Well, as long as you aren't a terrible smeller, it should be OK !
Meanwhile, back at the ranch....
One Tesla Bifilar (TBF) flat coil as "primary" being fed with sinewave signal (Blue) from ElCheepo DDS FG at 10V p-p, through a 9.4 ohm precision noninductive resistor with a scope probe across the resistor (Yellow). One monofilar coil with same amount of wire and turns as "secondary" mounted co-axially about 1 cm away from "primary", used as sense coil, directly connected to scope probe (Purple). One scope shot at 5 seconds/division horizontally, while FG scans across frequency range. (Two full 30 second scans shown.) Another scope shot at the resonant frequency of the TBF coil. Both shots show that the voltage across the current-viewing resistor "flatlines" at the TBF coil's resonant frequency, which should mean that there is no current flowing. Right? Yet the voltage trace from the "secondary" monofilar pickup coil shows clearly that there is voltage induced in that coil. So there must still be a substantial alternating magnetic field happening in the TBF coil. Right?
« Last Edit: 2017-04-21, 05:08:54 by TinselKoala »