Gents Thanks for the input , especially on the mercury !!  below are a few images I took to explain my thoughts on Abeling ,..while understanding he has additional design claims [some type of "launch" and capture mechanism. I thought the basic weight path holds interest [emphasis My interest so I am attempting a mockup . obviously I am missing something profoundly obvious [being quite serious it would seem a tremendous "overbalance" is staring me in the face I use examples of ten pound weights [for dramatic effect] so I have 50lbs going up and 90lbs going down [yes I see all 9 are not Strait down... seems like it has potential ,but first I'm doing another experiment , a satellite lollypop experiment [will post a pic when I finish.. another hour or so meantime pics of Abeling layout below image 0229 is thye wheel laid over the drive orientation image 0231 is wheel removed to show weight travel on wheel all comments appreciated