastructures.  The unarmed Indian Troops will withdraw.  The coming cold weather and snow is likely to cause a natural withdrawal.  The strategic objective of raising  International attention has been achieved."

Tseung: "It soured the relationship between India and China.  The anti-Chinese feeling is rising in India.  The Chinese Press and Internet users presented the incident as an invasion from India."

Indian Scholar: "In politics, there are no real friends nor enemies.  The politicians play the public opinion to their advantage.  The USA politics right now is more serious to the stability of the World."
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