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Author Topic: Charging Batteries and Capacitors with Radiant Electricity  (Read 89720 times)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

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He said one could hook a drill or tv or....
I would like to see that before anybody goes down this rabbit hole. One pill will make you smaller the other taller.

Betcha the power strip is filled with NiCd batteries. The LED blinks too. Odd...

Or an even simpler test would be to unplug itself and use in a registered UL fashion, like put the plug in a wall socket and move the lamp or a drill into the other empty recepticles.
He also stated that he would release the specifications in one year in order to escape the MIBs. He would be in Levinworth right now.

Here is my outline of the situation:

  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:-)
  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:-)
  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:-)

Group: Guest
  I'd hate to state an opinion, we may have to leave this one for the in house OU detective, Wattsup.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

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 Not enough wires!  ;D


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Does anyone here have any experience with "radiant electricity"?  If not, then this thread is pointless. 

Darkspeed did some interesting experiments, but have not heard from him in a long time.

Many others talk about it, but the important questions are never answered.
Hero Member

Posts: 805
 OMG, The power strip is running in closed loop, that means P(out) / P(in) > 1, he cut straight to the chase!  Boy o boy, this is exciting, I'm on this like a hawk!  You guys are so wrong in assuming he 'faked' it, but he had to say that to get it past the MIBs who censor everything, wow, that's very good thinking!  

I also did an analysis of the audio track and I can see an interesting output waveform that is higher than the hearing range of us humans, and it was because my dog started barking, that I got the idea.  Thank you Tiger, you saved the day!  This waveform, after I filter out the lower frequencies, looks very similar to romerouk's output waveform, complete with even those "flat spots"  that are very mysterious.  I couldn't resist and integrated the waveform to see what the flux looks like and the asymmetry is just so interesting, there are obviously "virtual S-poles" that are wider but ride on a bias, which I've set to zero, since I don't know a priory.  This needs further investigation, absolutely!

I also used VirtualDub to analyze every frame of the video, and there are NO WIRES GOING INTO THE TABLE, had to make sure before wattsup applied his skills.  Also the VOLUME of the power strip enclosure is so small that output of 400 watts would deplete any Batteries in about 7.5 second, so there's no way this is a UPS power strip, anybody who says that should be banned, as to not interfere with this great replication project, the simplest and greatest I have ever seen!  Stefan Hartmen should be alerted about this immediately, this could bring in some serious viewer traffic to the OU website and translate into lots of money for the jack pot, and I'm sure this invention will win it, just need two or three other replicators, who's with me on this?  Professor, this one's right up your alley, I knew I shouldn't have abandoned my "JouleThief" experiments, it's all in the dV/dt and how quickly it rises. The ferrets act like chokes, but more than that, as we learned from the TPU, magnetostriction makes them resonate and I bet you a vortex is created that literally pulls elections from the sky and can charge capacitors and batteries with this obvious form of RADIANT ELECTRICITY.  Wow, my head is spinning again. 



 ;D  :D >:( :o 8) >:-) :P

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3975

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Trouble is to get any real power out to drive a car would require 65KWh which would be 650 of these can you imagine fitting 650 extension sockets in your boot, it wouldn't look good, on this basis i don't think it's viable  >:-)
Group: Elite
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Posts: 3537
It's turtles all the way down
Wow using a diode, what a novel idea, who would ever have thought of that? Pay no attention to that left hand and it's unusual hold on the strip. The power is in the grip.

Dr. Lirpa Sloof has been around a long time and seems to resurface every now and then. First use of the character by Hugo Gernsback, probably back in the 30's.

Problem is, newbies will eat this up......a waste of bandwidth IMHO.

"Secrecy, secret societies and secret groups have always been repugnant to a free and open society"......John F Kennedy
Hero Member

Posts: 520

One of the comments to his video was this.

DR Lipra  Sloof. = Dr April Fools backwards. He even said ,"mark this date", "i feel like such a fool". Pretty clever
weezhum 2 months ago.


It would be good if you could analyze the audio track of Romeros Video 2 and 3 for comparison. @Plengo is still on the wayside. I think he is looking for clues to still support those videos are real but if you did a sound sound analysis (pun intended) maybe it will help him pass the reality barrier into Realsville.

As for @chrisC, based on his recent attack at me on OU, the guy probably either has mental issues or his brain is over-mineralized from eating so much crow at  high altitudes. He thinks just because we prove Romero is a fake, that we do not believe such wheels are possible, but he could not be further from the truth. OUers have the responsibility of being as discerning as possible while following the path to OU. The path is riddled with jokers, both the video making kind and the cry-babying kind. Romero is the former while @chricC is the latter. That is reality. We've seen it before.



Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
This thread has become an April Fools joke.
Hero Member

Posts: 805
Oh no, this thread still has a lot of potential!  Lol   ;D

Seriously, radiant electricity is dangerous, I call it ionizing radiation most of the time.

