Are you describing chopping of the output power wave creating a localised resonant feedback loop ?
Exactly. When current's flowing through a coil, any time you open that circuit you get a big voltage spike. In this circuit, it is the equivalent of a bridge rectifier running into a large capacitor bank, 99% of the time. At a very brief instant, the circuit is opened, causing a BIG voltage spike and doing *something* within and/or between the transformer cores. Regauging, changing permeability, flux compression, BEMF feedback, we're not sure what the actual mechanism is, only what rough parameters the effects show up under. Anyway, what is the claimed O/I energy ratio?
Output variable between 5-10 watts total on his setup. The input is a resonant tank and depending on timing, it can go to zero or slightly negative. So, COP goes up past undefined, but the sum output to both windings are limited.
When you say something is impossible, you have made it impossible