Bessler said:
Good evening,
I have read several English translations of what are purported to be the writings of Bessler. I am being told by experts that what I am reading is not correct. Being the rebel I am, I defied the experts, and clicked the mouse anyway. I could feel the blood flowing through my veins. my heart was beating. a small bead of sweat.........................
hahaha gotcha.
Isaac Newton said something like "y'all cant get more mojo out of a system than you put into that thar thang."
If anyone knows the actual quote feel free to add it to this thread.
Well.....far be it for me to argue with Isaac.
Consider this: If I take a bicycle and flip it over so the front tire spins freely, and give it a big push, the momentum keeps it going for a while.
Now when it slows down, and you push it again it keeps going.
This is the secret to perpetual motion.
Cant see the forest yet because of the trees? Entertain me.
The bicycle wheel is a system.
YOU are a system.
You a system, introduced energy into a seperate system.
Now lets expand on this. Let me cut some trees down.
If I know you are going to push the wheel, and when, I can utilize almost all of the momentum in the spinning bicycle wheel for whatever I want, and the wheel will keep spinning.
Lets take this further.
If I have a system "System 1" that can leverage the momentum into another system "System 2" at a 6 to one ratio and add to that the affects of gravity, leverage that momentum into yet another system "System 3" at a 6 to one ratio and add the affects of gravity and leverage that momentum back into "System 1" at a 6 to one ratio...... wait a minute. If I were a magician, this would be where I would say TADA!!
We have 3 totally independent systems interacting with each other and leveraging all the momentum except a very small amount into each other in the form of a "CLOSED LOOP"
Because we have 8 weights we can utilize ALL of the momentum generated except what it takes to make the wheel spin 1/8 of a turn.
Bessler was by no means mad. He was a genius.
My failure will help others, because I am sharing it.

Note to all: This thread will remain friendly!