But I'll donate to the idea pool, use a long wire that is tied to a tall building, this will span a voltage potential due to the ionosphere that is about 100 V/m, so 10 meters of vertical wire is 1 kV, but you need current to flow, so stick a bottle washer at the tip to facilitate electron transfer to the air and you will have your current.  This is old school stuff.

Group: Guest
   IF this were fake then it would be easy to replicate, now wouldn't it.  Who will show how easy it is to fake.
Although some thought the same with the TPU, but NOBODY has replicated it in ANY way, even to prove the point.
In any case, this has got us going, Lasersaber is a great actor,  and a great builder.   But, I don't doubt it for a second, that if it were a real device, that the men in suits would not rush in, to do what they do best.  As GK mentioned that this might happen in any case, as they are the first to be fooled, as happened with SM.  Right?
Group: Guest
   This thread is not going anywhere?
  Up to now nobody has really been able to make electricity using only voltage, with no current, or if so, they are not showing it.  Don't think that this thread is going nowhere.  NOW there is interest. 
  To mention what others have done before, with the same insignificant results, is not moving forward.
  I have mentioned the charging of both capacitors and well as batteries, and its as if I'm talking to myself, with no comment from you.  If you are expecting results to be placed in your lap, that may not happen. As those results, are worth more than just money, and are not being given away as a open source project.  At least not yet.

   When somebody claims that the result of any project are fake, then it becomes the responsibility of that person to prove the point, by reproducing the exact same results, but showing how it was faked.  Nobody has done that with any of these supposed faked projects.  That is not to say that I personally have an opinion concerning this last video.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
   This thread is not going anywhere?
  Up to now nobody has really been able to make electricity using only voltage, with no current, or if so, they are not showing it.  Don't think that this thread is going nowhere.  NOW there is interest. 
  To mention what others have done before, with the same insignificant results, is not moving forward.
  I have mentioned the charging of both capacitors and well as batteries, and its as if I'm talking to myself, with no comment from you.  If you are expecting results to be placed in your lap, that may not happen. As those results, are worth more than just money, and are not being given away as a open source project.  At least not yet.

I can make RE any time, can you?  Do you have any idea how to make it or what it is?  I make my own results.  I don't depend on others for them.
Group: Guest
      When somebody claims that the result of any project are fake, then it becomes the responsibility of that person to prove the point, by reproducing the exact same results, but showing how it was faked.  Nobody has done that with any of these supposed faked projects.  That is not to say that I personally have an opinion concerning this last video.

Hi Nick,

Check out my fake TPU at:-



Group: Guest
   I am not arguing with you.   If you make your own RE, then why don't you share that.  YOU asked a question, which I answered in my own way, ok, nobody too interested, that's ok.  Then you say this thread is going nowhere. Maybe it's not.  If you know how to make RE,  what is the point, or is this a riddle?

  I'd like to be educated like Milehigh is.   
Group: Guest
   Like Gk said "not enough wires". 
Group: Guest
   The reason that I started posting in this thread is because I am interested.  I have not made the antenna capacitor ground type set-up that I've seen in the Tesla patent, or the many videos on youtube on the subject.  I have not tried it Yet, because of all the results obtained by most if not all of the replications, up to now, have been rather disappointing.  If on the other hand there is some new and improved way now, that I may not be aware of, to replicate and obtain higher current levels, that would be great to know.  I do know what static electricity is, also, radiant, or cold electricity etz... and it's not a mistery in getting it into a battery or capacitor, but doing it in a strong and powerful way along with some current, is the trick.  That I don't know. Does anyone?
Group: Guest
 He thinks just because we prove Romero is a fake, ...


Hahhaha. DORK!

Group: Guest

I have never seen a single technical posting made by you.  So am I correct that you are not technical?  Your main roles are to encourage OU experimentation and to discourage people that challenge the experimentation?

Just curious.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
The easiest way to create what is called the "radiant electric effect" is to apply HV DC impulses to a long coil of wire.  You do not need resonance, as this is not a resonant effect.  The impulse must be in one direction.  I use a stack of avalanche transistors, but I did get a spark gap to work with magnetic quenching as have others.  Triacs should also work, but I have not tried them.  Use of a delay line to turn the switch off works great.

I have seen several fraud's charging batteries and caps with what they call radiant electricity or radiant current.  People new to the concept fall for this like kids for candy.  As far as I know, the effect can not manifest in the discharge of an inductor.  However, this discharge could be applied to a long coil same as a capacitor discharge.

I am not sure what it is.

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3975

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If by radiant energy we use the example where Tesla was lighting light bulbs across a large sectional copper u bend which to all intense purposes should have been a dead short then i would say that Radiant energy is all over the place, when constructing multilayer pcbs guess why using a ground plane is good practise with multiple points of contact to stop EM bursts and pulses, you can have a copper track that's real short but can have high voltage burst across it's length.

