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Author Topic: How Bessler made it work. Live Build 6 part series.  (Read 28562 times)
Group: Guest
Human nature is an interesting thing. I watch the news these days and read how Bessler was mad, or had a bad temper, and would like to share a different paradigm.

What would you have done? In Bessler's place, what reaction would have been acceptable? Sure we all would like to imagine we would be noble and give the secret to mankind.

But would you? Really? If you decided to protect your idea, wouldn't smashing the wheels be the only route to take?

Perception is the key to understanding anything.

Now people of opportunity have chosen to write books about the subject and use translations in those books. It is in their financial interest to discredit any translation that differs from  theirs.

If we discredit actual clues, for the purpose of selling books, does that agenda help or hinder the process of finding the answer?

If a solution is found, the book sales are over.

Think about that for a minute. Let that sink in.

I will be describing and building a wheel according to the clues left by Bessler.

Let's work TOGETHER!
Let's build this thing.

My failure will help others, because I am sharing it. :)

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Group: Guest
All of the following posts are my opinion and my opinion alone.

I will be building according to what I have read. If you want to build a version with different parts that would be great. However, unless I solicit advice, please refrain from asking me to deviate to try some idea you may have. Lets keep this simple. For me. haha

My failure will help others, because I am sharing it. :)

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Group: Guest
For the first few days I will be posting my theory, and answering any questions I can.

I will then post a time when I will start building in real time.

I will explain each part. Then I will build the part and post pictures.
This will be a series which will include 6 parts plus testing should the design work.

I will be dividing up the series into 6 parts as follows.

Prime Mover

This is not necessarily in the order I will be building them.

My failure will help others, because I am sharing it. :)

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Group: Guest
I want to make everything clear, I will be building and posting as I build. If I run out of material and need to buy more, the final pictures of that section of the build will be delayed.

I will be using what I have on hand as much as possible, but I am sure I will have to make a run to the supply house before this is over.

Please be patient.

I cannot work on this everyday. It will most likely be once a week. I will try to complete the section I start the day I start it.

My failure will help others, because I am sharing it. :)

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Group: Guest
Bessler said:

Good evening,

  I have read several English translations of what are purported to be the writings of Bessler. I am being told by experts that what I am reading is not correct. Being the rebel I am, I defied the experts, and clicked the mouse anyway. I could feel the blood flowing through my veins. my heart was beating. a small bead of sweat.........................

hahaha gotcha.

Isaac Newton said something like "y'all cant get more mojo out of a system than you put into that thar thang."

If anyone knows the actual quote feel free to add it to this thread.

Well.....far be it for me to argue with Isaac.


Consider this: If I take a bicycle and flip it over so the front tire spins freely, and give it a big push, the momentum keeps it going for a while.

Now when it slows down, and you push it again it keeps going.

This is the secret to perpetual motion.

Cant see the forest yet because of the trees? Entertain me.

The bicycle wheel is a system.
YOU are a system.

You a system, introduced energy into a seperate system.

Now lets expand on this. Let me cut some trees down.

If I know you are going to push the wheel, and when, I can utilize almost all of the momentum in the spinning bicycle wheel for whatever I want, and the wheel will keep spinning.

Lets take this further.

If I have a system "System 1" that can leverage the momentum into another system "System 2" at a 6 to one ratio and add to that the affects of gravity, leverage that momentum into yet another system "System 3" at a 6 to one ratio and add the affects of gravity and leverage that momentum back into "System 1" at a 6 to one ratio...... wait a minute. If I were a magician, this would be where I would say TADA!!

We have 3 totally independent systems interacting with each other and leveraging all the momentum except a very small amount into each other in the form of a "CLOSED LOOP"

Because we have 8 weights we can utilize ALL of the momentum generated except what it takes to make the wheel spin 1/8 of a turn.

Bessler was by no means mad. He was a genius.

My failure will help others, because I am sharing it. :)

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« Last Edit: 2016-07-10, 03:55:05 by Bronco »
Group: Guest
System One The Wheel

The wheel is comprised of an axle and 16 spokes.
There are 8 spokes per side.
There is a connector at the end of each pair of opposing spokes.

Imagine a Ferris Wheel with nothing inside except the axle.

The wheel leverages its momentum into the Prime Mover.

My failure will help others, because I am sharing it. :)

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Group: Guest
System Two The Prime Mover

The Prime mover is comprised of a disc/wheel, a pendulum and an axle.

The Prime Mover leverages its momentum into the weights.

My failure will help others, because I am sharing it. :)

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Group: Guest
System Three The Weights and Levers

This is self explanatory.
There are 8 weights.
There are 8 specially designed levers.

The weights leverage their momentum into the wheel.

My failure will help others, because I am sharing it. :)

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Group: Guest

    I am sure there are people reading who have all kinds of translations of what Bessler wrote.

Well instead of arguing which ones are real or not, I would like to find the translation that matches the device I am building.

Here are some example of phrases and words I recall reading years ago. These are from memory and not word for word of course.

"The weights are like bells trapped within the spokes of a wagon wheel."

"The arrow Shoots"

"There is a high drum and a low drum."

