Have you tried more turns on the split toroid to lower the large H field and if so, did you still see a CW BH curve?
Hi Pm, I tried many different setups. This CW BH curve presents mystery which bothering me for many years. I still haven't decided whether it is real or not. One one side even people who not aware about FE produce curves like this (see Fig-4.jpg attached). It is not fully CW BH but have two CW regions. On the other side, I got these fully CW BH curves and it should give energy gain. But I can't see gain directly in flyback like setup. So, may be my measurements flawed? I build three different traces and all of them gives some CW BH curves. I even found old C. Steinmentz paper presenting such curves (pic.png). Also thermodynamics suggests that it should be possible. So, it should be real ?  To obtain such curve, core need to be driven into deep saturation. This requires currents like 10 or 30 amps. This present significant technical difficulty. If we use longer coil, we got significant loses on a wire resistance and issues with parasite capacitance. Another issue is that curve is non linear, and non-linearity is different during magnetization and demagnetization, so analog integrator gives significant error. This is interesting research topic but unfortunately my resources are limited, so I don't have all answers (yet). Regards, Vasik