Look at the overhead DC power lines Tesla was brough in to stop people dying, the solution was to introduce suppression at the switching point this alleviated the large initial discharges that were causing problems.

Conclusion is that most EM noise is radiant in nature, scope the mains supply or any other supply come to that, if you are seeing large transients then it's likely to be radiant in nature, we are sourrounded by them, all we need is a way to capture them, the answer to this is to use a capacitor but because each transient has it's own characteristics then we cannot find just one capacitor to capture the energy easily, if we use the printed circuit board ground plane method and capacively couple to sources of radiant energy then maybe we can use the ground plane as a sink but because it's grounded we would not see a potential.

Tesla was abruptly sending high energy radiant pulses through the air using his abrupt-ed generator across a short piece of wire, he could feel these in the air passing him, he found that metal objects and plates would gain a net charge, this would be because the air around him was a dielectric and the metal plates were being charge in respect to ground and were capacitive in nature and therefore were able to be charge and attain a potential voltage.

but if Tesla was using a short piece of wire to generate radiant energy then so can we, how about all the little tracks that carry switching current on a PCB, could they also produce radiant events, well if the PCB is designed poorly then sure they can, must add that ground plain again to kill them.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

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but if Tesla was using a short piece of wire to generate radiant energy then so can we, how about all the little tracks that carry switching current on a PCB, could they also produce radiant events, well if the PCB is designed poorly then sure they can, must add that ground plain again to kill them.

Or a many stranded wire collector, like speaker wire.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
If by radiant energy we use the example where Tesla was lighting light bulbs across a large sectional copper u bend which to all intense purposes should have been a dead short then i would say that Radiant energy is all over the place, when constructing multilayer pcbs guess why using a ground plane is good practise with multiple points of contact to stop EM bursts and pulses, you can have a copper track that's real short but can have high voltage burst across it's length.

Look at the overhead DC power lines Tesla was brough in to stop people dying, the solution was to introduce suppression at the switching point this alleviated the large initial discharges that were causing problems.

Conclusion is that most EM noise is radiant in nature, scope the mains supply or any other supply come to that, if you are seeing large transients then it's likely to be radiant in nature, we are sourrounded by them, all we need is a way to capture them, the answer to this is to use a capacitor but because each transient has it's own characteristics then we cannot find just one capacitor to capture the energy easily, if we use the printed circuit board ground plane method and capacively couple to sources of radiant energy then maybe we can use the ground plane as a sink but because it's grounded we would not see a potential.

Tesla was abruptly sending high energy radiant pulses through the air using his abrupt-ed generator across a short piece of wire, he could feel these in the air passing him, he found that metal objects and plates would gain a net charge, this would be because the air around him was a dielectric and the metal plates were being charge in respect to ground and were capacitive in nature and therefore were able to be charge and attain a potential voltage.

but if Tesla was using a short piece of wire to generate radiant energy then so can we, how about all the little tracks that carry switching current on a PCB, could they also produce radiant events, well if the PCB is designed poorly then sure they can, must add that ground plain again to kill them.

I think Tesla was working with some other aspect of electricity.  Does anyone have a reference from Tesla, where he, himself, states that his hairpin circuit produced the radiant electricity effect?

In Tesla patent, 685957, he provides several means for charging batteries or capacitors with "radiant energy".  I do not know of a reference where Tesla used the term "radiant electricity", and can only assume that Gary Vassalitos (spelling?) was the first to use this term.  I asked a long time ago, perhaps early in this thread, if anyone had a reference where Tesla indicated you could charge a battery with RE, but no one recalled this patent and it is the only reference that I know of where Tesla, battery, and radiant appear together.

Tesla believes that postive particles of high energy are projected from these artificial or natural sources and that the particles are highly charged and transfer their charge to the elevated plate.  When discussing the arc with reflector, he states that UV rays are emmited.  All of the soruces mentioned produce waves of varying energy density and I suspect that momentum is transfered to the elevated plate rather than charged particles.  I have read literary sources that state the angular momentum of particles is constant, and if this is correct then would additional momentum make them move or force them to divide?  They are just clouds after all.

Group: Guest
  I think that there are too different things going on.  One is producing RE out of thin air (so called), and the other is to produce RE by utilizing the normal grid power, and converting that to RE.  I don't understand the purpose of the second idea of conversion of the grid to usable RE.  Is that just to prove that it can be done?

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
  I think that there are too different things going on.  One is producing RE out of thin air (so called), and the other is to produce RE by utilizing the normal grid power, and converting that to RE.  I don't understand the purpose of the second idea of conversion of the grid to usable RE.  Is that just to prove that it can be done?

You can only collect a small amount out of thin air via Tesla's raised palte method.  However, Moray collected much more with his tubes/valves.

In converting mains power to something that runs with gain, you have multiplied your supply.
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