That is not a rational argument. For any overunity process or any new alleged phenomenon, it can be argued that it works, but that measuring devices cannot measure or detect it because they can only measure underunity or detect conventional phenomena.
Provide the measurement or detection protocol, data, and the difference in results between H2 + 1/2 O2 and alleged HHO. The rest is mythology.
First off,i do not recall stating anything being overunity,only an increase in thermal efficiency when HHO is added to the combusting mix of fuel/air in an ICE.
As i stated in the other thread--there is no point in introducing HHO into an engine with an ECU or other similar control mechanisms. As soon as a leaner exhaust gas(due to adding HHO) is detected by the O2 sensors of an engine fitted with such control unit's,the ECU will automatically increase the amount of fuel being delivered to the engine,as the ECU now thinks the engine is not receiving enough fuel,and is running to lean which may result in damage to the engine.
The best engine to use is one you have full control of-an engine that dose not have an ECU which adjusts things that do not need to be adjusted when using HHO-->like fuel ratio's.
The engine i used for my tests was a carbureted engine--an el-cheapo chinese version of the honda e200,which i call chonda engines.
Those that think they can just pump HHO gas into todays engines that have ECUs are just running a lost race.
Those that use the correct engines,and set those engines up to account for the addition of HHO gas,will see increases in efficiencies greater than any ECU controlled engine--and thats a fact.
Provide the measurement or detection protocol, data, and the difference in results between H2 + 1/2 O2 and alleged HHO. The rest is mythology.
First of water is the ash of the burned HHO,and so has nothing to do with the subject at hand,which is adding HHO to an engines fuel mix to increase efficiency--even when that engine provides the energy needed to produce the HHO in the first place.
Why dose it work?
1-you can lean out your fuel to air ratio when adding HHO,and have no loss in power.
2-you can increase the compression ratio of the engine when adding HHO to the fuel mix,while still using the standard fuel (which is 95 octane here in Oz) without running into detonation problems,which results in an increase in power while still using the same amount of gasoline fuel.
3-When HHO is added to the engines fuel/air mix,the flame velocity is increased. This means that the timing can be retarded so as ignition happens closer to TDC. This then means that more of the fuels energy is used to force the piston down after TDC,and less before TDC. This also results in a net power gain from the engine.
4- Due to higher compression ratio's,and the faster flame velocity,the thermal efficiency of the engine is also raised. This means that less of the fuels energy is transformed into waste heat,and more into mechanical energy.
Here is a video i did a long time ago.
Here we are using an unmodified cheap chonda engine,a HHO dry cell made from scrap i had lying around,and a dynamotor from the 1940's as the generator to drive the HHO cell. 3 very average,very in-efficient devices all mixed together. You will note that i have the air cleaner off the engine to insure the engine is running as lean as possible without modifying the carby.
The first run is with the generator unloaded,and no HHO going to the engine.
The second timed run is with the generator driving the HHO cell,and the produced HHO is sent to the engine.
You will note that we are now drawing around 250 watts from the generator during the second timed run.
So the old generator would be what--70% efficient at best?
The HHO cell made from scrape would be what--50% efficient at best?
So you have to ask,with all these losses,why do we get a longer run time on the same amount of fuel when the HHO system is in play?.
I now have better generators/alternators.
I now have a far better-far more efficient 15 plate dry cell for producing HHO.
Whats the bet i can increase the run time by 30%,using all my good gear-->care to make a wager F6FLT ?

I will even place a good fixed load on the motor/generator in both run's.
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