Ok,below is my results from Poynt's cap test. You will see that the cap value is 3.3nF,and not 2.2nF as specified--reason being,i dont have a 2.2nF cap. This results in a lower frequency to achieve maximum amplitude across the 100R
While we are at it,i have a couple of questions about the math trace,which i included in each test.
1-Dose the math trace give us an indication of the power factor?-in that,the more of the math trace that is above the 0 volt line,the better-or closer the power factor is to 1,and the more the math trace becomes half above the 0 volt line,and half below the 0 volt line,the worse the power factor-->closer to 0.
This would seem to be the case,when looking at the V/I phase relationship in each test,where test two(the second scope shot and schematic)shows V and I to be nearly in phase with each other,while scope shot and schematic 1,show the V and I phases to be out by about 65*.
2- Using the value of the math trace,where it is all above the 0 volt line(as in scope shot 2),and converting that to an RMS value,dose this give you a P/out value?
Anyway,the tests are as shown below--who here can calculate the result's?.
So next i will change out the 100 ohm resistor for a grain of wheat bulb,and also place a bulb of the same between the inductor and cap. These two bulbs should both glow with the same amount of brightness--correct?
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