@Rosemary I may add - according to mainstream - depending on whether you're a classicist - a string theorist - or a quantum enthusiast - there's either four dimensions or a multiplicity of dimensions where space itself is either expanding or contracting or neither - supported by a universal gravitational field or by a hidden scaffold of stable fixed strings of dark matter - or by fields of photons, electrons, photon neutrinos, electron neutrinos, or either or neither - but actually by gravitons - which have never been found - or by 'darkons' which are also purely speculated. Where energy can never be created or destroyed - except in momentary interactions inside a bubble chamber and unless they're virtual particles - or something else or none of the above. And where hidden force fields comprise invisible particles that can variously be measured or not - that are either existent or not - will be found - will never be found - cannot be found - depending entirely on which school of thinking you subscribe to and whoever pays the most for research. Bedini's proposal that the two hemisphere's of the earth would require different 'builds' is tame compared to conventional theory. Mainstream thinking is postively a Smørrebrød where you can butter it and slice it and add anything you want from baked ham to tachyons or any of the above. Mainstream doesn't have the answer. It has many. And they all differ one from another. If mainstream were consistent there'd be some justification in giving it one's wholehearted support. That is a good point, I remember watching a video on Richard Feynman and one simple question came up--- "what is a magnetic field",lol, my god I have never seen a nobel prize winner squirm and back peddle that much in all my life. Now if the nobel prize winning physicists have no solid proven answer for what a magnetic field is fundamentally then where exactly do we stand in regards to a solid foundation to build on? The fact is we have more than a few competing theories on how things work but none of them give us the really important answers like what is a magnetic,electric and gravic field fundamentally? That is my question, how can we say anything is impossible when we have literally no idea "what" the fundamental forces are? and how can anyone be an expert in anything when they do not know "what" it is they are dealing with? Just today I was reading how some scientists had managed to build a nano-material that would bend microwaves around an object to make it essentially disappear in respect to the source. The lead scientst also said there is no reason why this cannot be applied to light waves as well as the quote--- "science is about always trying to do the impossible". Now if some brilliant scientists who are the world leaders in this field of science tell me that there is no reason why a nano-material could not be manufactured in the future to lets say cover my house and make it invisible and they have for the most part proven this fact then exactly what is impossible? This also raises the question in regards to what 99% of the population might say if someone stated they could make a solid object disappear. I think this is yet another example as to why there are no real experts anymore because the science keeps changing and the technology keeps changing on a daily basis. The exponential growth of knowledge ensures that myself and everyone here is little more than an antiquated dinosaur in respects to what our children will know and see, that is the way it is and the way it has always been throughout history. Our children will look back and call us delusional old farts who really didn't have a clue about much of anything and almost brought this world to the brink of destruction through our ignorance. Personally I have serious reservations about Bedini's claims and his understanding of what it is that may be happening in his devices but if there is something happening it is only a matter of time before someone figures it out, they always do. Regards AC
Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger
“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman