Dear Brad and all.
May I draw your attention to this post over at OU?
Cheers Grum.
Yes ,i seen that one Grum,and would be an interesting experiment--but where to get such a glass rod?.
The current understanding of the magnetic field makes no sense at all. How dose a flow of virtual photons attract or repel another flow of virtual photons

-->it makes no sense at all. Mow,we might accept a flow of virtual photons exiting two magnet's causing an apposing force-like two air hoses blowing out compressed air trying to be force together,but the !south! pole makes no sense using this analogy. It would be like having two vacuum cleaner hoses being brought near to each other,where this flow of virtual photons is entering the south pole of the magnets. So why do the south poles repel each other,when the !so called! flow would cause them to be attracted to each other--just like the two vacuum cleaner hoses would be if bought close together(while the vacuum's are running of course).
What makes sense to me,is a displacement of positive and negative charges-positive charges from one pole of the magnet,and negative charges from the other pole of the magnet. Now we have something that makes sense,as like charges repel,and unlike charges attract

This !virtual photon! stuff just dosnt make any sense,and i think it more a decoy than anything that has any solid background to back it up. Virtual photons can only appear in the context of a direct interaction between charged particles--so what are these charged particles ?.
As i said,i believe that the two poles emit negative and positive charged particles,and the !virtual photon! foowy is nothing more than a bi product of this charged field.
Could the PM be a self sustaining generator that is simply always shorted out?.
From Enjoykin at OU
There is our small experimental setup: Take a glass tube. Clean it from greased sweaty hands with alcohol. Now rub one end of a glass tube with synthetic fabric, and suspend it for the middle by means of a rubber flagella to a rack and bring at in vicinity permanent magnet near the polished end of glass tube.
1. Is there exist any kind of ineraction or force between test electrostatic charge/s (electron/s) in close proximity of southern or northern permanent magnet poles ??
Guys now do the same, but with non polished end.
2. Any interaction or not ??
To undesrtand any electro-magnetic paradox it was quite necessary to understand on prime experiment does the electrostatic test charge and a magnet interact among themselvesSo if we charge this glass rod with a static charge,and we bring either pole of a PM close to that charged glass rod,and it either attracts or repels the glass rod--what dose that tell us?.
If either happens(an attraction or repulsion),then we know that the magnetic field of a PM is indeed a flow of negative and positive charges of some type--maybe nothing more than a static charge that is constantly shorted,and where the motion of the atoms within the magnetic material is producing a constant charge for this continual short.
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