Hi Partzman,
Interesting core arrangement, I haven't tried it like this  The issue with such setups is that mu of magnet is almost 1 (like an air gap). But in order to increase useful energy we need reduce it so we get more energy in core and coils.
Thanks for the comment! Yes I understand the mu of the PM but I don't understand what you mean exactly by needing to reduce it, or do you mean to reduce the effects of the low mu on the overall circuit operation? Losses in coil can be calculated as I^2 R t, so decreasing pulse time you can decrease losses at the same time rising voltage proportionally to achieve same peak current.
Regards, -V.
Again I agree, so I re-ran the test with a 60v dc supply to compare the losses in the primary to see if the gain is due to decreased loss in the coil or possibly due to adiabatic charging of the coil. When keeping the peak input current the same as well as the load used in the 120v dc test, the COP = .9355 with a 60v dc supply. The dcr of the 146 turn coil is .67 ohms. In the test posted earlier, the input mean current is 61.05ma for a period of 3.06us resulting in a loss of 8nJ. Using a 60v dc supply with all else kept the same except the input period, the input mean current is 65.3ma for a period of 6.524us resulting in a loss of 19nJ. The current measurements in this case should be in rms so we should apply a correction factor but I think as we shall see, the results would be insignificant either way. So, the gain resulting from the decrease in I^2 R t at 120v dc is ~11nJ. This is ~.05% of the average input energy. The gain in COP however is ~(1.02-.94)/.94 = 8.5%. It would appear the gain increase is coming from some source other than just the decrease in coil loss. Regards, Pm