"I call this my grinding stone or grindstone"

"Children playing on pillars"

"Peacock tail"

"weights come close together"

"Yes there are springs but not being used the way you think"

"There is a hole in the center of the weight"

"There are 8 weights"

"There are 8 levers"

"There is a swishing noise just before the weight hits"

"Everything must go round together"

"dog wagging his tail" Or something about wagging

These are some of the clues I read years ago which are the clues I am using to build.

If someone can find the translations which contain these phrases and post them in their entirety, that would be a great asset to this thread.

My failure will help others, because I am sharing it. :)

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Group: Guest
The Build
Part I The Axles

In order to build the axle first we must know what to build.

A picture is worth 1000 words they say so lets look at a picture, or drawing if you will.

On the side of the drawing of the covered Bessler wheel I noticed something. There is a piece the pendulum hooks to on the exterior of the axle.

Let examine this for a minute and see what we can deduce from the drawing.

We see a small inner axle. Then we see the end of a sleeve going over the inner axle. There is an axle within an axle.

Now I do not believe the sleeve rotates. I believe the inner axle rotates and the sleeve oscillates with the back and forth motion of the pendulum.

Now if this is the case, we now can see MORE. The wheel turns, so the covered part must turn too.

So there is and axle within an axle within an axle.

This is why watchmakers and clock makers would be able to figure this out easier than the common man. Axles over axles are common in their line of work.

Did Bessler mention something about this?

I have attached a sketch of what I am talking about.

The black center is the inner axle.

The red circle is the sleeve that the prime mover is connected to.
This does not rotate.

The blue is the hub that spins on the sleeve that the spokes are hooked to which spins at the same speed as the inner axle.

Please wait for the pictures before asking about details and measurements.

Thank You

My failure will help others, because I am sharing it. :)

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Group: Guest
Now after evaluating the design
we can deduce even more.

We can now understand that Bessler created a lever inside the wheel that can be operated from outside of the wheel when the wheel is turning.

Seems to me that is kind of nifty to be able to manipulate whats inside from the outside AS IT TURNS.

My failure will help others, because I am sharing it. :)

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Group: Guest
July 10,2016
12:00pm Eastern Standard Time

All times are tentative and subject to change.

(I have a life outside of this forum people.)  8)

My failure will help others, because I am sharing it. 8)

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Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
What are your thoughts on John Frederick Worton's
web pages?
  He has quite a lot of detailed info
on the mystery.

Has it been solved?

You are engaged in a worthy endeavor.  What is puzzling
is how such a complex machine could have been conceived
of and actually constructed some 300 years ago!

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
I am not familiar with him or his work.

I do not know who the author of the translations I read years ago was. It might be from him.

His name does not sound familiar.

My failure will help others, because I am sharing it. 8)

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Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2780

Buy me a cigar
Dear Bronco.

As a builder of mechanical devices I, for one am more than just a little interested in this topic.

If there's anything that needs some precision machining ( manual ) I am willing to offer my services, there's over 8 tons of engineering equipment just lying idle in my workshop..... Say the word..... ;) 

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Guest

Thank you for your offer.

My failure will help others, because I am sharing it. 8)

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« Last Edit: 2016-07-10, 16:57:38 by Bronco »
Group: Guest
The Axles

Hello world. All you ILLEGAL aliens, get off the planet!

If you were born here, you can stay.

Now I am almost 100% sure that Bessler used an axle.
So I am going to now find something to use as an axle from my USEFUL pile of Junque. These are not anteeks, but just Junque.

I shall go look for one and return with a photo.

My failure will help others, because I am sharing it. 8)

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Group: Guest
Now where did the post with the picture go?
Group: Guest
This is not going to work for me.

One hour of attempting to post and not even one picture has been loaded.

Have a great day!

I am going to the beach.

I can get to every other page on the internet. Its not my connection.

This makes attempt number 8, of trying to give this information to the world.

Maybe next year.

If you figure out the connection let me know. Its not on my end and I am not going attempt to post 3000 times to get a couple hundred posts to go through.

Private message me if you like, I seem to be able to get those and send those although they are very slow also. At least they go through.

Group: Guest
Group: Guest
Well  shall we try again?

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...

Attention Admin

Please review the above article.

Thank you.
I'm not an expert in DNS stuff, but it seems to me that using a DNS server in one region, could make it for slow access in another far away region. Forums are used by folks from all around North America and Europe, so where is the best place to use a DNS server?

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2780

Buy me a cigar
Well  shall we try again?

Dear Bronco.

Yes please do....

Admin are aware of your problems I hope you stay with us.

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Guest
Lets try this again.

I have looked in my pile of Junque and have found an axle.

Its a galvanized bolt 14 inches long with a square head on it.

It has 6 inches of threads and 8 inches of smooth shaft.

It has a diameter of .5625 inches. 9/16
Group: Guest
Hello people.

I went to a friends house and logged on earlier and went to every link on this forum and everything loaded within one second.

Last night on my IP the same thing, pages and replies load in one second.

As soon as I posted what I posted last night my posts are being delayed and in many cases completely disappear.

My posts are being redirected before they reach this forum.

The question is why?

I have the same internet provider as my friend does.

I was told the forum has switched hosting companies but have the same problem. Does it happen right away or a couple days or weeks after you change?

If you change companies and everything is good for a little while then things start messing up again, you have someone intercepting the posts.

If you change companies but it never gets any better from the very start, I would suggest checking the code for the page to see if it is optimized.

Bad code can cause this problem.

It hasn't got any better on my end
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