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2025-03-31, 23:27:10
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Author Topic: Charging Batteries and Capacitors with Radiant Electricity  (Read 89718 times)
Group: Guest
  I believe the way to produce Radiant Electricity from Radiant Energy has been up to now exclusively by the use of capacitors to convert one form of energy to another more useable form of electricity.  This has been done by the unique ability of the capacitor to separate the charges from the Aether into both + and - .  There may be other forms of doing the same thing to create useable radiant electricity.
  I believe the homemade batteries and cells that some people are working on now, although galvanic in nature,  may be doing basically the same thing by separating the charges out of the Aether, and not just from the chemical reaction, which eventually drains the battery and kills the dipole.  The cement cells even after many months still continue to produce energy with no obvious deterioration.  This energy obtained by the cells when connected in series will fill capacitors and batteries, which appears to last even longer than normal current, and has a higher potential than the Tesla plate-capacitor-ground set-up that people have tried so far.  The disadvantage of using mostly potential type devices is limited to just the lighting of Leds, cfls, etz...  Or not?
  The point that Grumpy makes of the "indirect" approach is a very important point, as there is no actual use or draw of the source, and therefore also no discharging of it,  either.  But, Are there any examples of this?

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
As the high speed charges balance out by coming together we see photons.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
What is a "cement cell"?

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
I look at all forms of induction as a transfer of momentum between two things:

Moving magnet
Moving charged object
Changing field forces
Combinations of forces
Group: Guest
  Cement Cell:  there is no induction there.  Nor moving objects. The cause of the power is supposed to come from a chemical galvanic reaction.  This reaction is caused to happen by two different metals acting as electrodes along with an electrolyte.  The output is electrical in nature, and not magnetic.   This is how normal batteries like lead acid batteries function, to produce power, at the expence of the metals that are giving off of themselves, and being dissolved in the process. The difference is they did to be charged and produce nothing by themselves. Not exactly how the cement or crystal power cell function but close enough for a short description.  The cement cells were originally  developed by John Bedini, Lidmotor, as well as others like myself.
  But, our cement cells don't discharge or need to be recharged and are perpetually producing usable power, although at low voltage (less than 2 volts per cell) and low current of less that 70 or mA per cell, also.  But these cells can be connected in series to produce up to 110 volts or more, and will also charge both batteries as well as capacitors, up to their same voltage and current levels.  I hope this helps. 
Group: Guest
   Like Gk said "not enough wires". 

But there's more than enough wire in the transformer to light the 60W / 240V lamp. No radiant needed - LOL


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
So, a cement cell is just a homemade battery, and once you mention the name "Bedini", I lose all interest.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
check this out:  http://cr.middlebury.edu/es/altenergylife/electric_car_page.htm

 :o  30kWh  :o

Batteries aren't even a practical option.  Even if you are charging them for "free"!   :D
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